Saturday, November 28, 2009

Death of a Nation

I have studied the history of the world on this side of the flood; I can say with all sincerity and honesty that we are now in the worst historical condition in the history of the planet. During my lifetime, 80 years, I have seen America, a democratic republic, change totally. I have tried to think, “When did the change start?”

I believe the change for the worst started with the killing by this nation of its president, John F. Kennedy, in Dallas, TX in 1963. Studying the details of this assassination, one cannot help but come to the conclusion that the Warren Report, and all other government detail of the killing, was a cover up. Lee Harvey Oswald, blamed and killed, was right when he shouted to the news media that he was a “patsy”. Eye witnesses and film of the despicable government distortion were ignored. The public has become so dumbed down that we no longer recognize the facts involved in government cover up (JFK, 9/11, or even the recent massacre at Ft. Hood). Then, in 1963, an innocuous 21 word prayer was thrown out of the school house. The courts and the parents decided it was better to have police in the schools patrolling the halls than have prayer in the classroom.

In 1973, the Supreme Court decided that the killing of the most innocent of human life could be reconciled with the Constitution. The culture of death, the holocaust of abortion, the euthanasia of the elderly (physician-assisted suicide in several states), has lead to the death of nearly 53 million babies which would have brought much happiness and productivity to the American experience. In 1970, 90% of surviving children were reared in homes with a mother and father. Today, 50% of all children are reared in homes with just a mother. 35% of all black children are reared in a single parent home (52% of all black babies are aborted).

From 1799 to 1892, the Supreme Court declared this nation a Christian nation. There are still many Christians in this nation, but according to the Marxist-Muslim President Obama, this is no longer a Christian nation. The crime statistics, the lackadaisical attitude of most citizens, the surge towards pleasure and “me-ism”, pornography, drug addiction and every decadent and satanic pleasure the world can conceive, marks us a profane nation on the brink of destruction. If this country, the world as described on the printed page and that I have witnessed in 8 round the world trips traveling every continent, survives in its present state, God will certainly apologize to Sodom.

Nonsense has become worship in most churches. Yesterday, I heard a pastor invite his members to the church to decorate the building for Christmas. Some churches actually put a Santa Claus figure in the vestibule of the church welcoming the public into a supposed faith based, sovereign, grace thrilled sanctuary for believers. The last place a Christmas tree (phallic symbol in the pagan religions) should be seen is in the scripture based, omnipotent, omniscient, sovereign House of God. The only tree with which Christians should be concerned is that cruel tree on which our Savior died to redeem the world. The only lights the Christians should memorialize at this season is the light of the world who came to overcome darkness. The only red balls, or holly thorns the Christian should memorialize at this season are the thorns on the crown of our blessed Lord or the red blood drops for the washing clean of our sins and our atonement.

If you missed this meaning of Christmas, you have missed Christmas. Mixing “Here Comes Santa Claus” (the greatest myth ever perpetrated on the Christian church) with “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear” is as preposterous as the now decadent practice of young Christian people spiking their punch at their Christmas banquet with vodka. No wonder that 75% of all young people brought up in a Christian church abandons Christianity. The Catholic Church, which boasts 70% of the American voting public, in the last election voted 54% for abortion-promoting Obama. The Catholic Church may not be right about some things, anymore than most denominations are not right about everything, but the Catholic Church is right about its attitude towards the killing of the most innocent of life. Catholics could have prevented the election of this culture of death.

We are living in an age of deception, “To obey is better than sacrifice” (1 Sameul 15:22). Obedience and submissiveness is foreign to the unsaved and very unpopular with the Christian. Even believers want God on our terms, not His terms. Today's churchgoers can sit on the padded pews in absolute comfort and go “smiling through” (Broadway play) any message pertaining to sin (Romans 1:21). The Church has dragged the world into its sanctuary. Unless closely observing, you cannot tell the church service from the nightclub or country club...same people, same clothes, same attitude, same language, and in most cases, same music. God requires the Christian Church to be a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a peculiar nation...the salt of the Earth. I am convinced, the only reason, we, as a nation, though in the throes of death, are still standing.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration, well known writer, stated recently that perhaps the second leg of this depression will awaken those who are not yet awake. I lived through the Great Depression of the 1930's. I remember the “Hoover carts”, empty store shelves, hungry people coming to the door asking for food, real Christian people on their hands and knees at the church altar begging for mercy for themselves and their country. We now have a soft, spoiled population.

Several times recently, I have heard one of these young, pretty, empty-headed talking heads in a news broadcast say, “Socialism is not all bad, Islam is not all bad, why don't we all just worship Allah so we will have friends around the world?”. The geometric, square, black stone Mosque at Mecca (Ka'aba edifice, windowless, one door) which is without images of any kind, to which Muslims bow in its direction five times a day, to which two million Muslims visit each year and walk around counterclockwise seven times, is not the God which we, as redeemed, blessed children of the Creator of the Universe, worship. We do what we do because we believe what we believe. Most of our problems, whether at the White House, the courthouse, the church house, the school house or your house, is because of stinking thinking. Nations have died in the past. This old, totally blind veteran tells you that this one is worth saving.

Friday, November 27, 2009

God, Move On

A beautiful bird in the woods scratched into the ground to find worms for food. Busily, the bird took care of herself. Along came a man with a can full of worms. He said to the beautiful bird, “Give me one of your feathers and I will give you a worm and you won't have to work too hard”. The bird thought, “I have plenty of feathers, I sure won't miss one”. So the bird gave him a feather. The next day, the same proposition was offered. The bird no longer had to work for food, it was simply a matter of one feather at the time. Before long, the naked bird had eaten worms without work but was killed in the first freeze because she was naked with nothing to protect her from the cold. So it is with the Obama-lites, grabbing for government checks, letting go of every moral scruple of self-preservation, the government giving you what you need and you lazing around on your overweight, diabetic assets spending the money you have left on what you want.

I knew one of the great editors of the state, totally blind for many years. He called his wife “his seeing eye wife”. They went to a state NAACP meeting. He told me a few white people were there from the University. One of the rabid black preachers preached a rousing message on the “futility of worshiping God”. He said, in speaking to the group, “How far have you gotten by worshiping the white man's God? Whatever it takes, hook, crook, and everything in between, get every dime you can from the government. We know what our ancestors have suffered because of white oppression. Get your government money any way you can; we will never be repaid”. He said those folks clapped, stomped and many said, “GOD, MOVE OVER”.

Does this sound like Reverend Wright at the Chicago church which President Obama attended for 20 years, where he tells us he heard nothing? One of my acquaintances, a PhD graduate of Ohio State University, told me that the Black Church has become a nationalistic experience with a combination of voodoo exercises and leftover traces of Christianity. GOD, MOVE OVER.

The genetically modified fruits and vegetables (seedless grapes, engineered corn and beans) along with chemical artificial sweeteners found along with additives and preservatives have just about ruined the health of those who dare put such in their system. God gave us a food supply (living, breathing, fully adaptive to the human system) which, until a few years ago when the engineers became involved, made us a healthy people. But, GOD was told to MOVE OVER and now we have an epidemic of diabetes, heart attacks, cancer and strokes, debilitating addictions, groveling appetites for nutrition unsustained with fast foods, neurologically and nutritionally unsatisfied with synthetics, a mockery of unbelief, taste addictive enslavement.

Waiting now for the second dip of this greatest depression, when, in my opinion, there is no reason to think otherwise, unemployment will reach 30% and all the taxes collected will not possibly pay the interest on the national debt. We (the people, the government) have sat by passively while Goldman Sachs, with the assistance of the Treasury Secretary and the chairman of the Federal Reserve, has looted the national treasury. “Your hope and change” officials (Paulson, Geithner, Bernanke, Rangle, etc.), with much generosity of your money in the bail out fever, loaned zillions everywhere except where needed. Now, even Dubai, who supposedly had more money than God, cannot pay their bills or interest on their debt.

