Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's only claim to fame, producing the mystical imaginary detective, Sherlock Holmes. Holmes' assistants name was Watson and we well remember Holmes' retort involving any problem, “Elementary my dear Watson, elementary”. In this world of political correctness, a dumbed down education system, a public so involved in idiosyncrasies and peculiarities of daily life, we simply refuse to believe in reality. We have watched so much “dreamed up” hogwash on television that life has become more fictional than real. “Things always seem worse than they are. Everything will work out alright.” To those who refuse to know history, history has a way of repeating itself. It is a part of the conditioned reflex progress of thought.
International events which just a few years ago would require our attention are simply forgotten in a few days time. The shoe bomber, underwear bomber were just a method of conditioning us for air travel scanning, “feeling” and “peeking”, miserable travel, total loss of privacy. Most military authorities could not tell you the total number killed in the Libyan invasion, the Iraq invasion, the Samalyan or Egyptian uprising. Most military people, even on the battlefront, could not tell you why the United States is involved in a ten year war in Afghanistan. The average college graduate knows nothing of Syria, it's relationship with Lebanon or Turkey yet, we are preparing thousands of young people increasing taxation on working people to fight a third world war which has already begun. World War I began with a very predictable shooting in the Balkans. World War II began with very predictable madness in several world hot spots (Poland – Pearl Harbor). It just takes the shooting down of a plane such as the plane of Turkey. One fiasco after another in such desperately poor countries such as Pakistan, Sudan or Mexico, a low regard for life, whether the forceps of an abortionist or the machete of the one chopping off heads, explosives kill – maim – sound the same whether in Nigeria or Yemen. Into a cauldron of greedy military warfare builders, mixed with fanatical idealistic religion, the Pagan egos of men who just love to fight and you have a world not only in desperate financial condition, moral and spiritual depravity but unheeding temperance from any source.
We never did believe Christ when He told us to love our neighbor as ourself (Mark 12:31). God did not waste words, went straight to the point. Sad, but true, Moses was 80 years of age, his brother Aaron 83 years of age, but neither had learned to listen to God. God told them, “Tell Pharaoh to let your people go.” Instead, they “asked” Pharaoh to let the Jewish slaves go much like a parent, instead of telling a child to do something, asking the child if he will do something. Satan always knows what is going on, has more tricks up his sleeve than you can imagine. While you are sleeping he is preparing for your downfall. It scared Moses and Aaron when Moses' rod became a snake but, Satan had Pharaoh's “preachers” armed with rods which became snakes. Can one even imagine a floor full of snakes? At least, Moses and Aaron did not run. Moses' rod – snake ate those of Pharaoh's. God will always come out ahead if given the chance.
The world's problems, America's problems come from the fact that we are drowning in ignorance...financially, spiritually and particularly, healthcare issues. Whether is was a man-made earthquake, or one of many great earthquakes, the Fukushima event tells all. Here we have a people – population supplying the world with technology. Three hours after the nuclear meltdown, the people were evacuated in the wrong direction. Not until many days later were they even told the truth about the disaster. The truth is still being kept from those recipients of radiation from that nuclear meltdown. How dense must the accumulated radiation have to become on vegetation in America, how many cows must die from eating the radiated grass, marine life die from the Pacific waters before the truth is revealed and the unsuspecting public (you cannot see radiation anywhere, anytime, on anything) begins to protect themselves against this elementary, impending disaster? Survival will become the word of the day...when will we come to terms with that fact?
The children of Israel, because of a tough trip, tough ground, were given shoes of iron and brass. Normal footwear would have done for normal things. Their salvation from bondage, their journey to the “Promised Land” was not a normal trip. In a world of nuclear madness avarice of the indolent (rich and poor) those who strive to survive must use elementary methods. (Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. Matthew 22:29)
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