We live in a world of mumbo-jumbo, political, financial, spiritual. If anyone can make sense from any of today's activities pertaining to the conditions in the political world, the financial world, the spiritual world they most assuredly divorced themselves long ago from the despots of mediocrity that captured and have ruled media. They studied the Bible, writers of antiquarian books. They certainly were not the disciples of John Dewey (“The end justifies the means”). Recent harbingers of every academic subject stained by liberal schmooze. The literature, music, even science, of the past 50 years smells with rot, “if it feels good, looks good, smells good, DO IT”. Even the word liberal has been given a bad name. It was liberals who freed the slaves (no man should own another man), liberals who freed children from child labor, liberals who improved working conditions particularly for women (New York Triangle Shirtwaist fire, 150 women killed). Liberalism now results in government handouts, government supplying all needs, your earnings to buy your wants, your taxes given to Planned Parenthood, spending $484 million on abortions, more babies aborted than live births (3,000 a day, 1,452 black – black population 13%). 20% of the American population lives totally on welfare, housing, food, health, etc.
Public schools started in my grandparent's generation. Before then, (as you read in Louisa Mae Alcott's, Little Women) children were educated at home. I have a marvelous letter, complete, in good condition, written by one of my ancestors, Annie Lippincott, dated 1856. Back then children could write legibly, spell, describe. Now history is repeating itself, parents who love their children are home schooling them. With an innocuous 23 word,1963 prayer, the Bible was removed from the school and replaced by police. Then 1973 the Supreme Court decided to kill most children, 53 million aborted since the 1973 decision. The world now, as 2000 years ago, is divided, about half going to Hell, half going to Heaven. For 1,500 years, after the pivotal point in the world, Christ's resurrection, Heaven depended on good works, as if Christ had died in vain. Your works (filthy rags), His perfect life, means nothing unless His righteousness has invaded your heart. So many think God cannot get along without them, that He cares what they think. He has a claim on those He chooses, those He elects. He knows the heart, knows those who are just playing games. Too many think they know what God wants, 41,000 denominations, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventist. As we find in the parable of the sower, most seed wasted. He knows who will waste their efforts seeing and even hearing...that they will never understand. I have known family members, relatives, neighbors, in church their entire lives, they never could understand why God did not want them to understand.
The illusion of the church, preachers “thinking” that their efforts make the difference. God calls whom He wishes. Rebecca had twins, Esau and Jacob. Neither ever outside in the world having done anything. GOD IS BOSS. God wanted Jacob (Romans 9:30).
Moses, intimate contact with God, even God said to Moses, “ I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.”( Romans 9:15).
Those chosen by God have no comprehension of their blessedness. Robert Frost said there are two roads, “one less traveled”, the broad road, paved, pleasant, full of people, leads to Hell. (Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide [is] the gate, and broad [is] the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat. Matthew 7:13).
If you have not realized it, you will. Even your own family members, so loving this present world, laughing at you, hating you, on their way to Hell...many at the church house, school house, poor house, even often at your own house.
The church world became a beggars world in my lifetime. Even those claiming the name of Christ “begged” to “let Christ come in to your heart” (I can still see the preacher at the front of the church begging people to come then singing another verse of “Just As I Am”) begging church people to attend prayer service, evangelistic services, begging God's people to give their money to God's work. You can tell the “real thing” by their living and giving, it is a matter of faith, the spirit of holiness.
The children of Israel, in the wilderness, stiff necked, disobedient, complaining, God killed many with scorpions. They were willing to look at the bronze scorpion on a pole for healing (every military medical officer wears a bronze scorpion caduceus as a symbol of healing). Today's world, healing of body and soul, the precious Son of God, on a tree requiring our careful inspection. How can anyone with brain cells still functioning deny God's salvation through His Son crucified on a tree. Christ Himself called the religiosity of His time “vipers”(Matthew 3:7; 12:34; 23:33), whited sepulchres (Matthew 23:27), clean on the outside but on the inside full of dead bones.
Such beautiful church houses, air conditioned fox holes, beautiful music, well paid staff, do those passing on the outside wonder “what goes on in there”?
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