IN SPITE OF the “dumbing down” of America’s youth in government and other schools, the vexing propaganda from the hyperbole of Madison Avenue advertising, worldwide ambiguity in everything, human beings with a few purkinge cells (brain cells) still synapsing, are realizing that they have been lied to long enough. This writer has never understood how and why people are so gullible in just accepting anything propagated by the news media or academia. We have known for some time that only those in the media, academia industry, are the only ones the public considers credible... too lazy to read and study themselves. It is laziness, not necessity, that is the mother of invention and, I might add, reason for about everything else. We have lazy, lousy church members who claim the name of Christ, who would just “buy-believe” anything they hear form the pulpit or the electronic media. (slick, expensive haircuts, thousand dollar suited, televangelists: who in reality, in another world, just “snake-oil” salesmen. The mega-churches, in coastal casual (shorts-flip flops) drums and drama, bells and smells, disco lighting, never asked the repudiators, Hitchens, Dawkens, Hawkings, Osteen, and the other Darwin devotees, “how you get somethingness from nothingness.” I have great respect for Stephen Hawkings, totally paralyzed, a computer reading, just a twitch on his face. (It takes 10 minutes for his brilliant mind to produce one sentence.) Nothing is always nothing, the equations of physics, chemistry, motion, have never changed. I am kind to the evolutionists, they need kindness on this earth, knowing what they face later. With exponentialism, looking at the absolutes of science, engineering, literature. For one who has faith in the mythology of evolution, he would face an exponential of 10 with 123 zeroes. The scientists, ones with good sense, have stopped using the word impossible. Remember, just 150 years ago, those in the science of surgery, learned to wash their hands, in my life, we learned about DNA, nano technology yet, misguided parents still allow there children to be taught by teachers who are the carnival-barkers of evolution. When this writer walked the Galapagos Islands, I thought, how could one man, one theory, so hobble the science of the world. It is simply a matter of creatures wanting to deny creation... more concerned with what others (intelligentsia of the world) think of them than what God knows about them. A universe or multiverse, there must be a beginning. Matter is composed of electricity, the nature of the atom, everything mostly space, everything in a magnetic field. The Creator of it all dictated what we need to know, much is none of our business but, the deniers of the Creator, the post-modernists and agnostics who want to change His Word, most, have never spent 30 days in concentrated study, inquiry about that, which concerning and controlling their life, now and after. Of course, I have found that most academics and even the ignorant believe they will never die and, almost without exception, will go to a place called heaven. One honest man told me that he had enough sense, honesty, he knew he would go to hell when he died. He said, “I am not fooling myself or anyone else, I know that I am going to hell, and I will not be lonely there.” I tried to tell him of the starkness, blackness, horror-pit of hell. I can well understand why the healthy, wealthy, and wise, the power brokers of the world, can defy and deny as they enjoy what they consider paradise on this earth. One local, crooked, politician said to me, when I questioned him about increased taxation here on the NC coast, “It cost to live in paradise.” Financial depressions have a way of awakening people. Hunger sharpens the mind. The Christian church grows under persecution, more Christians in communist China (underground churches) than the population of the United States.
Like abandoning the Titanic, sinking because it has hit an iceberg, boarding the Lusitania which would then be sunk by a torpedo, Americans are learning the truth about politicians, priests, athletic promoters and pedophilia. In Greece, pedophilia is considered a disability with recipients of state checks just as for blindness, wheel chair bound, or other disabilities. As more is learned about pedophile activity in athletics (Penn State, Sandusky's Second Mile) orphan homes for boys (Omaha, Franklin Scandal) and even sexual perversion involving pedophilia, congress, and government officials.
The most dangerous place for a black baby in America, the body of a mother. (52% black babies,aborted.) We had the .com bubble, the real estate bubble, the bailout bubble now, with the bankruptcy of ancient western nations. (Greece, Italy, Spain, etc.) Such banking debacles as Corzine's MF Global, “underwater” mortgages, global debt. The working man has discovered that he is no longer free but enslaved. On the day of Pentecost, the Apostle Peter, speaking to Jews and Gentiles, people who had no knowledge of the Bible (the Bible did not appear until 90AD), profits or promises, only the eclismic experience of a resurrected Jesus Christ. This was enough for 3000 to believe that they had hope... still, to this day, redemption through God's only son, on whom, He put all His wrath so those who possess faith in the son's faith, would not experience God's wrath but possess hope.
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