I have found a friend in Jesus, He’s everything to me,
He’s the fairest of ten thousand to my soul;
The Lily of the Valley, in Him alone I see
All I need to cleanse and make me fully whole.
- The Lily of the Valley by Charles W. Fry
This writer sleeps every night on a very old, four-poster, double bed, the bed used by my grandparents, parents and now mine. Like the old hymn, Lily of the Valley, which I heard old people sing in that old country church so many times (in these days of the gay agenda, same sex marriage) I have “the blessed assurance” of knowing that, as we find in Song of Solomon, Jesus and His bride the church are eternal.
The human mind is incapable of even imagining the magnificence of God. I get sickened when I hear about the destitution of today's Christian church...what was at one time just a seepage of satanic worldliness, now a flood storm of liberal ideology making the blessed bride of Jesus just a “woman of the world”, the church house little more than the old fashioned road houses. Solomon well describes the deprecated bride, the dangers of little foxes, the beauty of the turtle dove. The church, the bride of Christ, should enjoy all the respect, purity of the white – veiled – gowned bride. How in the world, in the name of everything we believe as followers of Christ, can we accept, in the church, those in the pulpit or pews who do not know the gospel - joy of worship, living and giving? Like the heresy of a decorated Christmas tree in the sanctuary; holy – inner court (3. For the customs of the people [are] vain: for [one] cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. 4. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. Jeremiah 10:3-4)
God expects and deserves holiness, quietness. Drums and drama, bells and smells, pizza and playing will never replace the verisimilitude of God's word in praise by song and word. The early Jewish congregations stood for the reading of the Torah, stood at attention for the reading of the Pentateuch. This writer no longer attends “modern churches”, children running up and down the aisle, women deacons serving the elements, an attitude of overpaid, full-time workers just throwing the service together. Giving someone a push (Benny Hinn), joking – laughing – clapping (Joel Osteen) flamboyance of liberated theology (Al Sharpton) will never compare to the last words in Song of Solomon or John's Revelation when both said, (Make haste my beloved. Song of Solomon 8:14; Even so, come, Lord Jesus. Revelations 22:20).
My last time at a Southern Baptist church, church started with an unprepared woman playing the piano because someone had to awaken the oversleeping, hungover organist, who crept in mid-service. Does God delight in the “cheerful giving” of funds to support such?
Both the bride and the spirit say come. The relationship of Jesus is not casual. Affiliation with church has become such a unconcerned – nonchalant experience akin to one's participation in a civic club. The church has become attached to the pretensions of today's world (one black preacher said he was “holding on to the church just in case there's something to it”). When Jesus taught about the love of God, when Paul talked about the church, they talked about separation. The church is a group of chosen, elected saints whose faith and belief IS THEIR LIFE. It is not necessary to die to gain sainthood. Blood - bought “faithers”, by grace plus nothing are saints. Unseparated, it is truly amazing how quickly a few rotten apples will infect and cause rot throughout a whole barrel. The church is not a place to teach morality, although Christians should know morals. The church is not a place to teach politics, although the Christian should want and press for decent political leaders. The church is not a place to teach integrity but, if you cannot find people with integrity in the church, just what type games are they playing? The church is a home place for Christians. Born again, baptized, emancipated from the world. “If every church member where just like me, what kind of church would my church be?”
Under the weight of sin, churches, nations, the world is breaking up...imploding from the inside. The spiritual life of the world, the most important reason for being, is not a fairy tale – mythology. I have never found one person, academic - scientist – just plain sinner, who stated they did not believe in God, who had ever spent 20 hours exploring their unbelief. Their lives were evil and they did not want to jeopardize their lifestyle (And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. John 3:19). God is truth (John 14:6, 17:7) but men love a lie more than they love truth. Particularly if the lie has just a small “handle” of truth. You are truly dumb if you do not know that the world is a mess, psychopaths running things. This writer has traveled the entire world (8 round the world trips). The tragedy of all tragedies, poor and innocent people whose leaders have SOLD THEM OUT, no physical future. Once Western Civilization, the hope of the world, the poor and disenfranchised from the rest of the world living in the hope of coming here (every country of the world, Congo, China, India, etc. young, ambitious men asking me to help them come to America) Western Civilization, super power, inventors of every technology, every medical, academic event on full display, missionary pioneers, now in direct proportion to the decline of the Christian church unbelievable – unrelenting decline of Western Civilization.
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