Bing Crosby in his 1936 movie, Pennies From Heaven, had no idea how much a penny would be worth in 50 years. Now, since pennies are so worthless, the poorest among us do not even pick them up off the street, the song should be “gold bars from heaven”.
An ounce of gold is now selling for $1,400 an ounce, there are 438.9 ounces in a standard gold bar, this would make a gold bar worth $614,460. Unless, as many suspect, the gold bars being shipped around the world have a core of tungsten (same weight as Gold), with a plating or veneer of gold. The American national deficit with the accompanying entitlements is now $202 trillion, this means a total of 328,740 pure gold bars must fall from heaven just to pay off the American debt, and keep America in balance.
The problem, many countries in the rest of the world are in worse financial condition than America. Only WWII brought America out of the Great Depression, but it was the fact that the American fiat currency was backed by gold and silver, that the rest of the world was not in a state of financial depression, that America came out as well as she did in spite of the ridiculous policies of FDR and his communist advisers (Vice President Henry Wallace, Harry Hopkins, Eleanor, etc.)
In her newspaper column, My Day, Eleanor Roosevelt supported every Democrat, liberal, communist cause she could find. So it has been every minute of everyday since the FDR New Deal which has turned out to be a “raw deal” (movie featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger) for the average American, certainly including the misguided Democrats, who the Democrats are supposed to represent: poor, blacks, union workers, putting a misguided trust into a political party that has sold them down the river. Particularly, North Carolina with the boot of the Democrat party on the throats of the tenant farmers, cotton mill workers, segregated blacks for 120 years, under the guise of Josephus Daniels of the Raleigh News and Observer (Democrat bible). The people who most needed help from government were ostracized and pulverized by the government for which they blindly voted.
It would have been easy to drive through any southern town (they all looked the same), observe the big houses on the hill, names of department stores, banks, industrial establishments, corporate law offices, and know who was in charge, the blue-blood families, corporate heads, all Democrats. They kept the enslaved, small houses across the tracks, at the bottom of the hill, while they represent them in the legislature, on school boards, and every other way in the secular community. The elitists never entered the churches of the working man, a slight chance their children might meet in the public school. The legislature, white, male, Democrats, not one woman, one black, one Republican passed laws which kept the blacks who voted for them in the rear of the bus, and using separate facilities of every type. The blacks and poor tenant farmers and mill workers who vote for these slavemasters were not allowed to even use the bathroom in their offices or stores. There was never any doubt about who was in charge in the community, and much to my amazement, it persists even to this day, enabled by law enforcement who fear for their jobs, judiciary who fears for their jobs, educators who fear for their jobs, even their denominational leaders and pastors who'd rather please the dominating political forces in their area. More concern with what the elitists “think” of them, than what God “knows” about them.
In most places, there is usually an awakening, the greatest awakening since USSR was resorted back to a Russian republic, the discovery by the people, especially the young people of the thuggery inflicted on their country, their parents, themselves, particularly by law enforcement. Today, the biggest problem in Russia is revolt against law enforcement, police, there is a hatred against police not unknown even in the depths of totalitarianism. America is destined to witness this same resistance against the thugs who are being hired by TSA, CIA, FDA and other government agencies who are supposed to keep Americans in line... jumping through the hoops laid down by lawmakers.
Yesterday, Erskine Bowles, of the President's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, said, “Americans must face the facts of the deficit.” Erskine, now President of the University of North Carolina system, one of the “good ol' boys” of Democrat, liberal politics is evidently more blind than this writer, he is evidently more deaf than a brick. Like his father's “skipper”, who I knew, where has he been all his life? As a member of the board of directors of General Motors, as one who drowned the UNC system with money, as one who never saw a communist or con-man he did not like. Where has he been all his life? If any Democrat had told Erskine to jump in the river, we would have heard water splash. If any Democrat had told Erskine to jump in a fire, we would have smelt his clothes burning.
I have been to China three times since President Nixon reopened the place, without charge, I could have told Erskine what was going on in America, the world, in China. China has the entire population of America plus one billion people, all enslaved, working everyday to make “China central” or “Walmart” your heaven here on earth. The savings rate of the average Chinese is 40-50% compared to the American savings rate of 1%. The are 160 cities in China of over one million in population, compared to nine cities in America with over a million in population. Already replacing Japan in supplying America with luxury items, China wants to buy all American industrial might, computer manufacturers, appliances, vehicles. The wealthiest people in China are connected with government, they want their children connected with government, this is the surest sign of success. This is not the only way in which America is compared with China, the wealthiest people connected with government, government involved sociologically with the enslavement of every American life.
Communist China knows what she is doing, knows how to take advantage of friends or enemies, Taiwan is making great investments in Communist China, many of the Kentucky Fried Chicken franchises, McDonald franchises in China are controlled from Taiwan. The largest McDonald's restaurant in the world is in Beijing, China, 29 cash registers. The world's largest, fastest cargo ships cross the Pacific, flooding American Walmart stores with Chinese goods, 92% of all their sales. The Rolex watch will become a knock-off (counterfeit, imitation,), big deal, Mr. Obama is freezing federal workers pay for two years. Fact, he has employed more federal workers than any other President, paying federal workers excessively above the same work in the private work-force. Already, one by one, groups are being excluded, just as with the Obama healthcare system, the Obama pension system. Mr. Bowles and his crowd now tells us that we were in a depression for one year before it was recognized, that we have been out of the depression one year before anyone has recognized that either. When will our nation get real, get honest, get the integrity that our forefathers once knew in telling the truth. I have nothing but contempt for a government which will enslave the poor, future generations of children, while telling them that they care for them.
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