The main interest in the life of some men is athletics, ball scores, batting averages, Tiger Woods or some other overpaid millionaire. Some men have a fascination with making money, others family, others politics. I know one man who would make a remark about every women he met, his tipping point was sexual attraction. With others, their tipping point is a drug of some sort, a Jack Daniels or marijuana.
From my youth I have been fascinated with cars. I have owned some beautiful automobiles for someone who owns nothing but thrift shop clothing, second-hand store furniture, never buys food unless it is on a special sale. I have owned beautiful automobiles even though I have seen or driven one in many, many years. I still dream about driving, God never makes a mistake, he knew my tipping point: fast driving. Of course, blindness ends driving, now he has me where he wants me, in the passenger seat. Usually, I buy a new car every three years and I sell the used car myself. There is not a baby in town that has better care: low mileage, like new. I have no trouble selling my used car, then I just buy a new one.
One lady came to look at my car, she said was the secretary at Northside Baptist Church, her son a student at Wake Forest. We had a nice conversation, but she was angered because I would not lower the price on the car. She told me there was a rust spot on the car, something that no one else had seen. As she was leaving, she told me, “I hope you will find God.” I could not help but retort, “I did not know God was lost.” I do not have to tell you her tipping point.
God is not lost, still on the job, still BOSS. From our ancestors Adam and Eve, they thought they could hide from him. He said, “where art thou?” (Genesis 3:9) One of the first tipping points for your fellow Christians in the church, punctuality. Have you noticed that the same people come dragging-in late, service after service? I tell every employee who cannot get to work on time, “leave home earlier.” I am going to be sitting here waiting for you, because punctuality is the most revealing sign of character. One of my aunts was always late to everything, I told her, “at your funeral I am going to tell the undertaker to push in your casket after the service is well underway.”
We should all learn early to be magnanimous, benevolent, to have humility. Many have learning issues: autism, dyslexia, etc. When I was young, 1 out of 10,000 children was autistic, now 1 out of every 69, is this what the progress of multiple vaccinations to babies have done to your country? God alone knows the penalty of progress...the more money raised for cancer research, that much more cancer; such a financial catastrophe from the healthy ones involved in cancer: treatment, research, etc. Learning early in life to be content, and you will never be lonely, learn to read for pleasure, we have destroyed the imagination skills of young people with television trash.
I am astounded by those who call themselves Christian, who know nothing about God's Word. The most important book ever written, written by God, the Author connecting you with the greatest power in the world. I have listened to international radio programs, people calling in for answers concerning the Bible, the Christian life, three questions they ask over and over: Women preachers? Divorce and remarriage? Cremation? The same answers given every time by different people: those who were supposed to have an intimate knowledge of God's Word simply do not study. The tipping point when I talk with a preacher, a Bible student, the difference in the southern kingdom of Juda, the northern kingdom of Israel. What happened to ten tribes? The effect of Greece, Rome, Egypt, Syria on Christian history?
The most interesting study in all the world: Abraham, his descendants, not only in the middle east, but throughout the world, much like those saints who came out of the grave at the crucifixion of Christ when the temple was torn, top to bottom, these saints who walked the streets, what happened to them?
Christians, patriots, wars, we simply cannot figure it out. We have war on poverty and we have more poor people than ever. We have war on drugs and we have more addicts than ever. We have war on terror and we have more terrorism than ever...mostly our own country terrorizing us.
Around 1957, I represented North Carolina in Dr. Frederick Schwarz's great organization, The Christian Anti-Communism Crusade (CACC). I actually thought that America was against communism, but in my lifetime, I have seen America accept all twelve planks of the Communist Manifesto. All of communism can be summed up in four words: abolition of private property. The manifesto is now in effect in America. Thou lovest evil more than good; and lying rather than to speak righteousness (Psalm 52:3)
The state-controlled media, liberals, academics have convinced the American people that evil is good, that we won the wars in Korea, Vietnam and are winning in the middle east. The truth is wars, police actions, welfare programs have bankrupted America. When entitlement programs for veterans, social security recipients, ludicrous retirement programs for government employees and union members cease to be, we will be tipped off about our true condition. Christ was not joking when he described world conditions, spiritual and political, whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. (Matthew 23:27)
Religious leaders referred to as Reverend, your eminence, etc. Political leaders referred to as honorable, Mr. Chairman, patriot. Take note, the tipping time has come.
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