Generous Americans footed the bills for their building an indoor ski resort in this desert country, the tallest office and hotel buildings in the world, indoor air conditioned shopping centers built on man made islands shaped like palm trees. Your taxpayer dollars are embellishing the extravagant lifestyles of these Arab billionaires while many American children go to bed hungry every night, while American couples, both working (“tap dancing” as hard as possible) are losing their homes because of inability to pay a mortgage and 100% disabled veterans are receiving less pension than the college grant for an ROTC student.

At the end of WWII the National Debt, after years of war all over the globe, was about $75 billion. In less than one year of the Obama administration, the increase in debt is $1.4 trillion, taking into debt the entire GDP. With entitlements and payments of interest on the debt, the National Debt reaches $50 trillion. It is impossible to pay the interest on the National Debt with present taxation. In the future, if you have an animal of any sort, even a guinea chicken, the chicken must have a number and you will pay a tax on that number if on your premises. No longer will it be called your “property” but your “premises”. “Premises” belong to the government. GOD, MOVE OVER.

In several countries in Africa, and one in Asia, before I could board a plane (this was 40 years ago) I went through a body search, as did every other person; beyond comprehension. A male, in a screened area, would look in every pocket, even pull down my underwear, search socks, shoes, all baggage, to make sure of their security. The women told me that the same thing happened to them. Many were in such shock they were in tears. Americans have given up all privacy and security for safety but, at the first grand soirée of the Obama years, all security was violated as a wannabe, high society climbing couple crashed/infiltrated, as clearly shown with photographs of them rubbing elbows with the most powerful people of the world. Carefully planned, executed, nothing secret about it, the couple was even followed by news people.

Michaele Salahi was in a “beauty parlor” from 10 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon preparing for her débutante exposé . Of course, Larry King “preacher of debauchery” could hardly await his interview. The American people should be insulted and the SS troops of the Secret Service should be embarrassed by this latest assassination of intelligence. Bad enough was the shoe throwing incident with G.W. Bush. A brother of my Grandmother was a Secret Service agent during the Hoover/FDR administration. He told the importance of taking the crippled FDR into a Manhattan garage from his famous open car in order to change his wet clothing for dry clothing in a rain storm and of the security involved. Roosevelt could walk 37 steps with the braces of his day. At the Bankhead funeral in Montgomery, AL, the Secret service actually raised the street so the Roosevelt car could drive right up to the door and the President could walk the 37 steps, aided by his son, to the funeral. The Secret Service, like the Presidents, like our military system, like the character of the world, has gone the way of Sodom. Character determines destination, right will never be wrong and wrong will never be right. Men love darkness rather than light and darkness is rapidly overcoming light and right.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Amateur Hour

Major Bowes Amateur Hour started first on a Broadway stage and then on a radio New York program in 1934. It featured wannabe stars, some very good, some very poor. If poor enough, a gong would sound and the performer was dragged off stage. Later, in 1976 a show closely resembling Major Bowes' show aired on television called The Gong Show. This lasted a few years and, again, those who could perform went on to bigger and better things. Perhaps the recent American Idol resembles these early talent shows.

Many times, I wanted to apologize to my early patients because, believe me, as educated and good as I was, I have already forgotten more than I knew then or most professionals know now. I would also like to apologize to many of the “Saints of God” who listened to me patiently in the pulpit or at the lectern in my early years of public speaking. Many times, I would speak at several places a day on weekends. I thought I knew something back then, but I know more now, and have forgotten more than most of today's speakers can estimate. I realize I was talking about scripture to those who knew and had experienced more than I had at the time, but they were generous with their attention and their attitude.

I remember very well, one church asked me how much I charge to speak. I said, “I will pay your church to listen to me”. I never made a charge for a public appearance, God has been too good to me to charge for my blessings. I simply return a check, and write on it, “Use this amount you have given to me for God's glory in a blessing somewhere else”. Much to my sorrow, I learned that I was a purveyor and no one wants to hear the truth anymore. On the speaker circuit, on radio, TV, etc., itching ears want to hear lies. Joel Osteen is an amateur entertainer. Robert Schuller is an old man talk show host. Both will be accountable to God for the insipid, diabetic ambiguity they proffer as religious entertainment.

The greatest amateur performance in the world today is taking place in the Oval Office. Here, we have a man as commander-in-chief, who probably never shot a BB gun, knows nothing of warfare, military strategy, or even the world's political geography. He is the first man in history to get a Nobel Prize for doing nothing. When the unemployment rate reaches 30% in 2 years, when there is hunger in the streets, when the Muslim and Communist hordes are having a “Yalta” type meeting to carve up what is left of this country, those of you of the “hope and change” variety will see the results of amateurs...amateur in the White House, amateur as Secretary of State, amateur as Secretary of Defense and, God have mercy on all of us, a deceitful amateur at Justice, at Federal Reserve and in charge of your health care (an estimated 23% of doctors will quit practicing, next year you will be taxed for government health care which will not begin for 3 years and 19 million of those the monster is attempting to cover, will not be covered).

In Army hospitals, many years ago, I saw surgeons “butcher” patients. IT IS ONLY BECAUSE THE BODY HAS A REMARKABLE ABILITY TO HEAL ITSELF THAT MOST OF US HAVE SURVIVED AMATEURS. David Livingston, famed missionary to Africa, heart buried in Africa, his body brought back to Westminster, once wrote to Christians in Scotland, “Please send some missionaries to help me”. The head of the church in Scotland wrote back, “We need to know which roads to take to where you are”. Livingston wrote back, “If they need a road, they need not come”.

The disasters, consequences in Afghanistan, the felonious knowledge of fake correspondence of global warming, the insidious financial debauchery, wherein the sweating, God-fearing, tax paying, lowly citizens are bailing out and bonusing the conglomerate hierarchy who have looked down their nose at us. The know-it-all scientists on whom we depended for acrid integrity, the charlatan ministers who we have depended upon for spiritual integrity, have passed on their birthright for a mess of pottage (government grants with a parameter of political correctness).

Science research from communist countries is considered tainted because it is bought and paid for by perverted money. Science from Christian institutions, bio-ethical science, science from a predominate racial group, science from a homosexual or social agenda...all these are considered perverted science...polluted and infected by their own agenda. I may be wrong, but I want my physician to be right, I may be wrong, but I want my scientists, my pastor, my government, to be right.

It will take a long time for science, politics, religion, even the world, to recover from the global attempt at destruction by those on whom we had depended for stability, knowledge, preparation, and above all, integrity and purity of purpose.

The amateur President, who has never done one honest days work in his life, who has never run a lemonade stand, who will probably send his legions from ACORN to your house with a weapon to seize anything you have left in your pockets. One who knows nothing about health care, the pseudo-science of vaccinations, wants to immune you against H1N1 (if one vaccination is good, why not take two, which should be even better). He is using your health, the money you have left, your innate patriotism, to brainwash your mind and bring you, slowly but surely, into a sedated paroxysm of servitude and enslavement.

Sound the Gong!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mrs. Dickinson

My first grade teacher was Mrs. Mary Dickinson. A personality whom I have studied is Dr. Russell Ackoff of the Wharton School, Philadelphia. Both of these Americans lived until the age of 90. You have never heard of Mrs. Dickinson but Dr. Ackoff is one of the most famous business consultants in the world. Both are heroes of mine.

