The philosopher Alexander Pope said, “A new B attitude I give to you, blessed is the man who expects nothing for he will never be disappointed.” or no expectations, no disappointments. To the one who bears the name of Jesus, there should be no surprises in a world where the prince of the air, Satan, controls everything. Our fight is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12).
This writer has traveled the world, every continent, studied most Communist, totalitarian systems. Communism, Godless satanism, is a philosophy of control, cookie-cutter human beings. God's triumphant beauty invested in individuality - personality is unknown in these places.
Yesterday's ruling by the Supreme Court, control of the last vestige of human privacy, should not have been a surprise. The New York Times, August 1, 2007, predicted the twisted mind of John Roberts. Republicans hate to admit it but the “tainted” Bush family have always been enemies of America, Bush 41 appointed David Souter, Bush 43, John Roberts, both of these Supreme Court Justices, liberal, mentally deficient...RINOS. Many of us voted for these two Presidents because, as is so often the case, other choice worse. If Americans only knew the depravity of Godless Communism. We are the only “freedom loving” nation voting for self enslavement.
C. S. Lewis said, “For God to be God, He has no needs.” The majority of Americans have decided that they do not need God and God will definitely show us that He does not need America. The Christian's citizenship is in Heaven (Philippians 3:21-22). We Christians are just passing through, our visa stained by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, the additional stains of patriots who shed their blood for a nation which now defiles them.
A few years ago, some modernistic theologians jumped on the scientist's “bandwagon” of trying to accommodate Darwinism. Darwinism, like geology, about 10% science, 90% myth. Tragic that some Christians want scientific evidence when God's book holds the answers for every need of man. I find most Christians do not even understand that God's gravity controls every ocean and land mass.
God moves in mysterious ways to enlighten His chosen (William Cowper). President Ronald Reagan's father, Jack, was a village drunk. They moved 37 times during Ronald Reagan's youth. In one rented house, in the attic, young Ronald Reagan found someone's collection of butterflies and bird eggs. He became totally fascinated by God's marvelous methods – creative ability, the magnificent design of butterflies and bird eggs...like human beings, 7 billion of us on earth today, about that number before the Great Flood, no two of us alike...the beauty of individualism whether butterflies or human beings.
Now, along with all of the other destruction of Obama and his ilk, a 2.7 trillion taxation captivating all healthcare. The worst, robbing one of the greatest sources of comfort the world has ever known, the Dr – Patient relationship. I have seen the “robotic” - unsuitable – callous attitude of doctors and patients in police states. The doctor's payment for his long life of preparation came from the gratitude of appreciative patients...that coordination of neurology known only by parent/child, “some pastors”.
Every day of my life I think of my sweating father, hard work, the calloused hands of my mother, hard work. Their ENTITLEMENT was the opportunity to live in a free country passed on to them by equally hard working, freedom loving ancestors. As far as I know, they never took one dime of government subsidization for anything.
Veronica, a 40 year old single black mother of three daughters (she did not know the father of either of them) cleaned my house on Saturday mornings...after I took her to McDonald's. She lived totally on welfare, subsidized, entitled, she, her children, all relatives, on medicaid. When the older members of the family, aged so they could no longer work, poor health, medicaid nursing homes. Veronica took every course local schools offered because they paid her to take the courses. However, she would never take a regular job...lived too well without a regular job. This is the dilemma in which productive Americans find themselves.
Every time I am taken to a healthcare office, I am a sightless military veteran, I ask my driver just one question, always the same answer, “The place is full, all old white-haired people”. In China, Cuba, Russia, the same picture, the adventitiousness of free care. I have been sufficiently condemned for talking about it. “All who live godly in Christ Jesus suffer persecution” (2 Timothy 3:12) but ONE MAN PLUS GOD and anything is possible.