Oh every time it rains, it rains pennies from heaven.
Don't you know each cloud contains, pennies from heaven
Both Bing Crosby and Billie Holiday sold many vinyl records from the song “Pennies From Heaven”. The earth is mostly water, H20 is a very strange molecule, as this Army medical officer told the troops many places, many times, “Your canteen is more important than your weapon. You can live for weeks without food but only a few days without water.”
Most of the fresh water of the world is located in the 5 great lakes of America and at the South Pole. We just celebrated Summer Solstice, June 20th, the longest day of the year. My Celtic ancestors, very aware of astrological signs called the longest day “mid-summer”.
To the uninitiated everything is obscure. Only the most uninformed, drugged, but still alive, human being would not be aware of strange climate changes...great droughts in the West, heat in the Northeast, the strangest Spring ever in the Southeast.
Like the prophets of the Old Testament and, even Agabus of the New Testament, there are no signs or forecasts of these meteorological happenings. If anyone had walked around with a sign in the city of Duluth, Minnesota just a few days before the torrential day of rain hit that city, a sign saying “Get ready for drowning”, the person would be considered a nut. The city located on the shore of Lake Superior, inhabitants accustomed to much water, it will take days to recover from the onslaught of torrential rain. Not one of these sophisticated “forecasters” predicted rain.
Noah spent 120 years building a great ship. It had never rained on earth. He warned that a great flood was coming and all except his one family, the animals God chose to save, were drowned...not in the Ark of Salvation. It just rained one day in Duluth, the city a disaster. Just think of the earth after 40 days of torrential rain.
I have walked the streets of Pompeii, Italy. When Vesuvius erupted just the gas killed thousands. The hot lava so fast that it instantaneously killed an entire city's population. In 1883, eruption of Krakatoa, and I have seen the straight rocks from that volcano, around Sumatra thousands were killed. The nation has never recovered. Those of you who think you are so smart, so much wisdom, this is what God can do. (Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. 1 Corinthians 1:25)
We know that the 50 mile wide Yellowstone volcano in Yellowstone National Park, constantly churning, could wipe out the city of Chicago and most areas around Yellowstone Park. There have never been as many earthquakes, volcanoes and other climate related activities as in the past year. God is talking to us but no one is listening. We have become a profane and perverse nation. Perhaps more profane and perverse than ancient Sodom.
It is not necessary to read between the lines, the physical, financial, spiritual condition of the world is too obvious. Some believers have come up with a theory of a “Free Tribulation Rapture”, secretive – instantaneous, God taking all His chosen from this morass. There is nothing in God's book to support such.
Books could be written about the world dilemma, the stupidity of it all. My lifetime, you cannot have warfare when just one side owns all weapons. Where are these enemies (Muslims, terrorists, poverty stricken protesters) getting their weapons? Most do not have the technical ability to build a bicycle. Our “Lord of Hosts” (Psalm 46) loves the poor, innocent children of the depressed nations as much as He loves the wealthy, military building and supplying nations, whose drones are dropping bombs. Our politicians and pastors talk of plenty and prosperity. Keep in your Christian mind that you cannot be richer than to be chosen by God, to be a joint heir with Christ, a child of the Creator of the universe (Romans 8:17).
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