Only a blind person knows the importance of tactile sensation, dependence on feeling with the fingers. No two people who have ever lived on this earth have had the same fingerprints. Before the foundation of the earth, God had designed us individually, knowing full well who must depend on fingertips and God gave that special person, very special sensation. Just as healing energy is spiritual energy, I am convinced that every sensation of the body is spiritual.
I had rather be disliked, even despised for doing right than to be liked and honored for doing wrong. We do what we do because we believe what we believe. It does not bother me in the least that someone does not believe what I write or say, one of my friends said to me, “someone asked me if I knew you. He said, 'I just cannot believe what says about fluoride and other toxins in water.'” I said, “tell him it is his body, his future involved, it does not matter what I say or think, study, spend as much time researching these things as I have. There is little energy obtained from water anymore, the essential of life.” The camel is on his knees morning and night, seldom takes a drink of anything, but will not drink polluted water, and as the great preacher Charles Spurgeon said, “anything that causes a man to get down on his knees to God, is gain to him.”
Nothing takes God by surprise but, as from the very beginning, He wants a close relationship with His believers. Nimrod, great grandson of Noah, wanted this relationship by building the Tower of Babel to the heavens. We heard the words, “the eagle has landed”, but we know that the heavens belong to God. (Psalm 115:15-16) There is much man-made wreckage on the moon, several nations firing missiles at the moon, but the earth was given to man. (Genesis 1:26-28) Significant that there is more technology in today's cell phone than there was in the lunar module, which may or may not have landed on the moon.
We have really messed up things here, climate control, new world order, globalism. A few flagrant apostles of greed are trying to redistribute wealth; in Cancun, Mexico recently, United Nations efforts in weather control talking about world warming... in Cancun, the coldest in 100 years; their last meeting, Copenhagen, a icy blizzard. Atheists, communists, promoting the Chinese system of population control, one child to a family, like the founder of eugenics, Margaret Sanger (white racist, Nazism), the Rockefeller Foundation, Planned Parenthood, such followers as Hitler, Carnegie, then and now, wishing to eliminate the undesirables (she referred to the black race as “weeds”, the disabled as evil). Sanger told us “that abortion may be necessary, but birth control is more important, the answer is to prevent conception.”
One of my heroes, a cousin, minister of the Gospel for 75 years, superintendent of an orphanage. He told me, he cared for 80 children on a budget of $10,000 a year. Of course, many of the provisions were donated, two of my aunts worked there. One of my cousins, who had worked there at one time, would take outstanding girls to her home for high school and other life training, preparation for college, homemaking, etc.
Because of her activity in the church, I remember Odell, right after she graduated from high school, a big occasion for her adopted family and the church, preparing to enter college, this was during WWII. She met a local young man who soon, in the navy, left for the war. After the war, they were married, one of my aunts said, “that is real love, he never takes his eyes off her. When she plays the piano or does anything else at the church, you can tell that she is the only person in the world.”
In a nearby town, he went into the service station business, he was the most dependable, reliable car mechanic in the area (I was away in college and the war during those years, but I heard the story). She worked with him because they had a market in the building where one could buy bread, milk, etc. I was told that the entire operation was flawless, clean, all work, everything, completely dependable. As the children came along, she would keep the children at the business, they became everyone's interest. This couple, in their lives, in their home, business, became what God intended all of us to become, responsible. Whether Odell, her husband, my minister cousin with his love for orphans, anyone, the only thing we take with us when we leave this world is our personality, “the soul that never dies.”
You will find nothing about space travel or even any interest in the moon until 1820. It was in 1830 that a Presbyterian preacher by the name of Graham began talking about nutrition, the uselessness of white bread (the graham cracker was named for him), the importance of raw food. It was about this time that Dr. Kellogg of Battle Creek, Michigan started developing nutritious foods, cereals, dried fruits. The word 'calorie' had not been mentioned until 1900, until then people would not worry very much about flour, sugar, fat. Thinness became important during WWI, and more so in WWII, there were even posters during the flapper generation (the roaring 20s), talking about thinness and exercise. At that time, there was still nutrition in food, today, one might as well eat cardboard. 70% of the country is obese, mostly because the body's cells are starving for nutrition, and the junk we put in it just adds weight, blows up our fat cells. So much of our nutrition, energy is just used up in trying to rid our body of toxicity. Toxicity from prescription chemicals, aspartame, toxins of every type found in food, chemicals in the plastic around the food and particularly from hot drinks in plastic cups (BPA, which endocrinologists and government scientists have shown contributes to lowering testosterone). So many chemicals leach out and poison the system, when will we learn that there is poison in the well, affecting masculinity as well as the general health of everyone.
Almost as unhealthy as being overweight, the diets, so popular in controlling weight, we always look toward Hollywood for the answer. There was the apples diet, the Hollywood 18-day diet in which you just had skim milk and bananas. There was the Beverley hills diet, put out by Judy Mazel, who knew nothing at all about nutrition, you would start by eating fruit and after the 19th day, finally eating protein. Then there was the Atkins diet, mostly fat and protein, no carbohydrates. The cardiologist died because of his own diet, although quickly cremated, there was no autopsy.
In spite of Michelle Obama, the obesity rate is creeping up. Tobacco, caffeine, and beverage alcohol was introduced into man's living habits about the same time. The mystery of the ages, why would any thinking person put a toxic substance into the human body unless trying to commit suicide, if not quickly, slowly. Water is a poison, it will kill you in sufficient amounts, taken quickly. The madness of 8 glasses of water, you must consider other liquids and the liquids in other foods, you know more about your body than anyone else...care for it.
There are pyramids along the Nile in Egypt, but some of the world's greatest pyramids are in the Yucatan in South America. I stood in absolute astonishment as I thought of the thousands of Aztec Indians sacrificed to heathen gods on the top of these pyramids around the year 1500. An estimated 80,000 sacrificed in two weeks time, the priest slitting their bodies open, removing their hearts, the rotting corpses piled on one side of the pyramid, all in an attempt to appease angry gods.
Our names are written in the hands of God and glory of the universe, Who is able to hold the oceans of the world in His hands. He gave us our individual fingerprints, He has no hands but our hands to do His work today, His imprint on our lives.
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