Tomorrow is the first day of another decade, 2000-2010 has gone by so quickly. It has been a decade of foolishness, more so than any decade I have studied in the history of man. You would think that we would have learned something by now, I remember so well our panic with the turnover of the century, whether computers would recognize the new century. In panic, not knowing what would happen in the stock market, I made many transfers into certificates of deposit, and of course, with the government involved in everything, scrutiny needed in order to have sufficient FDIC coverage.
What difference would it have made? We live in a world where no one wants things to be black and white, just a hue of gray. Mankind is repulsed by right and wrong, good and evil. Everything, whether physical, spiritual, financial, psychological needs to be in ambiguous shades of gray.
God talks to us, but we refuse to listen. With our technology, cell/smart phones, computers, nuclear weapons...we think we are so wise that in our wisdom we can get along without Him (Romans 128). At this very time, we have one the largest blizzards, the most inundation of snow on the east coast that has been seen in most lifetimes, more rain and mud in the west coast. From New Mexico to Montana, the roughest weather of sleet, snow experienced in many years. Europe is also experiencing one of its worst winters in history.
Most of the world's population is on land north of the equator. After Noah's flood (4090 BC), a continuous upheaval, water falling for forty days and forty nights until it was 20 feet above the tallest mountain. Cataclysmic volcanoes, the entire crust, topography of the earth completely realigned. Like the eight human beings who God persevered from the water, Ham, Japheth, Shem, Noah, their wives and their children, most living for hundreds of years. It would take a stadium for them to have a family reunion. Noah lived to the age of 850, his grandson, Methuselah, son of Enoch, living to age of 969. They ventured into areas of the world away from the earliest civilization of Ur and the Rift valley (a 2000 mile valley in East Africa), cities formed because of their location near rivers, valleys, economic and climate trade routes.
These people survived, multiplied, prospered because of preparation, and using common sense (exception, Nimrod, great grandson of Noah, who at Babylon tried to build a tower to heaven). As you now witness airports full of people stymied in their inability to cope with civilization, most just want someone to tell them what to do, a TSA employee for whom they have shown compliance and obedience, like human property in the slave market. The psychological and sociological phenomenon, which their tough, prepared, defiant ancestors would not recognize.
So much education has just been garbage, it is no wonder the tyrant takes over so easily: Stalin's 90 million in Russia, Mao's 100 million in China. Today's so-called scientists are more interested in a government grant than pure science, ready to dance to any tune the government plays in order get the “free money”. Most scientists, whether physical, medical, sociological, know that most of the required courses are never used, that information and preparation essential for performance can be obtain in a much shorter time, and that much available research is trash, just someone's opinion. The same is true in the arts, history, theology.
There is no rationale for why people do what they do...so much education, so little learning, so few capable of reacting to an unexpected. Much money is to be made in just taking advantage of a situation, keeping a patient trotting to the doctor, injecting quick obsolescence into every technology, built-to-fail, which must be replaced often. We have learned to accept the “Kleenex mentality”, fast food, the planned obsolescence in everything.
My friend, a prominent doctor, 88 years of age, born into poverty, self-acquired education, a veteran of Pacific combat, was having unexpected cardiac problems. His cardiologist said, “I have looked at all the reports, expensive surgery will prolong your life for a short time; but you have had a good life, go on home to heaven” and then he walked out of the room. Another doctor, one better prepared in natural treatments, removed the toxins of his body, particularly the chemical toxins of exotic medications. Because of this, my friend is still alive.
If the average person, able to read, one who his body better than anyone else and having some computer skills, would study his symptoms and all the information readily available, he would know his options and alternatives. It should be evident to even the most ignorant among us, that our nation cannot continue down the path which greedy corrupters have led us. To the uninitiated, everything is obscure, but anyone should be able to figure out that RINO Republicans such as both Bushes (41 and 43), and liberal communists such as Clinton and Obama (42 and 44) are just opposite sides of the same coin, beating us into slavery. A drowning man will grab at anything thrown to him, he should grab at the rope of intelligence, designed to save him, but as like many, he would grab at broom straw of promises, if thrown to him, and continue to drown.
Go back in history 500 years, before America was even discovered. There were hard working people with values, using common sense, prepared to combat nature's reversals. Go back another 500 years, 1000 years, a man married to a women (none of this perverted marriage, disgusting to both God and man), rearing and educating children. And so it has been throughout history, self-reliance, self-dependence on a master Designer. At the beginning of WWII the American population was one-half of today's population, mostly rural, hard-working, God-fearing, tax-paying citizens, ambitious and optimistic. Their country had been attacked by the enemy, and like their ancestors before them, when attacked, formed huge military forces, huge armaments (ships, tanks, planes, every buildable weapon of defense and destruction) never a thought of defeat. My parents, grandparents, their neighbors around them, sent their sons and daughters to the war, many to employment in defense industries, while they kept the farms going, raising the foods and fibers needed in the all-out struggle.
Today, we would have problems in every area of defense. The decade we are in now may “tell the rest of the story”(Paul Harvey also said, “only a millionaire knows you cannot live like one.”). American survival is no longer a matter of courthouse, church house, schoolhouse, it is a matter of the mind.
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