The fastest growing part of the American population, those over 85 years of age. People are living longer but the quality of life, on the decline because, patches, band-aids from modern science are keeping us alive. Health clinicians do not live on “pill hill”, have two Mercedes' parked in the driveway, keep their younger children in expensive private schools-their older children in expensive universities, dance-riding-yoga lessons without wringing every dime possible from patients. You do not make money from dead people or well people.
Most can coast along, most of the way, eating what they want and as Sinatra sang, “Doing it my way.” Those who live until 90 learn to eat correctly, exercise. They do not poison their body, slow suicide, with the chemicals of prescription drugs. If smart, you take the holistic approach. Our blessed Lord put every herb, plant, mineral we need for health, right before our very eyes and, if you supplement an intelligent diet (fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, water) with real supplements of herbs, vitamins, and minerals, eliminate the toxins from your body, keep moving with exercise as well as sufficient rest, you will probably live to the age of 90. After the age of 90, IT IS A MATTER OF GENETICS. If your ancestors, living reasonable lives, got old, you will probably get real old.
I participated at the funeral of the first graduate of NC State, who lived to be 100, one of the finest men one could ever know, a life of honoring God, kindness to his fellow man, fasting and praying. With years of study, I firmly believe that more people dig their grave with a fork, than any other way. We want to blame much of life's difficulties on smoking cigarettes. We know that early tobacco was used as a curative. I was reared on a tobacco farm, pests, worms,insects of any type, loved tobacco. From the time the seed was put into the ground for plants that were transferred to the fields, poisons were used then, as the tobacco plant grew in the field, to about 6 feet tall, large luscious leaves, stomata (breathing pores on leaves), gummy, (sticky, viscid, residue on leaves) poisons were used to fight insects and disease. Until, the leaves were put in curing barns where, because of tremendous heat, the leaves were dried, including the poisons on the leaves, to make the degraded leaves for the cigarette product, smoking, chewing, snuff. Snuff and chewing tobacco were sedatives... calming effect on the nervous system. Tobacco farms in the South gave employment to a large part of the American population, cigarette factories, advertising. Great universities were built from these tobacco fortunes. (Duke, Wake Forest, Campbell, etc.)
Selling Bibles, door to door, throughout this section of the world, Eight years, summers, while a university student, I spent some time with my Aunt at their White Lake vacation home. Her son, my cousin, pilot, spent his summers ”crop dusting” the huge tobacco, corn, soy fields. I can still see him, his clothing covered with poison. I advised him to keep his mouth and nose covered with a surgeon's mask. Like many who neglect their health for looks. (he did not think he would look as pretty with a covering over his face) He died, early in life, from esophageal cancer. Often, in practice, I advised patients about health habits. Most just wanted a quick fix, a pill. It is only when you face death that you realize the value of life. The magnificent design of the human body. Don't get careless when you walk the tightrope.
Toxicity from planes or GMO plants cause birth defects. You have the same skeletal defects in children exposed to GMO's or other poisons that you have in chickens that have been exposed. Some grains have been more contaminated than others. Wheat and Barley not as contaminated as soy. But, as shown in liver biopsies, both human and animal, enough genetic modification, enough poison from water systems, chem trails, and all will be lost, if not direct death, starvation. Spraying RoundUp on the weeds in your yard or your crops, same result as antibiotics for every sickness. Before long, nature always compensates, super-germs, super-weeds. This year, 2012, London, Queen's Jubilee, the Olympics. Olympians have already been warned about eating certain foods, so contaminated, to keep one out of competition for drug use.
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. (Psalm 91 1-3)
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