(For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Mark 8:36)
Since 1954, the first meeting at the famous Bilderberg hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland, the 120 of the world's richest and most powerful people had their three day meeting and as in every USA election year in America...this time in Virginia. They meet at different places in the world, every year. It is believed that this group first got together, after WWII because they had learned the PROFITIBILITY of war. They believed what Maj. General Smedley D. Butler said, “War is a racket”, or more recently, as our friend Bernie Madoff has said, “The game is fixed.”. The tragedy, those enslaved, it makes no difference what political – religious – ethnic belief, most do not know what is going on. Some are members of royalty, such as the Queen of Holland, many have all the money (the dynasty of Rockefeller - Rothschild) just want power, such as Henry Kissinger or Bill Gates. Some are very old, in wheelchairs, such as Kissinger and David Rockefeller. All have one desire, to rule the world, make decisions for the rest of us. You can be sure that these are the people, behind the curtain, pulling the puppets strings involving world politics and world finances. This is what has become known, much to the chagrin of those, particularly in the media, who do not want to admit it “the new world order”.
As in every secretive socialist, pseudo-religious world activity, going back many centuries, “frame of reference” is always Freemasonry. It is beyond comprehension, human beings created in the image of God, dogma of freewill that the fingerprints of Masons are on everything but, this is often the launching pad – door opening for the billions of dollars required to establish anything.
The most difficult part of history, always looking backward. Satan, prince of this world, but only afforded the power which God allows, taking his own good time, always affording a “frame of reference” to accomplish Satan's own purpose. We do not have a chance without the power of God within us, the whole armor of God protecting us (Ephesians 6). The difference in an intelligent man and an ignorant man is his frame of reference. The ignorant politicians, news people, do not realize that world politics are being established. For instance, Russia's Putin speaks fluent German, active in East Germany. Germany's Merkel comes from an East German background. Unholy alliances such as these, Chinese influences around the world, useless wars led by protestors, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Pakistan, all bring on a Bilderberg type military wealth creation (such as that warned by President Eisenhower) with hideous consequences...such as, PERHAPS man-made tsunamis, nuclear intrigue.
We live in a world of instantaneous news. Developments are discussed before thought, behavior without much thought. The 56 real men, risking everything to sign our Constitution, with The Bill of Rights, invested well in time and thought. From my study, these unusual men, they were men of good habits, regulated routines. There is no better evaluation of a man than his habits...his routine. Beware of the undisciplined life, the undisciplined mind, carelessness of character. (Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Hebrews 13:8).
The best frame of reference I can advise, God has not changed. We may wish that He would change, that as cafeteria “eaters” we can pick and choose what we want to believe but the price has already been paid and He can get along without us, does not need us, does not want many of us.
In the world's greatest sermon, Jesus' sermon the on the mount, 13 times He said, “You have heard, but I say”. It makes no difference what the Bilderbergs do or say, each of them, stripped of their power, money, prestige, lawyers, will face God on the same holy ground as the most impotent – insignificant of us.
The mind is the most magnificent concept of God's creative genius...the fact that we can imagine anything, even have direct communication with the Creator of the universe. Difficult to comprehend even to those who have everything, there are some things we cannot have. There was one tree in the garden kept from us. This was God's first test for trust. HE REQUIRES TRUST. He wants us to depend on Him entirely. It was He, and He alone, who brought the Children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt. An example forever, after deliverance, they stood and watched as Pharaoh and his 600 chariots were drowned. The message has never changed, Bilderbergs, betrayers of every sort, buyers or brokers, the frame of reference, always the same, a mindset of trust in God.
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