I have studied the history of the world on this side of the flood; I can say with all sincerity and honesty that we are now in the worst historical condition in the history of the planet. During my lifetime, 80 years, I have seen America, a democratic republic, change totally. I have tried to think, “When did the change start?”
I believe the change for the worst started with the killing by this nation of its president, John F. Kennedy, in Dallas, TX in 1963. Studying the details of this assassination, one cannot help but come to the conclusion that the Warren Report, and all other government detail of the killing, was a cover up. Lee Harvey Oswald, blamed and killed, was right when he shouted to the news media that he was a “patsy”. Eye witnesses and film of the despicable government distortion were ignored. The public has become so dumbed down that we no longer recognize the facts involved in government cover up (JFK, 9/11, or even the recent massacre at Ft. Hood). Then, in 1963, an innocuous 21 word prayer was thrown out of the school house. The courts and the parents decided it was better to have police in the schools patrolling the halls than have prayer in the classroom.
In 1973, the Supreme Court decided that the killing of the most innocent of human life could be reconciled with the Constitution. The culture of death, the holocaust of abortion, the euthanasia of the elderly (physician-assisted suicide in several states), has lead to the death of nearly 53 million babies which would have brought much happiness and productivity to the American experience. In 1970, 90% of surviving children were reared in homes with a mother and father. Today, 50% of all children are reared in homes with just a mother. 35% of all black children are reared in a single parent home (52% of all black babies are aborted).
From 1799 to 1892, the Supreme Court declared this nation a Christian nation. There are still many Christians in this nation, but according to the Marxist-Muslim President Obama, this is no longer a Christian nation. The crime statistics, the lackadaisical attitude of most citizens, the surge towards pleasure and “me-ism”, pornography, drug addiction and every decadent and satanic pleasure the world can conceive, marks us a profane nation on the brink of destruction. If this country, the world as described on the printed page and that I have witnessed in 8 round the world trips traveling every continent, survives in its present state, God will certainly apologize to Sodom.
Nonsense has become worship in most churches. Yesterday, I heard a pastor invite his members to the church to decorate the building for Christmas. Some churches actually put a Santa Claus figure in the vestibule of the church welcoming the public into a supposed faith based, sovereign, grace thrilled sanctuary for believers. The last place a Christmas tree (phallic symbol in the pagan religions) should be seen is in the scripture based, omnipotent, omniscient, sovereign House of God. The only tree with which Christians should be concerned is that cruel tree on which our Savior died to redeem the world. The only lights the Christians should memorialize at this season is the light of the world who came to overcome darkness. The only red balls, or holly thorns the Christian should memorialize at this season are the thorns on the crown of our blessed Lord or the red blood drops for the washing clean of our sins and our atonement.
If you missed this meaning of Christmas, you have missed Christmas. Mixing “Here Comes Santa Claus” (the greatest myth ever perpetrated on the Christian church) with “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear” is as preposterous as the now decadent practice of young Christian people spiking their punch at their Christmas banquet with vodka. No wonder that 75% of all young people brought up in a Christian church abandons Christianity. The Catholic Church, which boasts 70% of the American voting public, in the last election voted 54% for abortion-promoting Obama. The Catholic Church may not be right about some things, anymore than most denominations are not right about everything, but the Catholic Church is right about its attitude towards the killing of the most innocent of life. Catholics could have prevented the election of this culture of death.
We are living in an age of deception, “To obey is better than sacrifice” (1 Sameul 15:22). Obedience and submissiveness is foreign to the unsaved and very unpopular with the Christian. Even believers want God on our terms, not His terms. Today's churchgoers can sit on the padded pews in absolute comfort and go “smiling through” (Broadway play) any message pertaining to sin (Romans 1:21). The Church has dragged the world into its sanctuary. Unless closely observing, you cannot tell the church service from the nightclub or country club...same people, same clothes, same attitude, same language, and in most cases, same music. God requires the Christian Church to be a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a peculiar nation...the salt of the Earth. I am convinced, the only reason, we, as a nation, though in the throes of death, are still standing.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration, well known writer, stated recently that perhaps the second leg of this depression will awaken those who are not yet awake. I lived through the Great Depression of the 1930's. I remember the “Hoover carts”, empty store shelves, hungry people coming to the door asking for food, real Christian people on their hands and knees at the church altar begging for mercy for themselves and their country. We now have a soft, spoiled population.
Several times recently, I have heard one of these young, pretty, empty-headed talking heads in a news broadcast say, “Socialism is not all bad, Islam is not all bad, why don't we all just worship Allah so we will have friends around the world?”. The geometric, square, black stone Mosque at Mecca (Ka'aba edifice, windowless, one door) which is without images of any kind, to which Muslims bow in its direction five times a day, to which two million Muslims visit each year and walk around counterclockwise seven times, is not the God which we, as redeemed, blessed children of the Creator of the Universe, worship. We do what we do because we believe what we believe. Most of our problems, whether at the White House, the courthouse, the church house, the school house or your house, is because of stinking thinking. Nations have died in the past. This old, totally blind veteran tells you that this one is worth saving.