Mrs. Dickinson taught first grade at that small country school which I attended for 12 years. For over thirty years the school, which was on the very site of the one room school which Gov. Charles Brantley Aycock and my two grandfathers attended, drew in students from the swamps and back roads of that area of Wayne County. The school, which had less than 300 students in the entire 12 grades (there were 13 in my high school graduating class), was the most remarkable education resource one can imagine. I feel confident in saying not one student ever left Mrs. Dickinson's first grade who could not read and write and more importantly, knew how to behave. My father, chairman of the school board, said there was not one known complaint about her teaching methods any time in the history of the school. Everyone knew she knew what she was doing and no one was going to tell her what to do.

The very first day, she got these first graders in line and marched them into the front of the auditorium where the first graders always sat for the opening assembly. There, they saw their older grade brothers, sisters, cousins, file into the assembly. There was a security, a wholesomeness, in this school which could never have been surpassed. The principal would always walk over and talk about this new first grade and he would always says this, “You listen to Mrs. Dickinson, she is going to keep you in line, and if you stay in line you will advance every year into a new class”. Early in life, these farm students learned you get in line, and stay in line, to move forward in this world.

Dr. Ackoff, of the famed Wharton Business School, is known for his systems thinking and management science. He discovered that the better educated the worker, the more dissatisfied the worker. At the beginning of WWII, the average worker had an 8th grade education. As education has increased, high school, college, etc., workers are no longer satisfied to be cogs in a machine. Rather, every worker wants to be the boss, knows best what to do, does not want to be told what to do by anyone and every worker now, especially unionized, is dissatisfied at the work place. This, I truly believe more than anything else, is the reason industry has moved into the poor areas of the world where distressed people, glad to get jobs and support their family, will take instruction, not want to be the big deal, or everyone the boss, glad to get a paycheck. The average worker, the discontented whatever, in this country, not contented anymore to get in line and stay in line, rather to knock down, jump over, lie, cheat or steal, to get to the top.

Some fool in Hong Kong paid $350,000 for the left, white, sequined glove of Michael Jackson. Some person paid $225,000 for his jacket. Don't confuse celebrity with accomplishment.

Don't get caught in the bondage of bitterness (disability, lack of opportunity). Don't get caught in the bondage of being on the wrong side (political mistakes, careless investing). Don't get caught in the bondage of the death culture (abortion, euthanasia). Don't get caught in the bondage of debt (credit cards, mortgages). Don't get caught in the bondage of disillusionment (family, friends, associates). Don't get caught in the bondage of disobedience (God, family, country).

From bondage to freedom it's always possible, but certainly delays the journey. Life here on this Earth is not a very long trip. Believe me, after you pass the age of 50 everyday seems like Friday!

Often, I have drawn on the resources of my heroes. When I was in Mali, Africa I wanted to visit the Dogon area of Africa, the oldest civilization in the world. In the city of Bamako, my Dutch guide became ill and in order for me to keep up my itinerary with the flights it was necessary for this blind traveler to get to the Bamako airport alone. They got me into a plane, one of the only two planes of the Mali air service, and on the runway, the two planes ran into one another doing some damage to the wings. I exited the plane, along with some goats and several other passengers, back into the small airport about the size of your living room. There, as here, there is a lot of loitering in public places by the natives. They have nothing else to do except witness the activity at the airport and, of course, they take up all the seats.

I was sitting on the floor over at the side, totally in the bondage of bitterness, disillusionment, so many times in my blind life...ready to quit. Alone, in absolute darkness, in probably the most uncivilized corner of the world, I was in a bondage of helplessness. Suddenly, God in all his majesty, whispered to me “Arise, get on your feet, I am not finished with you” (Acts 26:16). Immediately, I stood up and about that time the airport manager took me by the arm out to the plane for the flight to Johannesburg. One of the natives had been trying to sell me a hand made sword, earlier. He even came down to my price, $10 (this sword was sold with my collection of Civil War swords some years ago). The plane engines, all the way to Johannesburg, were singing my favorite hymn (Great is Thy Faithfulness). In the airport at Johannesburg, an airport official got me off the Mali plane and led me through the airport to the U.S. plane taking me back to America. As I walked through the airport one smart woman remarked, “Look at that blind man with the sword, I wonder who he is mad with?”. Today, you cannot get on a plane with a nail clipper. It is dangerous to go into the country of Mali because of drugs but, God is still in charge of everything.

Bondage of Ingrates

Born blind and deaf, Helen Keller, who lived at the beginning of the 20th century, was an inspiration to the world. When Hitler was burning books in Germany in 1933, the first book on his “burn list” was her 1908 biography, he so despised disabled people. Those of you who have heard Helen Keller speak, and she lectured all over the world, know she had to have someone to interpret for her because, not hearing, it was a matter of her passionate jabbering. But, she said one time, “I ask people what they see when they take a walk and the usual response is “nothing”. What I would give to see one beautiful bird, one flower, even some green grass growing”.

Even though I have been totally blind most of my life, I did see when young. Totally blind people from birth have asked me to explain colors to them, the texture of a frog. You see, the families of the blind think we are mentally disabled or retarded. They never take the time to spend time with their blind relatives and friends. How often have you thanked almighty God for your sight, your hearing, your ability to communicate, even your ability to think? Most people I have known in my life are in a bondage of ingratitude. I thank God every time I taste a milkshake, a chocolate bar, or have a good night's sleep. Consider how many people never get a good night's sleep. Do you realize how many children in the world have never tasted anything tasty to eat? I think of the thousands of small children in Thailand and Nepal begging for anything a tourist would give them.

One man I knew in Thailand was a famed concert pianist from San Francisco. Some way, some how, he had some pieces of candy in his pocket and when he gave some of this candy to the children, they actually had him down on the ground searching his pockets for candy. My sister, living in the most beautiful I home I have ever visited, left her three small children with me one day when she went to a seminar at the University. I attempted to fix the children some lunch. They threw an absolute “fit” because I did not have “Hellman's mayonnaise”. One of my employees said her children would not eat leftovers. Such is the promiscuous, spoiled children of America who have never known want for anything, who have never known hunger and who, in most cases, have never known what it is to be thankful for anything.

Every morning of my life, at 5:00, this old totally blind 100% disabled veteran, celebrates what God did for me on Calvary when I take a small piece of bread and small sip of wine in HIS memory. This is the greatest form of gratitude when we go to the Lord's table, whether in your home or your place of worship. One young girl, a church member, said to me, “I have never participated in a communion service”. What is wrong with her pastor?

The greatest spirit in gratitude is in sharing, not just food and drink, but experiences of life and the faith you have in overcoming the problems of living and your devotion to the eternal life ahead. Most of all, be thankful for someone to share with. We do not know the names of the men who held the ropes and the basket helping the Apostle Paul down the wall in Damascus. We do not know the names of the men who went on the housetop with their friend and let him down on his bed in front of the Master Savior and Healer. We do not know the mother's name who prepared a small boys lunch when he went to hear the Savior of the world preach. The world is full of greatness never brought to our attention.

I went to my oldest Aunt's funeral at the church where she had served so faithfully. I remembered her as the hardest working woman, other than my mother, I had ever known. They owned a large motel. To save money, she washed all the sheets and towels herself rather than sending them to a laundry service. This is just one example of her frugality, leaving behind a fortune for ungrateful children and grandchildren. Her last 10 years were spent bedridden, drawn up in a fetal position (but still very alert mentally), physically spent, unable to move. My Uncle, her childhood sweetheart, cared for her continuously for many years. He could well afford to have people help him, but he cared for her. Later he said to me, when I was telling him the admiration the world had for his devotion, “I would do anything for her because I loved her so much”.

