Next to life itself, “the window of the soul”, your eyes, your ability to see, is your greatest wealth.
Mere men have tried, failed so miserably to describe the mystery and mastery of the human mind. Just today, two distinguished Americans died. Ray Bradbury, author of science fiction novels with the ability to, in your mind, from his mind, make you think you were living on Mars. Bob Chapman, one of the world's great minds involving world affairs, economics, money management, possessed the ability to mentally compute and come up with financial advice.
The philosopher, historian, scientist often forgets that he looks at everything here and now rather than backwards. We forget that those making decisions of every type did not have the advantage of looking backwards. Even those 56 signers of our Declaration of Independence could only guess about the significance of their actions, the future of this nation. Would any one of them, 230 years ago, 100 years ago, or any one of us just a few years ago, actually believe that a Christian nation of intelligent people would permit the state of California to have a day in the year when boys must go to school dressed as girls and girls dressed as boys...to teach them something? God only knows what. OR as the state of New Jersey, pets in vehicles wearing restraints. Dogs in car seats. One thing after another , everyday. Suggestive – sexual advertisements, testosterone, Viagra, celebration of infidelity – pregnancy without marriage, and to top it all off, ceaseless – senseless babble on every news cast, same sex marriage. We think that God will be impressed with our “sense of fairness”, liberalism.
What type Bible do you read? What type Bible college or seminary did you attend? Many so called evangelists are as confused as Old Testament personalities. We are told that Jacob, one of Isaac's twin sons, grandson of Abraham (first Jew), after arriving in Egypt where his son Joseph was mostly in charge, prayed for Pharaoh (And Joseph brought in Jacob his father, and set him before Pharaoh: and Jacob blessed Pharaoh. Genesis 47:7). The entire history of the world revolves around Jewish history, Jacob at that time was 130 years old, died at 147. Joseph along with the millions of his fellow Jews (they left behind only their children and the herds) along with a large part of the Egyptian army, formed the longest and largest funeral procession in history to take the embalmed body of Jacob back to Hebron, the burial place of Abraham and Sarah, Cave of Machpelah. Hundreds of miles, millions of people, met at borders by kings and even Jacob's twin brother, Esau.
Most people who read this history, most evangelist, do not realize that God had hardened Pharaoh's heart (Exodus 7:13). It was a waste of time for Jacob to bless Pharaoh. GOD DID NOT WANT – NEED PHARAOH. It is important to understand that the deliverance from bondage – slavery of the Jewish nation from Egypt did not depend on anything these millions of people did for themselves. God did it all. It was His redemption. As they stood on the wilderness side of the Red Sea and saw Pharaoh and his 600 chariots drown, they knew that God is boss, He is capable and able to do what He pleases, to have compassion on those for whom He has compassion (For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. Romans 9:15). Two thousand years on this side of the cross, four thousand years on the other side of the cross, it was the blood of the innocent lamb that made the difference.
(No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. John 6:44). As with the parable of the sower, and Jesus tells us that if we do not understand this parable, we cannot understand anything, same sower, same seed, different soil. There are those not chosen, not elected, who will never understand why God does not want them. Those of us who do understand, the chosen, do not comprehend how blessed we are. One hundred years from now, when the church has disappeared, there will be a remanent of the chosen who will tell you that the modernistic preachers attempted to make a beggar of God...begging the unchosen – hard-hearted, to put their name on a church roll, begging for money in a collection basket, even begging for the Creator of the universe to have a relationship with them. Just think of the confusion in the minds of such human beings.
We have seen this activity our entire life, beautiful edifices of worship, overpaid – full-time workers living from the gifts given as “unto God”. The eyes, receptors of light electrons, transferred through the intricate neurons of the optic nerves and the brain, registering in the memory processes of the mind, seeing the beautiful stained glass windows, in a few churches, the cross, the real message of redemption – regeneration – righteousness never traveling the 14 inches from the brain to the heart. Pews full of people singing “Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart”, “Hold The Fort”, “I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go”, for those who are not chosen, unsaved, just useless pablum.
Pharaoh had serpents too, Satan always pays in counterfeit. Faith is fact, not feeling or fairness.
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