Today is Pearl Harbor Day, the day we remember what happened 69 years ago, when the Japanese armed forces attacked American military bases at Pearl Harbor in the Hawaiian islands. A day which FDR said, “would go down in infamy.” Like this year, I remember that the weather was very cold in December, I was at my grandparent's home, listening to a small radio in the “sitting room”. Homes, out in the country, only had one room with a wood stove, other than the kitchen. Everyone sat in that room, and the more affluent families, even then, in the country owned a radio. Radio, then as now, was my conduit to the world's knowledge. I had just turned 11, and wish my mind was as sharp now as it was then. I announced to those in the sitting room, “the Japanese have attacked Pearl Harbor.” Most of them had never heard of Pearl Harbor, paid absolutely no attention to anything I said about the attack. It was after they heard the President's address to Congress that they realized that America was involved in another war.
One of the our founding fathers, George Mason, said, “nations can only be rewarded or punished in this world; individuals in the world to come.” There is nothing more horrible than warfare. It is only those who have walked that thin line between life and death, that know what it is all about. The eugenicist, rich, powerful, Ted Turner, said recently, at the Cancun conference on population control, “the entire world should adopt the Chinese system, limiting each family to one child.” Many believe it is the excess population of the world that leads to war, and that war is the answer to population control. That false flags of despotism to provoke nations into war.
The world has become so politically correct, so dumbed down by the mediocrity found in media, that most refuse to give any conflict the common sense test. Did FDR, as some in his cabinet have confessed, actually have a knowledge of the oncoming attack, which he needed in order to involve America in the European war. It is surprising how many Americans believe that the attack on America, September 11th (9/11) was another false flag, internal involvement. Just as the Patriot Act, an internal act of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, to involve America in Middle East war. Just as the Murrah building in Oklahoma City, many questions are asked because much of the activity does not make any sense. Americans are just spoon fed an explanation which, enabled by an obedient, controlled media, we are expected to accept. Perhaps the recent fascination with WikiLeaks, our expectation that the worst is yet to come, deception, coverups, even the fact that much of the material will contain information on UFOs.
It was WWII, money spent on the military-industrial might of fighting that war, that pulled America out of the Great Depression. It is known that George Surrows, Mr. Obama's chief financier, owns much of the stock in the companies manufacturing the scanners for airports. Michael Chertoff, set up much of the apparatus for the patriot act. Now, he is trying to sell the idea of scanning Americans, taking away whatever privacy we had left. It has become a matter of humiliation, taking away your dignity, basic decency. A police state defending the indefensible.
One of the more interesting couples I have met in my life was a Jewish couple form Minneapolis, that I met in South America. They had met in a concentration camp in Nazi Germany, later married in America. Both still had the tattoos of their concentration camp slavery. One night at an outside nightclub, I was sitting with them and they were describing the semi-nudity of the dancers. They said, “the first thing you had to accept in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany was deprivation of privacy. They would strip you anywhere, anytime. If they could destroy your intimate, private decency as a human being, they had destroyed you as a person.”
I once asked one of my friends, a black doctor at the army hospital, “why is it that the black patients have no embarrassment about nudity? Do not seem to value their intimate privacy?” He said, “it is a matter of rearing, you are not familiar with the rearing of black children. In the black home, the father, the mother will walk around naked. Intimacy, privacy, embarrassment is unknown in most black homes.” I believe this is the reason there is never any outcry from the blacks about such matters as searching, scanning, exposure. For most Americans, when all privacy is gone, individual decency, the constitution has been thrown out the window. It has already been disclosed that just ahead, everyone will be scanned before getting on a cruise ship, train or even entering the subway.
Some pea-brained, patriot act bureaucrats believe that only citizens who have had every vestige of privacy taken away from them that they must stand naked before the world to prove that they are not a terrorist. In the recent, communist-installed system of fear, fear of profile, we are willing to destroy every value we have left in order not to offend or profile a terrorist. If I were a terrorist, I would dress as a middle east terrorist, you can be sure that the American bureaucrat is too broad-minded to inspect and suspect me.
Traveling the world, (eight around the world trips, passport stamps in 157 countries) I saw and experienced police state tyranny...Seychelles Islands, Liberia. In an airport in Lagos, Nigeria, I was sitting with a British ambassador, both of us waiting for a plane to Europe. A female peace corp worker had escaped Charles Taylor's Liberia. She was in a state of absolute psychological trauma, she said, “any uniformed military person had the right to strip anyone naked, and examine them for contraband. I had gotten out of that country because I so object to my luggage being taken out of the vehicle, down to the ground and rummaged through by the same type people.” In all my years of working in hospitals, people in a state of shock but still walking, this girl was in the worst condition I have ever encountered.
She wrote me later that if it had not be for me, sitting next to her on the plane, counseling her, talking with her, relieving her of all this anxiety, she could never have made it back to America as a sane person. Are we turning TSA, law enforcement in this country into such thugs? Are today's parents willing to see their children subjected to such indignity? Are those Americans entombed on those ships in Pearl Harbor dead for nothing as others buried in sacred military soil around the world?
Are Americans ready to get off the crazy train? Have we forgotten how to be concerned? Have we forgotten how to blush?Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? Nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall (Jeremiah 6:15, Jeremiah 8:12)
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