The intelligentsia of the world do not understand the power of prayer, the power of goodness. The Holy Spirit of God, in dwelling the hearts of redeemed men, will call you to do things for others that the world cannot understand. Within these saved vessels of God, there is a redeeming power of love, an inner force and concern which will cause a father or mother to accomplish amazing feats for children or for one another. There is an inner force which will cause a soldier to fall on a hand grenade to save the lives of his fellow soldiers. There was a force of concern for the souls of the lost in eastern North Carolina which caused my great grandfather to leave a comfortable home and large family and, through the worst of weather, travel by horse and buggy through almost impossible paths to places of worship in the state. He wrote, “I could hear the screams of the unsaved in Hell who never heard the message of salvation”. In a college graduation address, he spoke of returning from a large Baptist meeting in Nashville, TN where he had traveled by train and where he had seen electric lights and indoor plumbing for the first time. Think of the charlatans preaching on television, in today's world, traveling around on their private $20 million airplanes, sleeping in the finest hotels on silk sheets, eating off gold plates, enjoying the largess filtered through his hands, which hard working, tithing, tax paying, believing-called “saints” had given “as unto God”.

On a grassy knoll in Dallas, 46 years ago this week, people saw and heard what they wanted to see and hear. Debatable, indefensible, the killing of an American president. Everyday, our minds are twisted, our hearing polluted, our eyes defiled by the cameras. As in Dallas, man's inability to separate right from wrong.

We do what we do because we believe what we believe. It is time to escape the bondage of ingratitude and, with all our senses, come face to face with the way, the truth, the life (John 14:6).

Friday, November 20, 2009

Gratefulness Day

For many years Thanksgiving Day, truly the American holiday, was celebrated in this blessed country with an attitude of gratefulness. In my lifetime, I have seen Thanksgiving disappear amid the pagan decorations of Halloween and the heathen decorations of Christmas. The stores, the merchants, pay little attention to Thanksgiving, too involved with trying to make their profit for the year during the spending and spreeing of the Christmas holiday season which isn't even called Christmas anymore.

Any emphasis placed on Thanksgiving, which most young people simply call “Turkey Day”, involves gluttony. I get so tired of hearing people talk incessantly about gorging themselves on this one day of the year. So intent with stuffing themselves, watching a lackluster parade in New York City, and then some millionaires running up and down the athletic field in a game called football. The gratitude to God for abundance is unknown in the minds of those who look forward to government checks rather than to the gifts of God. Our forefathers knew how to be thankful for the care and abundance of divine providence. It is rare to find anyone who has any historical knowledge of the life of those who founded the country.

The Pilgrims, persecuted in England for their religious separation, finally escaped to Holland. It was from Holland that they made their way to the new world, seeking religious freedom and opportunity. I have documents of my own family who landed in the early years. They tell how many died on ship and how many died after they finally reached land. They sought opportunity. Can we even imagine what life was like for the children of these early settlers? I have the survey map of my first relatives in Morristown, NJ, dated 1766. I have, here in the room where I am dictating this, the iron fireplace cooking pot which hung in the fireplace in which they cooked all their meals. It was not until I was in the military service that I realized some people would eat a large piece of meat. My family, even until my birth, cooked all meals in a large container, meat and vegetables cooked together in one large dish, which now you call a casserole or potpie.

Of course, the younger members of my family are caught up in the same type satanic, ghoulish, gluttony with which the rest of the world is entangled. They know nothing about fasting and praying, and I'm sorry to say, most of them know nothing about the redemption and salvation of our blessed Lord. Like hogs at the trough, most young people, and the X-generation, are just rabid eaters, absorbing every pleasant life activity coming their way. Little thought is given for the gratefulness for a comfortable home, comfortable vehicles, plentiful pantries and closets, opportunities in the work force and the chance for responsibility in the rearing of children and increasing all possibilities in life. Worship is something for the fanatics, with the increase in education we play along to get along with God as with everyone else. This is my family and your family on a modern Thanksgiving day. Eating and treating, laughing and clapping, compassionless, ruthless, thankless.

Food is the last thing most Americans, and particularly members of my family, should think about. 60% of all Americans are overweight or obese. Diabetes affects about 50% of the population. Next to toxic food, the most toxic liquid you can put in your body is soft drinks especially those with aspartame. 80% of your body is water, just as 80% of the Earth is water. The water molecule is the most important nutrient of human consumption. If it were not for Medicare paying the expense, most elderly would not have the replacement joints from carrying around excess weight. The substance in plastic, which mimics estrogen, leaches out of all plastic bottles and capsule containers leading to the effeminization of most males. Just a few years ago, it was unusual to hear the words “gay” or “homosexual” anywhere. The idea of gay marriage, gay preachers, gay bishops, was as remote as a UFO landing on the lawn of the White House. Do you ever wonder why there is so much autism, ADHD, etc., in our vocabulary? From birth until the age of two, the baby gets 25 vaccinations at the very time that the baby is trying to develop an immune system. Vaccinations before the age of two are insignificant just as sight requirements before the age of five, when a child's eyes are fully developed, are a waste. With all our leaning, in most areas, we have become less enlightened, to the uninitiated, everything is obscure.

The Giver of every good and perfect gift awaits your gratefulness. You can trust in God for everything you need, can He trust in you? This is all He asks to those who are called, elected, conformed, justified and glorified (Romans 8:28-30). The greatest truth known to man is the direct relationship between you and God. A relationship of trust, provided by our blessed Lord Jesus Christ, this is gratefulness and joy beyond compare.

On many world travels, I ate Thanksgiving in several places. At Khartoum, in the Sudan, the hotel tried to make me a typical American with a typical American Thanksgiving dinner. It looked like a cooked pigeon on a bed of rice. The server said, “We know you Americans eat a bird one a day year to celebrate flight!”.

Rejoice in the LORD, ye righteous; and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.” (Psalm 97:12)

Johnny Appleseed

Johnny Appleseed (September 26, 1774 – February 18, 1845), born John Chapman, was an American pioneer nurseryman who introduced apple trees to large parts of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. He became an American legend while still alive, largely because of his kind and generous ways, his great leadership in conservation, and the symbolic importance of apples.

We have all heard the jingle, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” The wiener is the most toxic food you can put into your body, so, the apple is the most healthy food that one can put into the human body. Other than the stem, all the apple should be eaten. Carefully washed, the peeling and the seeds are the most nutritious. Next to a wiener (Frankfurter, hot dog, etc.) the other most poisonous food entering the gullet is a soft drink (Pepsi, Coke, Soda, etc.). Particularly a diet soda. The artificial sweetener aspartame, and all its close cousins, will, in my opinion, do much damage to your central nervous system.

In this day, when the limousine liberals under the leadership of the Obama abomination, and the Copenhagen gang, talk incessantly of Cap and Trade, it is time to get realistic about carbon dioxide. Those who ride in large SUV's, puffing out smoke while carrying green shopping bags, promote the planting of trees everywhere. And even the planting of vines to grow over every building. Such is the green frolic, the foliage of climate control.

Lets not forget that possibly one billion of the Earth's six billion people need food. Reforestation is nothing new. Concerned conservatives have been planting trees my entire lifetime. In the planting, why not plant fruit trees? Not just for the leaves doing their science of photosynthesis, but producing viable food which can be dehydrated and used year round as a valuable supplement to those who need this vitamin rich nourishment. For instance, sugar cane, a grass, is as productive in the oxygen cycle and, as well, other bushes should be utilized. Berry bushes grow well where useless shrubbery only decorates. Any green food producing agriculture, or even nursery plant, should be encouraged. Not only for the oxygen cycle, but in the control of topsoil and the production of any type food, particularly fruit. It is incomprehensible that our fellow human beings would be hungry when we have every means for food production.

