J.R. Williams was considered one the world's most famous cartoonist, had more cartoons published in newspapers than any other cartoon, always portraying unbelievable home-place activities, including Why Mothers Get Gray, Heroes are Made, Not Born and Worry Wart. The best, always born thirty years too soon.
I was born at least 70 years too soon. Constantly amazed at what goes on in this world, showing a complete lack of common sense. On several radio programs this week, I have heard talk of investigating government promotion of “foodstamps for students”. Of course, they would not bother a student's mental image by calling them foodstamps, rather S.N.A.P. (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). The government even supplies a plastic card, so it appears that the student is paying with a regular credit card. As one said, “it is just a matter of filling out some forms and standing in line for a while at social services.” One said, “none of us need this money, but we can use it to buy supplies for our parties.” The supplies obtained with a SNAP card: chips, gourmet food, mixers for drinks...money can be used to buy drugs.
The government is pushing this program on the most affluent university campuses, and of course, all students want something for nothing. Free money, amounting to $105 each month, for each student. The Obama administration has pushed this because it allow the Dept of Agriculture to hire even more people, more Democrat votes; and especially with the food-safety legislation just passed, which will increase the cost of food. Why not? Mr. Obama thinks that in a compromise with Republicans, continuing the Bush tax cuts is now considered an “Obama tax cut”. Even though he did not raise the taxes, as he wanted, and certainly has not cut anyone's tax.
The insanity around us now, proving that we were born 30-50 years too soon, the killing of the unborn, the very ones who should be raised to pay taxes, educated in our academic facilities, killing the very ones who could give mankind a better lifestyle. Then we have same-sex marriage, marriage of two people who cannot reproduce. The homosexual agenda, which has put lesbian priests in pulpits, preachers and bishops in places of leadership of several denominations, Lutheran, Episcopal, etc.
Christians, Anglicans, in America and Europe would have died 30-50 years ago, knowing that the Anglican church and other groups are being reduced daily, simply because of their compliance with evil. There are more Anglicans in churches in Nigeria and South Africa alone, than in all of Europe and North America, simply because African and other nation's Anglicans (Asia, New Zealand) have not been taken over by the satanic liberalism afflicting Anglicans in America and Europe.
There are some things in this world that are non-negotiable with true believers, real Christians, whether born 100 years ago or yesterday: abortion, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, economic enslavement.
I have been totally blind most of my life, an army officer veteran of the Korean era. My blind mind sees much further than most eyes. We have the blessed assurance that God keeps a correct scorecard. God remembers what I went through to get through 8 years of university education: eating on $1 a day, no government help of any type. God remembers the millions of earthlings who did not have the advantage of any formal education at all, but like my ancestors, working, reading, studying, made such a contribution to this world, doing the best they could with what they had.
I practiced for a while after the war, some vision still left in one eye. I will never forget the old black preacher, a patient, who wanted me to sign a document so that he could still get his driver's license, long after he lost most of his vision in both eyes. He was in every way a rare saint of God, with tears steaming down his face. He said, “doctor, I must have a license so I can drive. People in nursing homes and other places depend on me.” I had already heard about him leading the funeral procession of one of his members, and instead of turning into the cemetery, turned into a shopping mall parking lot, leading the procession all through the parking lots of the shopping mall, the hearse, the family cars, everyone. This man was a danger to himself and everyone else on the highway; but, so was I, and I was still trying to drive.
My mind is full of so many images, remarkable people who found such joy in working, being productive. I think of Dr. Cecil Johnson, who came from poverty, working his way through the university, crippled in both legs, dragging himself with two canes into South building, UNC Chapel Hill. Dr. Lucas, in a wheel chair, still caring for patients. Dr. Brown, in colorful Indian sari, caring for patients after working her way through college and medical school, never getting one penny from her government. Regardless of your age, the life you purchase is a huge psychological profile. Government is trying to re-engineer society, the taking away of your privacy by the body-scanner, purchasing everything from vending machines, with a card, so government knows all, a feudal/prisoner society, plans are on the drawing board to limit the building of private homes. China, thirty years ago, four families were using one kitchen, one bathroom, don't tell me I am lying, I know what I saw. The early puritan father, John Smith, following the admonishment of the apostle Paul in 2 Thessalonians, to the earliest Americans said, “he who does not work, will not eat.”
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