This writer was crossing Russia on the trans-Siberia railroad. I was in the city of Irkutsk on the shore of lake Baikal (395 miles L x 49 miles W), one of the world's largest lakes, pearl of Siberia, frozen solid at the time. The thing I remember most about this area of Siberia, the destitution, depression and despair. It appeared that most of the buildings had been partially burned at one time. I figured that most wood buildings had caught fire by people trying to stay warm.
Just the day before, I had seen the Soviet railroad police drag a man from the train, beating him simply because he attempted to talk with me. So, It surprised me when an employee at the hotel there began talking with me. I thought he was practicing his English but their knowledge of the world was as limited as the authoritarian, totalitarian, communist system wanted it to be. He wanted to know about Rasputin, the Monk adviser to the Russian Royal Family, who, in the days before the revolution, had been assassinated. I told him, that Rasputin had died as a young man in 1916, defiling the attempt by government to take over the country. A mixture of politics and religion, mysticism and atheism had labeled him as a heretic-anti-Christ. The mysticism continued even about his death, not satisfied, death, burial, dug up and cremated. Improper cremation procedures, the dead body appeared to have sat up while on fire. Words have consequences!
McCarthyism is a loosely described time of involvement and investigation by government in Un-American activities, both House and Senate, based on blacklisting celebrity personalities for their involvement in communist activities, based mostly on Informers.
The famous blacklist contained such celebrities as Ring Lardner, Jr., Orson Bean, Howard Da Silva, Will Geer, Lee Grant, Judy Holliday, Burgess Meredith, and many of whom we never heard from again, but many, picked up the pieces and continued somewhere. This is what happens when the most powerful force of mankind, the tongue, is not bridled, the bit not in place. More lives have been ruined with the tongue than ruined with all the warfare arsenals of mankind. The Un-American activities committees did their damage from 1938 -1969, abolished in 1975.
Future McCarthyism has seen the establishment of the Patriot Act, Bush 43, 2001. Not satisfied, Bush 43 established Homeland Security, now ruled by the Czarina of tyranny, Janet Napolitano. On December 12, 2011 Napolitano started the "If You See Something, Say Something™" Campaign. Posters went up in stores and public buildings instructing citizens to “rat” or “squeal” on fellow citizens... another pitfall in a decadent, once land of the free, home of the brave, America. Beyond comprehension, everyone drunk, New Year's Eve, the democrat, imposter, President Obama, signed into law the NDA Act, taking away the freedom of anyone, JUST ON SUSPICION. A radio talk show hoist said recently, the same thing that a communist Chinese guide said to me 20 years ago, “We are slaves and just beginning to feel the pain of the slave master's whip.”
In communist China, government controls what you search-information... censorship is real. Tyrannical governments will find that censorship of printed material is easier than that coming in form the ether, there are no borders, many wireless procedures, however, in a nation of constitutional integrity, your secrets are only as good as your privacy. We have a right to our secrets, our privacy. It is not government's business what I have in my medicine cabinet, my refrigerator, my supplements. Because of our tax system, government knows more about your business than you do, your credit, your portfolio, your bank account.
My great grandfather was the last man in the county to sign up for FDR's agriculture stabilization program (ASP), acreage controls, crop inspections. Like scared, helpless, dumb, sheep, parents and patriots have been led up into the slaughter pit by the Judas goat of threats, threatened that their children cannot attend school without certain vaccinations, threatened that employment depends on certain tax information, threatened that the sale of real estate depends on certain building inspections. You can have your car, house ransacked by law enforcement simply from someone giving fake-false information. (Informers)
The laws of the Old Testament prophets, commandments of the New Testament were intended for the Gentiles as well as the Jews. Everyone should prepare for unprecedented changes coming into the world, GET REAL. America will never be the same again, it will be a matter of survival. Your family and many of your friends, with apathy, with unconcern, have voted for your enslavement. Remember, 30 million evangelicals did not vote in the last Presidential election. Forget this matter of church-state separation. Here are four things to consider when voting.
1. Is your candidate a Christian? Buy this I mean, not just a professor but a possessor. So many of your friends and family “play church”. Every politician wants to be associated with spirituality, does not mind lying about God OR government.
2. Does your candidate's faith impact his politics? In other words, does he consider the unborn, marriage between a man and woman, SACRED?
3. Does your candidate believe in Biblical absolutes? Is he a shallow Christian or Shadow politician? There are absolutes in this world. Even Richard Dawkins, atheist, 70 years of age, knows good from evil, sweet from sour.
4. Does your candidate hold fast to the integrity of the constitution? Like many “so-called” Christians, reading the Bible, does he have an ERASER in one hand, would neutralize, compromise, or change certain things?.
GET REAL, your future life, a faith not only to die with but live by. I believe that 90% of faith is just raw courage. Faith is a verb, action based on belief, sustained by confidence. If God still pulls at you, it is not too late for you, you are blessed, I have informed on you.
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