I was reared on a farm which had been closely supervised by people who cared for the Earth, the soil, the trees. The home, which had survived the Civil War, and housed my grandparents, as well as my parents, was in a large oak grove. Many of the trees were 3-4 feet in diameter. When I would rake the leaves falling from all these gigantic tree in the fall, it occurred to me that the valued chemicals in the leaves, already having done their due diligence in the oxygen cycle, should be used as fertilizer, and they were. My grandparents had nurtured many large fruit trees (apple, pear, peach, plum, cherry, fig, etc.) and nut trees (pecan, walnut, etc.). I can still remember my wonderful mother canning the produce of these trees and drying in the sun much of the excess produce. It is a matter of education. Fruit and vegetables produced during the summer should never go to waste. The processes of canning, freezing, drying, is something that anyone can do if they would get off their lazy behind and do it. I repeat again, there is no reason for any child to go hungry in this abundant country. Depending on the seasons, orange and banana trees can be easily grown instead of useless, fruitless palm trees. All over the world, particularly on the islands of the Pacific and in Africa, I saw the housing of coconuts, dates and figs. DEHYDRATED FRUIT IS AS NUTRITIOUS AS FRESH FRUIT. In the Cameroons, I remember asking my guide, “What are those large baskets caught up in the trees?”. He said, “This is dried foliage which we use for our livestock in case of drought”. On the farm, we not only provided for ourselves but for our animals. The time may come when it will be impossible to buy Alpo or some other high priced product for your puppy. Learn to provide for your pet. Dried beans, later soaked in water and cooked, will provide nutrition for everyone.

Sugarcane is a weed or a grass, it is probably the most nutritious foliage known to man. Cutting and cooking gives crystals, which can be used as either white or brown sugar. The most valuable part of the sugarcane is the molasses. Sugarbeet molasses is used in animal feed but the blackstrap sugarcane molasses, as well as sorghum, is a valuable nutrient for the human body. This matter of green activity, like the compassion towards birds, whales or turtles, is a nuance making liberals feel a little better. Conservatives are interested in the preservation of the homo sapien species, the feeding of children, the saving of the lives of the unborn.

The limousine liberals, such as Obama and his ilk, gathered in Copenhagen to discuss climate control as if they can do anything about it. Like the big corporations (Monsanto, Exxon, Walmart), are only interested in the bottom line. The swollen bellies of hungry children I have seen in Africa and India does not bother the overpaid executives at Monsanto as they move their tractors and combines into the Ukraine to further explore it. World citizens as they control the marketing of grains, leading to the defeat of the small farmer.

In my early life, the anthropologists and archaeologists, would snicker at a scientist who believed in the energy involved in God's creation. Even though in every civilization known to man homo sapiens have always felt the need for honoring someone greater than themselves. Early man, as does today's enlightened man, knows the verisimilitude involved in man's relationship with his environment. The comprehensive energy in the masterpiece of creation. The scientific discovery was made some years ago that even ice crystals appear different in design when love is shown towards water than when hatred is shown towards water. In photosynthesis, in the stomata of leaves, we find God-science only equivalent in the human body with the clotting of blood (not understandable, totally dependent on a divine intelligence). Man has never defined electricity but we accept it knowing that everything depends on energy. Mr. Gore, and some other scam artists, have decided to make lots of money off the fraud of global warming. Before the world became dumbed down by satanic forces operating among us, we would have laughed this miserable group off the front pages.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Consistent Inconsistencies

Newsweek, Feb 2009, front cover states “We Are All Socialists Now”. This is after the inauguration of our first socialist, Muslim president. How soon before Newsweek will say “We Are Infidels Now”? The 9/11 fiasco was only exceeded by the 9/11 stupidity. The government expected the public to buy their explanation of the killing of President Kennedy. Does the government actually expect us to buy the killing of 13 Americans and the wounding of 30 Americans at Ft. Hood? You can be sure the Army will give an explanation but the Army seldom tells the truth about anything. Can one even imagine that on the largest Army base in the world, a place crowded with combat veterans, one deranged Army officer could get off one hundred shots before being wounded by civilian police who had to come in from off base.

Where were the military police? There are so many questions and we will be fortunate, indeed, to get a truthful answer. The taxpayers who paid for this psychiatrist's education deserve an answer. The Congress, who has oversight over the military and intelligence agencies, deserves an answer. At a time, when supposedly all communication is checked, a time where babies' diapers are inspected at airports, a time when school children are not allowed to look at a book in school pertaining to guns, how is it that a Muslim fanatic is wearing the rank of Major, the medical insignia caduceus, is lecturing at a Mosque while counseling returning warriors not to fight Muslims with whom we are at war? Who is crazy, the psychiatrist or the military, CIA, FBI? It takes time for the truth to show up, but just as the lies about babies being thrown out of incubators in Kuwait, the military finally had to tell the truth. The hardworking, tax paying, sweating, frugal living, God fearing citizens deserve an answer, not lies and deceit, not political correctness.

Off the front burner is the war in Afghanistan where young men and women, wearing the uniform of this country, expect something besides the usual politics. Strange, their commander asked for more troops but their former commander (now ambassador to the country) conveniently leaked that no more troops are needed. Everyone, these days, knows nothing about “chain of command”.

Modern warfare seems to be a matter of civilian contractors and CIA specialists. The family of Ike Atkinson were patients of mine. I always thought it strange that every member of his family owned a Cadillac (his mother, daughter, etc.). From 1968-1975, Sergeant Atkinson was famous for sending heroin back hidden in the bodies of dead soldiers (Vietnam was the first warfare in which the dead were returned to their families for burial). Illegal drugs had become the most profitable corruption of America, Vietnam, Columbia, now Afghanistan. Even children's comic books are depicting corruptions of governments. This week, 120 nations gathered in Qatar to give the United Nations permission to investigate the corruption of their governments. I wonder how large an army of investigators it will take? Along with the establishment of American bases throughout the Middle East (Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc.) to protect the oil flow, such bases are surely being used to protect drug flow. The direct drug flow from the Middle East to Mexico is now a matter of common knowledge. Juarez is the most dangerous city in the world. Most of the cities along the border have so many murders, so much corruption that there is constant conflict between the police and the military.

Next to illegal people and illegal drugs, the most consistent inconsistency in American life is the corruption of Washington officials; all involving greed. Goldman Sachs, the apex of consistent greed, was putting a Triple A rating on their bonds as they were internally betting against their bonds. Hedging, involving the implosion of the housing market. They knew, ahead of time, that all was about to go underwater while taking over the questionable bonds of Ameriquest and New Century, putting a Triple A rating on them. Henry Paulson, grander than God, was wallowing in the billions made on Wall Street with his bonds while wallowing, as Prince of the White House, in the few fiat dollars left in the American treasury. The state controlled media hung on every word of Alan Greenspan such as “irrational exuberance”. Geithner, Bernanke, Picower, Madoff, all Jews with an appetite for greed and control.

Our blessed Lord thought he had problems with Pharisees but think of what the likes of Henry Paulson and his carefully selected “brightest” boys from the most prestigious universities have done to this country. The enabler, joint conspirator, self serving, supposed Christian-conservative George W. Bush made the financial and economic environment of this nation a playground for Paulson and his ilk. Even this very day, Paulson and Goldman Sachs are making $100 million a day using the bailout funds to push up the stock market. Think of the bonuses paid for these extortioners to rob the public. Think of a complacent SEC who certainly knew the North Pole activities (so much cocaine in the Madoff offices), the Ponzi scheme, and the other activities which should have been regulated.

