Recently, a local man showed me an application form for membership in the Klu Klux Klan which his great grandfather used in Georgia, 100 years ago. We think that the Klan is associated with bygone slavery, that we take freedom seriously. I saw slavery in Russia during the USSR totalitarian control, I have seen slavery in China since the Mao control. Ever since the first slaves in Africa landed in Portugal in 1425, and even before then, with slaves rowing Greek ships of war and commerce, we know of man's inhumanity to man. Think of it, 21st century, slaves in America borrowing money from slaves in China, the world's two superpowers.
I was one of the first Americans to visit communist China after the Nixon reopening in 1973. I have returned twice since, after many years I still cannot wash out of my mind, the slavery which I saw there...everyone working for the government at some job, wearing the same type clothes, men and women. Every action of their lives controlled by government rule, from what they ate, haircut. to where they lived, even to the control of their children. Each couple, limited to one child, that child turned over to the government a few weeks after birth, because it was necessary for their parents to return to their jobs. I watched huge crowds outside housing gulags, eating rice cooked in large containers. A rule, before their breakfast, Tai Chi exercise for everyone. I understand that things have changed since I was there last, instead of riding bicycles, the people are driving cars (China manufactures more automobiles than America).
In a few years, China will be the world's #1 power, military, economic, educational, of the money they make, they save 40%. Like Europe, a cohesion of Islam and communism, China, a cohesion of communism and capitalism. There has been a shift in vitality from the western world to other areas of the world, spiritual, commercial, economic. There are more Christians in church on Sunday in Africa than in Europe. An Anglican diocese in Africa is larger than most Protestant denominations in America. In many parts of the developing world, the people are intent on success, spiritually, it is not the communist, the atheist, the Islamist, Richard Dawkins, but the church aisles in most Christian churches that is defeating the cause of Christ. Spoiled, overweight, lazy, people of the western world became victims of their own power and indifference.
The best example of this, America spent ten years developing a new $100 bill. After 1.1 billion of the 6 billion individual bills had been printed at a cost of many millions, some high-paid federal worker, half-asleep at the government printing office decided to check the bills, this amount representing 10% of the entire supply of US currency on the planet. This half-awake government bureaucracy discovered a “crease”. Our government is not a good counterfeiter, a good counterfeiter would have discovered the crease after printing one or two bills, would not have gone to the expense of producing so many worthless ones. It is predicted to take 30 years to sort through these bills by hand, 1 year with a machine. The government has decided to just burn all the worthless money. After all, we have had $9 billion in bills to just completely disappear in Iraq, no trace. Schwarzenegger is trying to get $9 billion from Washington to pay his California debts.
From 1650 to 1700, a great climate change fractured Europe...people starved, people froze to death, Europe is already having it's worst weather in many years, it seems that after the Gulf of Mexico, BP spill. The Gulf Stream moving up the American Atlantic coast, over toward Europe, just advanced so far and quit, Europe's central heating system has just broken down. Europe is already experiencing one of the worst winters in history, ice and snow. Food prices are soaring, scientists have been aware of the change in the gulf stream. Most scientists have become just government technicians, so afraid to lose funding. Another good example, the house energy committee tried to shut down the incandescent light bulb, legislating instead the fluorescent bulb, supposed to last 10 years, using less power, already found, those that possibly lasts only one year, if broken, poisonous mercury, dangerous to go in landfills, specialized handling.
The arrogance of the new world order is predictable, the arrogance of power is predictable whether political, bureaucratic or even pastoral. So many want the 10 Commandments out of the public square, but not back in the local church where they belong. It is believed that the Dark Ages began in 535 AD because of volcanic and other activities leading to the breakdown of social order, disruption of agriculture, starvation and freezing of the people and their animals. Christians do not need a jihad to awaken them. The greatest kings of the Old Testament were not necessarily faithless.
The US government has a policy of overreaching, big brother, they know nothing about printing money, light bulbs, but they think they know about weather, healthcare, taxation, security in traveling (TSA). If government interferes enough you will need a free lunch because when you have lost everything, if you are going to survive, you must have free food.
The most depressing matter for Americans in the loss of our freedom, everything directed toward successful lying...courthouse, state house, schoolhouse, even church house. In the judicial system, which lawyer trained to be best liar, omission or commission. Any quality and resentment leads through the gauntlet of these other abuses, at one time, law enforcement, healthcare workers, teachers, lawyers were interested in protecting people, now everyone is interested in protecting the government. Americans, and indeed, I believe the people of the world want government off their back. Most are willing to work for their food.
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