About 20 years ago, Messick, the former President of East Carolina University (ECU) told me that America was about 2 decades away from barbarism. A decade is usually considered 10 years. We are there. No further proof than the Shanghai refugee (Zhen Bo Liu, Wilmington, NC) living in my city, having moved here from Shanghai a few months ago, working part time at a Chinese restaurant (China King), making a delivery within 10 blocks of my house, killed – robbed by 6 black teenagers with the exception of one 20 year old. They first took his order of chicken wings and shrimp fried rice after killing the driver and taking his $48.00 to one of their houses and eating the food. They went back to inspect the body and further rummage the car. One was 15, three were 16, one 18, one 20. All in prison facing trial as adults with possible death sentences or life imprisonment. Now, I ask you, how much worse does it get? How much worse was life before Noah's flood, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah? This is total and uncivilized behavior. What type homes produce these children...surely they should have obtained the basis of civilized behavior in the public schools. We send Christian missionaries to remote areas of the world. As my son, a former SBC foreign missionary said, “American probably needs missionary work more than most other countries.” This writer has traveled every continent, has seen the continuous motion – hard working people of Shanghai. I do not believe you can find more barbaric action anywhere. Shanghai is the second largest city in the world...a city under the rule of Godless Communism. Does such crime bother anyone? We have heard very little about it even in this city where it happened. I dare say it was mentioned in few pulpits over the weekend.
We are in warfare against satanic forces of the air. (For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12). This year, 130,000 old people will be killed in England under their eugenics – British socialism health care system. As sad as the loss of life in Sanford, Florida (Trayvon Martin) Wilmington, NC (Zhen Bo Liu). How many think of the thousands of the most innocent who die every day at the hands of the murdering abortionist (3,000 each day, 1,439 black)?
Much like the mantra of the Atheist, the unbeliever, for two thousand years, the resurrection of Jesus. One would be surprised to know the number who sit on church pews who actually believe “it can't happen, it didn't happen” (the resurrection of Christ, basis of Christian belief). One would be surprised at the number of Americans who could never believe that strong willed men and women would undergo the hardships of crossing an ocean to land on hostile shores...build shelters, find food, actually year after year, one milestone after another, built by their own hard work the super power called America. Today's welfare class, entitlements – retirements – derivatives would say it cannot happen therefore it did not happen. Most young people would never believe that there were young people willing to risk life and limb to give them their present freedom and enjoyments.
This writer has traveled through most Communist countries, police states (Seychelle Islands). The subjugated are willing to be subjugated...tyrants know how far they can go.
If God wants you He knows what to do to get your attention. I challenge anyone to study history and see how God works. In a northeast corner of Persia, a baby boy was born which the parents thought they had named but God had already named Cyrus as we find in the prophecy of Isaiah. Cyrus went on to conquer most of the world, including the children of Israel, 650,000 which God allowed as punishment, captivity, every thing prophesied to the day.
Not just Maurice Strong (Communist Theologian), John Dewey (Communist educator), even the Obamas, Jeremiah Wright, liberal denominations with their homosexual pastors, globalism, one world government – godless philosophies, civilization heading for a train wreck. To show just how dangerous the wreck has been – disaster, 2004, Rev. Sun Myung Moon crossed as “Messiah” by US Representative Danny K. Davis, Dirksen Building, a crown carried on a white pillow, declaring Rev. Moon and his wife “the King and Queen of Peace”.
The real born again Christian wants to weep at the abomination that has attacked Christianity. One can well understand looking back, agnosticism at the church house – school house – your house why young people no longer have respect for anything, family, God or country. We have the gay agenda, new-agers, Mother Earth Charter. The first Earth Summit was in 1992. Since then we have seen emphasis on “green”. It has happened all over the world, Copenhagen, Durban, etc., global warming, etc., now June 20 – 22, another earth first summit...this time the great statue of Christ covered with green light, Rio de Janeiro. The “politically correct” world, so broad minded, so totally victimized by Satan, not only elected the least prepared imposter President of the United States but the largest denomination, who voted 55% for Obama (Catholics, Pro-life, voted 54%) in lock step voted the least prepared Southern Baptist President ever, Fred Luter, Jr. We understand one college gave him an honorary doctorate but he has never, as far as his bio, attended any ministerial preparatory classes. When Satan takes over, he does a good job.
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