What if Bishop Sheen or Mother Teresa had asked for money to relieve the suffering of the poor and then just put the money in their pockets? I am totally blind, but my nose and other senses seldom fail me. The Goldman Sachs fiasco is a stinking mess. The Ft. Hood fiasco is a stinking mess. The supposed fight against illegals, whether drugs or people, is a stinking mess. The country cannot just walk away from the consistent inconsistencies like Lou Dobbs, we must continue to fight the battle of faith. Faith in our country to do what is right and faith in almighty God to bring to justice, even here on this Earth, those who will enslave us.

O God, whom I praise, do not remain silent, for wicked and deceitful men have opened their mouths against me; they have spoken against me with lying tongues. With words of hatred they surround me; they attack me without cause. In return for my friendship they accuse me, but I am a man of prayer. They repay me evil for good, and hatred for my friendship. Appoint an evil man to oppose him; let an accuser stand at his right hand. When he is tried, let him be found guilty, and may his prayers condemn him. May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership. May his children be fatherless and his wife a widow. May his children be wandering beggars; may they be driven from their ruined homes. May a creditor seize all he has; may strangers plunder the fruits of his labor. May no one extend kindness to him or take pity on his fatherless children. May his descendants be cut off, their names blotted out from the next generation. May the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the LORD; may the sin of his mother never be blotted out. May their sins always remain before the LORD, that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth. For he never thought of doing a kindness, but hounded to death the poor and the needy and the brokenhearted. He loved to pronounce a curse— may it come on him; he found no pleasure in blessing— may it be far from him. He wore cursing as his garment; it entered into his body like water, into his bones like oil. May it be like a cloak wrapped about him, like a belt tied forever around him. May this be the LORD's payment to my accusers, to those who speak evil of me. (Psalm 109:1-20)

Anglicans to Rome

On Tuesday, October 20, 2009 Pope Benedict announced that the Catholic Church was making it easier for disenchanted Anglicans to enter the Catholic Church. The 77 million Anglican denomination, known in the United States as the Episcopal Church, the largest denomination in Africa, has been split by the impossible problem of female priests, homosexual pastors, homosexual bishops and gay marriage. Particularly in Africa, many Anglicans feel their denomination has gone the way of Sodom. The Pope is evidently making it easier for Anglicans to become Catholics. It is reported that the Pope taking this road is a matter of vocation, not enough Catholic priests. Perhaps Anglican ministers entering Catholicism will give more Catholic churches pastors. The great problem with many Catholics is that many of these Anglican ministers are married; nearly 100 in the United States who have become Catholic.

Another problem with the Anglicans is their attitude towards the communion table, and their lackadaisical attitude towards abortion. When Catholics read such statements as those made by Dr. Rev. Katherine Hancock Ragsdale, who received much publicity in her speech in Birmingham, Al on July 21, 2007 when she said that “abortion is a blessing”. We'll find little comfort in knowing this is the attitude of most Episcopalians. Even the Bishop of Canterbury, Rev. Williams, seems to have compromised entirely with the satanic Episcopal/Anglican concept of acceptance of the culture of death provided by abortion and the inconceivable attitude towards homosexual bishops and pastors. There are probably more gay marriages in the Episcopal organization than any other “church” group.

We wonder if the Catholic Pope will offer a shelter of refuge to Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, who can no longer stomach the liberality of the gay agenda in their denominations. There are certainly Protestants and even Baptists who seek a solid rock on which to cling and even stand in this time of denominational liberalism and modernism and the attacks of the world against the Christian Church.

The word is “transition”. Born again, blood bought Christians believe that we are already experiencing the reward of heaven through our redemption in Christ. We are joint heirs, already experiencing eternal life through the sacrifice of our blessed lord. One thing I can support in any non-Catholic going toward the Catholic Church, I cling to the belief that the crucifix (Christ on the cross) should be a valued part of the Christian experience. I am convinced that the empty cross often leads one to forget the actual atonement. Perhaps not as much as the Episcopalians, but most Protestant and even Baptist memberships are as negligent in preaching and teaching, sins ruin and Christ's redemption as a local civic club. In fact, you can find about as much joy of salvation in any gathering as you can the nouveau-raison “church” membership. With a Rick Warren or Joel Osteen gathering of laughing and clapping, drums and drama, bells and smells, the circus attitude, bringing the world into the church, is the chief cause that the world has lost its respect for the worthiness of the church, Christ's bride.

The Ecumenical movement, like the United Nations in all countries, has globalized denominations as much as nations. The mantra that all governments and all religions are basically the same has so lessened the worship attitude, the grace through faith of the redemption of our blessed Lord. Young people just look upon the church as a place of hypocrisy with all the sovereignty and deliverance of a “Santa” mythology. I can understand the hunger real Anglicans and others have for the veracity and values of sacred text (John 10:10).

As with American-Russian relations during the time of the Cold War, we supposedly celebrated détente. There were photo opportunities, smiles between enemies, flowers were tossed at one another, but the Cold War still existed. The war still exists between God's promises and Satan's phonies. The caricature of worship, the pretending of posterity and prophecy prevails in a vacuum of deceit. The child of God, born anew, a new creation in Christ, seeks homage with real believers not masqueraders.

Western Civilization and the religious history was greatly determined in 1571 at the Battle of Lepanto. It was at that battle that the Christian Church actually turned back Muslim forces. A new Battle of Lepanto, which probably will not be fought on the sea, is forming battle lines around us. It is time for Christians, regardless of denomination, to get “real”, to cleanse our ranks from all impostors: “Who is on the Lord's side, who will serve our King?”.

The fate of one's soul, the fate of God's church, is a matter of God's sovereignty. God does not need “hybrid churchgoers” to carry his cross. Christian discipleship is not an entrepreneurial concept. The nonsensical high church, low church, “we want God on our terms”, is the very sign post giving direction to the broad road that leads to destruction.

One of my friends, an accomplished musician, was asked to serve as organist at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church when their organist went on vacation. The pastor said, “When you play the hymns, we do not want to hear anything about blood”. I can tell you, as a doctor, life is in the blood. You can be sure from everything in God's Word that without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin (Hebrews 9:22). Will the Anglicans and Catholics compromise the precious blood of Christ?

Friday, November 13, 2009

Little Foxes

I was in London, in the West End theatre district, Elizabeth Taylor was in the play “Little Foxes”. This was Lillian Hellman's play, which in 1939, Tallulah Bankhead starred. It refers to the scripture found in Chapter 2, Verse 15 in the Song of Solomon in which we are taught it is the little foxes which spoil the vines. This causes us to think of the problems caused by little things. In the movie “Saigon”, starring Alan Ladd, it was a pin hole in a gas tank that caused a plane to put down in an unfamiliar airport thus resulting in the entire plot of the movie. The disease MSRA (flesh eating bacteria) is caused by the pathogen staphylococcus aureas, an extremely small microbe, which can eat away the flesh. It is difficult for a microbiologist to see this bacteria even with the most powerful microscope.

We have an entire science built around nano-technology. Our very lives are influenced by the microchip. Silicon Valley in California was built around this technology. Gigantic predictions forecast microchips in our flesh as we, like zombies or robots, perform like puppets at the behest of our government slave masters. Warfare has changed completely because of small things. All over the Indian Ocean, from the Seychelles to Madagascar, drones are photographing not only the pirates operating from Somalia but oil tankers influencing the geo-politics of the entire world. Politics are the art of the possible. It is the greed element in the very soul of mankind, so very small it is usually camouflaged, which governs the activity of this planet.

