In other commentaries, I have talked about the many years that I owned a co-op apartment in Manhattan that I used while I was there, which was a nice launching pad for my many trips around the world. Because of this location, I met many interesting people on the world stage. I have discussed my accidental meeting with Gus Hall, Chairman of the American Communist Party. One of my most rewarding activities was my membership in an organization called “Volunteer services for children” this is a group, large contributors, who finance orphanages for deserted children around the world. Once, in talking with several university types, I ventured my often spoken perimeter, that it is such a tragedy for people with so much knowledge to die and be buried along with their knowledge. Knowledge acquired through many years of hard study, trial and error experimentation, the risks involved in acquiring such. As I have said many times, it is much like burying a library.
This conversation was at least 40 years ago, one said, “have you heard of Dr. Marvin Minsky of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)?” Dr. Minsky, head of artificial intelligence research , writer of many books, now 83, ever since the miraculous possibilities of the computer, has proposed and actually experimented with transhuman, artificial intelligence storage. This science involves preserving the mind after death, even though the body will be eventually buried, it is simply a matter of emptying everything in the mental processes of an individual mind into a computer.
The godless mind, because these people do not believe in the soul, nothing spiritual, strictly biological, nothing involving personality, only a crucible of academia would become transhuman. It is believed that this transhuman knowledge could be used by a robot. We know that robots are already doing much of the work in the hospitals in the British socialized healthcare system, also being used in many manufacturing processes such as in the automobile industry.
The ultimate is the transferring of this stored knowledge to other planets. There are many excursions into reality in this artificial intelligence culture; for instance, copyrights on all the knowledge possessed by the computerized system. The mayhem predicted when such knowledge is stolen or used by a tyrant. Can one even imagine the extremes to which Hitler could have gone with today's technology? Technology which is developing so rapidly, the moon module, whether it did or did not go to the moon, possessed much less technology than your child's cell phone.
The theory, experimentation, actual contracts involved among the world's elitists (money and power) in preserving not only their minds, but their bodies, has been discussed many times in the halls of academia. I believe there are about 35 bodies already in the cryogenic laboratory, awaiting thawing at the appropriate time. Cryogenic surgery has been used for many years, the problem comes in the freezing of fibers. Much of this man-made madness is not just a matter of academic posturing, but many of the world's richest, smartest, elitists feel that their lives/bodies/minds are worth more than those of the common man. In life, in their living, they have had little contact with the Giver of life, they feel that their wisdom, the creature more than the Creator, is all powerful. They simply cannot get over the fact of their self-importance, not willing for the world to suffer the loss of their absence.
A mystery to the Christian world is how or why young people, reared in the church, leave the church, never to return. Most, though possibly members and even baptized, had never experienced salvation. The only Christ they knew was what they saw lived before them by their parents, family, friends and church people. As many of these “wanderers” have said to me, “I want no part of it.” If Christianity was worth anything to those who profess it, we would see more about those that possess it. How can anyone disagree with that? I know, many people, professing Christians, church members, certainly members of my own family most of whom are lost, who cannot quote one chapter in the Bible, the most important book known to man and the cornerstone on which they base their faith. If their life depended on it, most church members are lost to describe God's plan of salvation, the prophets or promises of the Bible, the history of the Bible, even anything pertaining to the faith or practices of their denomination.
One of my employees told me this morning that he saw an ex-employee in a coffee shop. She and her husband were active members of a certain denomination. Her husband works out of town involving the turbine electric-energy business. Both of them are swingers, when he is away, they have a contest to see which can have more sexual activity, who is involved first. They both run advertisements on Craigslist.
We have all heard the advertisement promoted by the black colleges, “the mind is a terrible thing to waste”. In the majesty of God's design for the universe, the human mind, the human nervous system, is the zenith of His creation. Thousands of years of human history has shown us that the mind is capable of many things, creativity, magnificence, good as well as evil. We have one guideline: Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)
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