There is one thing that every responsible adult faces, except of course those that are not responsible, those content just to hibernate on welfare, living off the work of others (47% of the 308 million population do not pay any income tax at all). All these hard-working, God-fearing, tax-paying people have one thing in common: the bottom line.
If in business, farming, are you making more than it costs you to stay in business, stay on the farm? Or, like the government, federal, state, local, are you just going in the hole, deeper and deeper? The difference between the private sector and the public sector, you cannot continue to operate at a loss. The private business man cannot tax others to pay for his losses. You cannot put a toll on a bridge or highway, and charge those who never use a bridge or highway, as does the government. The government does not give up on getting everything it can out of you until there is no breath or pulse in your mortal body.
One of the more popular radio shows in the 1950s, Duffy's Tavern, Archie, the bartender, said to Ms. Duffy, “what is wrong with your father.” She said, “I don't know, he just broods and drinks bourbon.” Archie said, “what is he brooding about.” Ms. Duffy said, “the price of bourbon.”
In looking at the globe, there are bottom lines everywhere. Mr. Obama and the liberals are rejoicing about the new nuclear control treaty...that there will be inspectors on the ground. Have they forgotten about the inspectors, on the ground, in North Korea, Iran, Russia? Again, it is pay-off time for the North Korean sicko, South Korea seems to have paid him off with train-loads of grain for his starving people. He had intimidated South Korea in recent years about many things, blowing up their ships, their islands. South Korea is brave again...100,000 lights on a 98 foot high Christmas tree right on a mountain by the 38th parallel.
The November elections mean nothing to democrats and RINO republicans. Mr. Obama, the Sunni Muslim, communist promoter of evil, sweeping into his corner such Republicans as Senator Richard Burr, voting for allowing gays and lesbians access to everything in the military. Representative Barney Frank, the world's best known queer, again listed by Judicial Watch as one of the most corrupt politicians in Washington, states that it would be discriminating for the straights in the military not to shower with the gays.
Bottom line, 2010's ten most corrupt Washington politicians: Barbara Boxer, John Ensign (only Republican), Barney Frank, Jesse Jackson Jr., Barack Obama, Rahm Emmanuel, Nancy Pelosi, Charles Rangel, Hal Rogers, Maxine Waters. (Judicial Watch, 2010). Again, this year, your President, your Speaker of the House, two of the ten most corrupt politicians in Washington DC.
Again, the health of the nation's citizens hanging in the balance. Eating food that is lacking nutrition, obesity because the body stays hungry for nutrition, health problems because of toxicity from medications and cheap food stuffs. The need for such elements as magnesium and potassium in the system which only comes from organic farming. Mr. Obama, Big Farming and Big Pharma's attempt to control agriculture, food supplies, farming, all now under FDA supervision, leading to the elimination of organic farming, gardening and eating. Again, Senator Burr swept into the Obama trash can. The bottom line, your government is seeking to starve you on your way to the enslavement camp.
The KGB in Russia, controlled the fax machine as well as the xerox copier. The FCC is now made up of even more control-freak communists than the KGB. They will not be satisfied until the internet is totally controlled or taxed out of existence. Inconceivable, the world before the internet, information once sent by copper wires, now by fiber optics.
If you want to know the bottom line, look at Houston, Texas. The first large city with a lesbian mayor, the nation's two largest churches together totaling 65,000 members, the world's largest abortion clinic outside of China. In Houston, retired CIA agent Roland Carnaby, shot in the back and killed by the Houston police, who had a laptop computer in his car containing vital information, probably because he was friends of ex-Presidents and other officials where trust was available. Like the predictions of the ice age, according to the Aztecs, spanning 2012-2040, like the nuclear START treaty at a time when many nations are ready to throw nuclear weapons around, nothing is making us safer or less stressed, certainly not the bottom line you cross when trying to travel on a plane.
In a few short months, you, a hard-working, tax-paying, God-fearing American citizen must be radiated and photographed naked in order to fly on a plane, you are much less safe in a nuclear world, you have seen your country's military forces weakened by Mr. Obama and his friends in the gay agenda. (When he signed the legislation there were so many gays, the signing ceremony had to be moved to an auditorium at the Department of Interior, larger than any White house facility).
Rare that you find any good news...rejoice that since 1979, some of the world's best scientists have been studying the shroud of Turin, knowing that there was some writing on the material. A Vatican scientist has found Jesus's death certificate from fragments of Greek, Latin and Hebrew writing. Scientists now feel that this cloth may have been used on the table at the Last Supper, and then used as the shroud for our blessed Lord. There is so much highly sophisticated science involving in interpreting all these results, air particles from the area and the tomb, etc. You will find this information downplayed on the back pages, but unsupported “life on mars” will be at the forefront of corrupt, disbelieving secular journalism.
As one who remembers the first zipper, the first plastic, the first margarine. In college we knew when a professor knew what he was talking about, if he didn't, we called his comments just a “snow storm”. Climate changes affecting the bottom line of the world started on May 18th: sunspots, BP chemicals, changes in Jet stream and Gulf Stream. The European winter is so treacherous this year, they wanted to cancel Christmas. In the American northern hemisphere, west coast rain, northern blizzards, 32 degree (freezing) weather in Cuba.
Homeland security's new mantra, “if you see something, say something”. I experienced peepholes in Moscow and China. Einstein never trusted anyone checking him, even in publication. Homeland security reports there are 9,000 federal buildings where Americans can “snitch” on one another. The bottom line, your country has been taken over without a shot being fired. The bottom line, is this country you intended on leaving your children? The bottom line, eternal welfare for you, your children, your neighbors.
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