It is difficult to go into a living room, a hotel room, a restaurant, even a garage, without having the open sewage line of television operating. Our minds are so clouded with the deceit of today that we cannot think of the possibilities of tomorrow. Why did not someone in Brazil even consider the possibility of 60 million people going without electricity (19 million alone in the city of San Paulo, which is the largest city in South America) because of a small break in the transmission line from the Itaipu hydroelectric dam on the Paraná River. Intelligence would dictate alternative routes, intelligence would dictate the ease with which a terrorist could strike.

It is a small thing, unless you're on a crashed plane, but a United Airlines pilot was arrested in England for drunkenness. Just those who are killed on American highways everyday would be the equivalent of the crash of a 747 every week. Just a small bottle of liquor, perhaps a small barbiturate, perhaps some cocaine, but an irresponsible pilot and crew or vehicle driver, in what is considered a small work detail, can slaughter hundreds at one stroke. Think of the two pilots who completely bypassed their landing airport, such a small thing but a small hole in the fuselage would have necessitated their landing at the nearest airport. Would they, in their small brains, have been able to do the job?

Technology involves small things. Nano units, chemical milli-weights, gene striations. God, creator of everything, knew the ending as well of the beginning of all human experience. Technology has changed the world but human nature has not changed. The world, the flesh, the devil, are using the small creatures against the ultimate creation. Fight the good fight of faith and keep everything in proportion. Perception is not reality.

Sick Care


Sick Care

On a trip to Yugoslavia, I was sitting in a restaurant in Dubrovnik, which I still believe is the most beautiful city in the world. Textbook communist at the time, under the reign of Tito, an elderly woman came over and sat down across from me and asked me if I were an American. She said, “Until people have lost their freedom, they do not know what it is like to have it”. Slowly but surely Americans daily lose their freedom, and like the frog in the pot of heated water, they will not realize it until their liberty is completely gone. I can tell you now, having visited every communist country except North Korea, we are under as much collectivist, totalitarian control as any communist country. We still have the right to pay taxes on the house in which we live (you do not own your house, you only pay taxes to live in it, you do not own your car, you only pay taxes to drive it, you do not own anything, you are already enslaved by regulations, permits, licenses in every action).

The last great freedom of an American involved in security and privacy is your freedom regarding your sick care. I say “sick care” because nothing in the monster 2,000 page legislation now before the Congress pertains to wellness, preventative care, supplements. In fact, your ability to buy supplements, even such vitamins as the A,B,C and D vitamins, will be strictly prohibited to RX drugstore physician activity. You think sick care is costly now, with the new legislation, a couple making $100,000 combined income will pay $20,000 a year for this government care. You think bankrupt Medicare and Medicaid are problems now, go to a VA hospital and see war torn and worn veterans take a number and just sit for hours waiting for the most callous care one can imagine. Over the years, in any visit to a civilian doctor, I always ask my assistant, “How many people are here? What age are they?”. They are always old people there because the government will pay for it. If the government were not paying for it, most of these people would use home remedies. Most of these people would be more careful about their food intake, their exercise, their addictions.
50% of all Americans now are obese and most are diabetic.

50% of suicides are alcohol connected. 10% of all drivers on the highways are alcohol impaired. Alcohol for older citizens, like designer drugs for young people, are addictive because most are looking for escape, escape from the harsh realities which daily bombard us from every direction.

The new sick care legislation has nothing to do with insurance or government providing compassion for people. It is not health but a transfer of power, a loss of your freedom to choose. The government wants to take over this one-fifth of the country's economy with bankrupt systems involving every government agency, with entitlements and other debt (interest only debt). Your children and grandchildren are facing a $50 trillion national debt. A trillion dollars, in simple terms, would be the equivalent of spending one dollar per second for 32,000 years. Already, with a $12 trillion debt, every man, woman and child in America owes $250,000 dollars. A baby born out at the hospital this very morning, so cute, so innocent, owes the government $250,000.

Goldman Sachs is making $100 million a day from the fact that the dollar is so near worthless. This American company, with all it's bailouts, like the Saudis, like the local banks with their bailouts, are spending almost worthless fiat currency to push up the stock market. Would it not be terrible for this nation to have enemies?

Iceland, preceding the American experience, allowed their banks to make frivolous loans to bank officers, employees, and others closely connected to the banks without having any standards with which to back up the practices. The entire nation, from financial incredulity and the Marxist system of welfare, is entirely broke. Reportedly, in such dire financial trouble, they have nowhere to go. So much financial corruption, they have had trouble finding anyone to clean it up. They reportedly appointed an innocuous police chief from a remote town. As I heard of the futility of the Iceland financial system, I could not help but think of the thousands of fish I saw on racks, in Iceland, drying in the sun. Like the dried fish, like any mammal when all internal consciousness has been removed (Americans are about to be gutted and put out to dry), we face the certainty of desolation. There is much criticism in Iceland from the media about the dire circumstances of the country. Iceland, with it's state controlled media, could not see the desolation coming. Do you think for one minute the state controlled media in America has investigated the consequences of proposed sick care or any of the other Obama surge to communism? The media proclaims that there must be change. The very ones in government, politicians and bureaucrats, who have concocted this cauldron of legislation are the very ones who could have corrected the many warts and fallacies in the present insurance and care systems (health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, VA).

The philosopher, Alexander Pope, said , “A new beatitude I give you, “Blessed is the man who expects nothing for he will never be disappointed”. “ Have your elected politicians done anything good for you lately? Are you disappointed?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Warriors' Minds

Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living”. It is good for everyone to examine your life, often in the quiet hours of the night when God dictates, and analyze thoughts. This happened last night as I thought of my many trips through Spain. Once, General Franco sitting in a box just above me at a bull fight in Madrid

In Hemingway's “The Sun Also Rises”, and in my experience, the Spanish Civil War marked a turn in European religious experience. My thoughts were rampant with the news that a monument was being built in Valencia to celebrate the lives of the martyrs who died there in 1936. At the Catholic Seminary, young men in their early 20's were taken to open graves, they kissed the ropes that bound them and as they were shot, shouted, “Long live Christ the King!”. Franco's executors had said to them, “We have nothing against you, it is the Catholic robes you wear”. This gives a new perspective to the Islamic enemies we are fighting, those willing to blow themselves up in religious zeal.

I was in the Yucatan in Mexico, met a man about my age who most of you would recognize because his picture was on many advertisements. He told me he came back to his homeland each year to visit the grave of his father, who, like the martyrs in Spain, was killed because of his faith. He said, “My father was forced to dig his own grave but onlookers said that, as he was shot and fell into the gave, he shouted “Long Live Christ the King!””. Do we actually have patriots or pilgrims of Christ persuaded to prove their love for God and country? The events of the past week, speaking of the second 9/11 at an army facility in this country, should cause every American to think about the enemy.

I was assigned to the Army hospital at Ft. McClellan, Alabama. Young, inexperienced, having already been baptized by military superficial warfare, the doctor I was replacing said, “ This is the weirdest place you will ever encounter. I don't know what is going on here but it will come out some day”.

