This writer's first excursion into the world of eugenics (destruction of mankind) was my study involving Nazism’s elimination of the disabled (275,000). Just before the beginning of WWII and the Nazi holocaust, we usually think of the 6 million Jews killed in the gas chambers.
But, on my visit of the horrors at Auschwitz there were Christian Crosses as well as Stars of David in the cemetery. From the beginning, we have never been able to understand man's inhumanity to man. We know what was happening in the seven civilizations which the children of Israel conquered after entering the “promised land”... such as throwing their own babies in a fire, to appease a false god.
We know about the rituals on the crest of the pyramids in the Yucatan, genocides in Africa, ethnic cleansings in the Balkans, abortions in communist countries, and even the 53 million abortions in America since 1973, when abortion was legalized. As of November, 2011, there are 2,218 recognized and operating medical schools in 177 countries throughout the world. Add to this number, schools of osteopathy and other healthcare sciences, schools of nursing, nutrition, and science research facilities devoted to the study of nutrition and even holistic approaches to good health. I remember, so well, working in a university medical school library, shelf after shelf, of peer-reviewed healthcare journals. One would think that, time and treasury spent, billions given from “do-gooder” foundations and groups (cancer research, diet and exercise gurus) the world would be a very healthy place. Truth is, more disease-sickness, animal suffering, now than ever before, headed by the big three, heart attack, cancer, and stroke, 51% of the population, diabetic.
Of course we know that to take away doctor's fees, hospital bills, big pharma's opportunes, would cause a world financial disaster. Doctors do not get rich from well people or dead people. You can be sure that if one of these exotic chemicals from a cauldron of brew, concocted by big pharma, will do some good one place in the body, it will do some harm in another. Big pharma has already stipulated that they want every man, woman, child in the world, taking at least two prescription pills a day. And, enabled by welfare care, people being too lazy to inform themselves, to take care of themselves, the clinics-hospital rooms will continue to be occupied, doctor's offices running over, drug stores on every corner. Remember this, If your doctor believed in microbiology, bacteria, wellness, he would have someone wiping off the chairs, door handles, etc. in his reception area. He would not have a stack of well-worn, old magazines, which sick people with every type disease, hands in their noses-mouths, and then turning the pages.
You are what you eat, the trillions of cells in your body, depend on nutrition. GET REAL-THINK, junk in, junk out. Only God could have designed the human body, and anyone who has studied the body is too stupid to study the body without having the glowing appreciation of the magnificent design of God... putting food into the mouth, food filled with elements of nutrition, mastication, into the alimentary canal, a system of enzymes-acids-microorganisms of digestion. Then, waste separated from nutrition, nutrients, processed by other organs, taken by blood to every cellular structure of the body. You are not healthy by accident, it takes work. We are heading for a species implosion from scientific tinkering with food stuffs. (GMO's MSG's, the starvation of the species by such eugenic-prone genocidal cauldrons as Monsanto-Merck.)
The scientific journal, cell research, states that a cell must have nutrition to survive, especially neurons, brain cells. Has it occurred to anyone that an increase in Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis could be associated with starved nerve cells?
We did not believe Baghdad Bob, Saddam Hussein's “liar in chief”, whey would anyone believe the drivel that comes from FDA, liars from the government's scientific community. Ludicrous advertisements on television, radio, and everywhere you look or hear. “A sound heart is the life of the flesh : but envy the rottenness of the bones.” (Proverbs 14:30) Remember, Jesus Christ took your diseases-infirmities as well as your sin to the Cross. (Isaiah 53) Look to Him and His world for guidance in your health and everything else.
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