A lady told me one time that getting married was like walking into darkness: if it works out, fine; if not, it is expected.
Every Friday night of my life, just as I keep a daily log of my day's activities and expenses (This is the only way you can ever control your life, and save money), I write down my activities of the week. So many of these activities involve unexpecteds, and this is my “thank you report” to God for helping me get through things. Perhaps you normal, sighted people do not need God's help, but I have to depend on Him, He has never forsaken me in darkness, absolute darkness, for the promises He made me in light, when I could see.
When the unexpecteds come, and I do not know what to do, often it is better to wait than to work, instructions will always come. God does not wear a watch, never gets in a hurry, but is always on time.
Why is Satan so successful? He is completely predictable, has never changed, he uses the same method over and over. His first action in the Garden of Eden, the temptation of Eve using doubt, “hath God said?” (Genesis 3:1) From that day to this very day, completely predictable, same tactics, he has put one human being after another into his trap using doubt, always questioning the integrity of God. Four thousand years after Eve, his most famous temptation was in trying to put doubt in the mind of Christ, “if thou be the Son of God.” (Matthew 4:3).
Many things are predictable. In warfare, most generals have studied the tactics of other generals. In the famous movie Patton, General George Patton predicted the North African movements because he too “had read the book.” General Eisenhower, President Eisenhower had evidently not read the book, he thought he could lie about the shooting down of U2 pilot Gary Powers. There are several military books he should have read, including the Holy Bible, the greatest military book. Be careful that the enemy cannot prove you a liar, Gary Powers did not want to die, did not swallow the poison capsule.
For centuries, academia, unbelievers have tried to make Satan a costume character. Since the serpent had become unpopular, a person in a red suit, horns, pitchfork became the most famous characterization in the world. Some say Satan is in hell torturing the lost. Satan has never been in hell, he will go eventually for eternity, along with his followers, but he is now busy walking the earth, prince of this world. God is involved in every event on earth, Satan is given certain work on earth, and he is a real workaholic.
Don't think for one minute there is anything serpentine, devilish about Satan, he is an angel of light, attractive in every way, able to sweep any human being off his feet, usually in beautiful clothing, speaking well, attractive in every way. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.(Matthew 7:15) This verse tells it all, but the devil is not all-powerful (omnipotent), the devil is not all-knowing (omniscient, Psalms 138-139), he has only the power that God gives him.
I am familiar with Project Phoenix in the Vietnam war. In all 44 provinces of Vietnam, CIA agents proffered security. Home Land security is using the same time CIA proffer, doubt, and temptations in today's globalist one-world government. Profane options in our democratic republic, every attitude, action, totally predictable. Approaching the new year, informers, Home Land Security signs in all public places, detention without cause, will cause even liberals to look up at the present administration with caution or fear.
Everything God does is miraculous, throughout history, He has demanded that we do things His way. For instance, you can inflate a bubble, but you cannot inflate an economy with borrowed money. More banks are failing now than in the Great Depression. When you have bubbles, securities, housing, banking bailouts, then you have what bubbles can do. When God fearing, hard-working, tax-paying Americans become alarmed to what this Sunni Muslim is doing. There is still enough common sense flowing through the veins of patriot citizens to have a cause for optimism in this new year. We have a record of being willing to do anything for God and country until times get rough and tough. Most have been awakened to rough or tough times, and if we do not rise to the challenge we deserve the disaster. Happy New Years
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