I noticed right away that many of the doctors, and others at the hospital, were unusual citizens. From the hospital commander, right on down, most were depleted, gaunt, shadows of human depravity. It occurs to me now, more so than at that time, that this remote army facility was probably being used by the government as a repatriation medical point for the CIA and God only knows who else. Professional refugees being brought in from Europe and Asia following WWII and the Korean conflict. There were only two schools of any significance on the post, the Woman's Army Corp Center and the Army Chemical Center. The mission of the hospital was just to care for the people of these schools. I noticed right away that there were many CIA and FBI people being processed at this hospital. Since I was part of the processing clinical review, I had to look in everyone's eyes, I saw and heard things which I let pass by. For instance, one of the ranking nurses, Colonel Kornfeld, was supposedly a refugee from the uprising in Hungary. The hospital commander was a German drunk medical officer by the name of Marx, his ex officer, another German drunk by the name of Correl, all the other ranking officers at the facility possessed German names. I am convinced that this remote hospital the nearest to Huntsville, Alabama was a part and parcel of Red Stone Arsenal...back then the rocket and missile knowledge facility of the country. One of my dentist friends, a German war survivor, was always being asked to talk with Europeans. The entire hospital was a galaxy of unbelievable intrigue. Frankly, I was glad to leave the place and to this day do not understand all the entanglements with the super secret areas of government, but one thing has not left my mind.

I was a young, brash, serious officer. I evidently caught the eye of a nurse who was a little older than me, but much more experienced in life. I do not flatter myself but I think she wanted to get an affair started with me. I let her know right away that I was a Christian and that my life revolved around my work at the hospital and my church (Parker Memorial Baptist, Anniston) in town. I fully believe there are people who do not have a conscience. If God wants you, he will make the necessary arrangements to get you. She evidently had so many problems with her life, enough to want to talk with me about her soul. I do not look like a priest, nor do I have a confessional booth, but she talked with me at length about her past life.

In Japan, following WWII, she was assigned by the CIA to be the whore of one of the commanders in the Japanese occupation. She lived with him in one of Tokyo's trendiest hotels. In other words, she was a domestic spy, a spy of our government, against and for, our government. She reported to the CIA or FBI about this general's entire lifestyle, everything he said and did. Obviously, things had developed so that she was assigned somewhere else and she was parked in this Army hospital's parking lot. I am convinced that this hospital was being used by secret government agencies to prepare foreign officers brought into this country for living among us... a sort of halfway house between former enemies, who had much to contribute to the country, and government agencies who needed their knowledge, or perhaps needed to use them in some other venture.

I have worked at other Army facilities and at no other place were there so many unusual characters. The truly Americanized officers and enlisted personnel, were either there on a short time basis (as this officer), or were misfits just waiting for retirement. I have tried to remember several “normal” people at the hospital (but remember this was 50 years ago). The only normal people I remember being employed there, male or female, were civil service. Remarks made to me by several of them, at one time or another (and I did not have enough abstract psychological training to understand their insinuations), went completely by me. After all, one does not seek problems...not in the military. Starting any type confusion, even to the writing of a political letter, will show up on your officer's efficiency report. This instrument used almost entirely in your promotions.

Books are being written and under the “Freedom of Information Act” CIA and FBI activity in warfare, and everything else, is being uncovered. If we had a true interrogating press, if journalism were a profession, many of the dalliances and extravagances of government would be revealed to the public working hard, sweating, trying to pay the bills. Perhaps fear of reprisal keeps many of us from making known inconsistencies and observations. It is not just our lives but our country which is at stake. “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” (John 4:18)

Shock Treatment

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Shock Treatment

Are we shocked at anything anymore? Each day brings a new revelation of some horror story taking place in the world. More money is spent in this country in video gaming entertainment than any other type entertainment. Such bloody, spastic, warfare games as “Call of Duty” and “Final Fantasy” are a consistent diet in the visual apparatus of today's groping young person. Shock treatment, as used in therapy in mental disorders, is used mostly to relieve stress or with certain bipolar disorders. I don't believe this therapy is used much any more because there has been greater success with chemicals. Shock treatment, as relating to the economy, has been used in times of recession to motivate buying and establish controls on prices. I was in Argentina at a time of run away inflation. In a store, there would be many prices on an item. The value of the money was changing so rapidly the merchant did not have the time to even remove labels but just marked through old ones and established a new price. We will probably see this type inflation shortly. As the price of gold goes up, the price of fiat currency goes down, and prices will climb to the place, that like some countries in history, you will go shopping with a large bag or wheelbarrow full of money. Those not affected by recession, those who vote themselves an automatic pay increase (such as Congress), will have little empathy for the beleaguered and the bewildered public. 237 members of the US House of Representatives are millionaires. Seven are worth more than $100 million. It is a known fact that 90% of Senators are millionaires. Wisconsin Senator Kohl is reportedly worth $215 million. Like the Kenedys, the Clintons, the Bushs, the high flying (rich and famous) of the political sort cannot be expected to understand your plight as a hard working, God fearing, tax paying citizen who does not eat lavish meals via high powered lobbyist, who are treated to every enjoyable experience money can buy via elitist rich people who want your political blessing.

Donald Trump estimates his net worth at $5 billions. The real estate tycoon has know the ups and downs of the business climate. In 1990, his creditors tried to assist in his realignment. It is reported that at Atlantic City the bankers were admonishing him for certain business practices and telling him that he might be going into personal bankruptcy. He just smiled and said, “It is your problem, you are the ones who will lose the money.” I do not believe it has occurred to the average American, yet, the financial condition of the country. Streets are still full of vehicles, stores are still filled with goods, the skies are still full of planes, people going somewhere. Those with sight, tell me that the athletic stadiums are still full for athletic events.
Garth Brooks has just come out of retirement. He will give concerts in Las Vegas for $125 a seat. All the seats were sold out in a matter of minutes.

People keep telling me that I have gotten old and the world has changed. Yesterday it was announced that the Japanese government will give the United States $5 billion to be used for the Afghanistan war. It was proposed that this money be sent to pay off Taliban insurgents so they would stop fighting us, go back to their homes and become “peacemakers.” These paid off fighters will become about as peaceful as the Iraqi fighters in the beginnings days of that war when, in the desert between Baghdad and Kuwait, they were told to just turn around and go home. We have been there eight years with as many civilian contractors as uniform service people. The shock treatment of Gorilla Warfare is trying to pacify religious, political and media leaders with a politically correct dogma of ambiguity.

In this global, one world government, science and technology precedes every mission. Global warming, and the enrichment of fatso Al Gore (the first man to become a billionaire off the environment) supersedes the strategy of military success. Answers about the Cap and Trade tax are more important than answers about military supplies. The fact that Godless China is teaching the Chinese language all over Africa to the natives as China further uses its resources to conquer the world economically as America continuously tied down with religious wars.

Does the disdain for Christianity and Christian principles bother you? Larry David, producer of the popular Seinfeld series, urinated on a picture of Jesus Christ. Someone put the picture in the bathroom and a Latino maid found it and thought that Christ was crying. She phoned some of her friends and there was a ritual before the “crying Christ”. Like Jerusalem, I'm sure Christ weeps over this world and the shock of this entire episode but you hear nothing from the religious community. A young girl, with a new puppy, leashed, was taking the puppy for a walk. Three young boys came along and immediately killed the girls puppy by stomping its head. Three young boys, just yesterday, were in the courthouse for dousing another young man with alcohol and setting him on fire. 65% of his body was burned.

The government controlled media, so politically correct, has had nothing to say about the fact that the Muslim psychiatrist, accused of shooting his fellow soldiers at Ft. Hood, attended a Muslim mosque just outside Washington, DC along with Muslim members who flew the hijacked plans in 9/11. For over one year, the FBI was aware the mental status of this army major, his supposed communication with a Kuwait insurgent. Does it shock you that this psychiatrist was educated with your tax dollars? Was counseling your young warriors who had returned from the war about the futility of fighting Islam?

Do you even care, is it a shocking revelation, that the congress is about to inflict you with a 2,000 page health care legislation that will totally change the greatest health care system known to man? The thing that should bother you most about this monster is what it will cost you in the future.

God takes his word very seriously, “as a man thinketh in his heart, so he is” (Proverbs 23:7)