The most active movement-philosophy of the 20th century was abdication of personal responsibility. I was born in 1930 but knew people from the 19th century. In my lifetime, one value after another, abdicated: movement of goal posts... morality, spirituality, and most of all, political ideology.
One of my friends, military hero, political journalist, who died years ago, said to me in a conversation, “Tom, I have heard you say on the radio thousands of times, people just don't care, you are right, they don’t care.”
The first question in the Bible, God asked Adam and Eve, where are you? Of course, He knew where they were, He knows everything, even the number of hairs on your head. He knows the beginning and then ending of everything, that their would be some that would hate Him, if you still have a pull toward Him in your heart, you are the most fortunate person in the world. He knew the location of Abram in Ur, Moses in the desert, Paul, on that 150 mile road from Jerusalem to Damascus. GOD IS A SEEKER. Christ Himself said, “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.” (John 6:44)
The goal posts in the church have been moved so drastically that Christ, the Saints in glory, and even the Christians of the 19th century would not believe the movement... lesbian and gay bishops, same-sex marriage, military chaplains unable to pray in the name of Christ, agnostics teaching in seminaries, and worst, pastors-shepherds in pulpits openly homosexual.
I was told just yesterday, large Baptist church, mostly card signers, infiltrated by gays, the gays wanting their photograph in the church directory as a couple, two males, two females. Bible colleges and seminaries unable to hire with contracts because of legal recourse from discovered gays. Denominational colleges unable to extend tenure to professors because of discovered homosexuality and law suits... even pastors.
There has never been any secret about how men come to God, chosen by Him, repentance and redemption. You cannot drag along your old life of sin and rejection, perversions and addictions. If homosexuality is right then nothing is wrong. If the liberals, promoting, abortion (killing of babies), promoting, same-sex marriage; promoting, agnosticism in the pulpit and the pews as proffered by democrats, liberal academia, secular news media, then the BASIC CRISTIANITY of one being a new creation, transformed (Romans 12) seeking to please God in everything we do. (2 Cor. 10:31) GOD IS BOSS! He demands trust and we are put here to glorify Him. Unsaved tares (weeds), playing church, do not and cannot glorify Him.
In the magnificent design of Creation, God made male and female to procreate, produce others to glorify Him, his chief creation. How anyone can study the human body, all the sciences of it's morphology (Anatomy, Physiology, Neurology, etc.) just to study the cellular structure, the electronics of mitochondria, and not trust God, is beyond comprehension. Just think, a city the size of metropolitan New York, millions of inhabitants, each with their individual pots and pans, the city dividing, exact reproduction, trillions of times, giving an organism of trillions of cells, each cell, filled with the Holy Spirit of God, the human body, the temple, the bride of Christ, and think, together, the Christian church made up of all these Saints, living and dead and, when we were His enemy, He died for us.
What we are called to as Christians is not easy. In the existentialism of the 20th century, tricksters exponentially confounded us with their ideas of profane thought involving life, (decadence of politics, perversion of the financial world, pornography, self-destruction through addictions, doubts-fears about everything decent) even religious faith.
When I was there, hard work, hard times, I wanted to get away. Now, grateful-pleasant thoughts of the farm on which I and my ancestors were raised. Unforgettable, the hand pump at the pasture well, beautiful cows tuning to drink, from then trough, thirsty for the fresh water. So it is for the Christian, thirsty for the Word of God, always refreshing.
The only place we can live is NOW, yesterday history, tomorrow a mystery. The word in 2012 is to move forward. Promises of a new year, promises of each new day. A good way to start the good new year is as Bishop Sheen said, three words; kindness, kindness, kindness.
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