The flying of flags, showing the patriotism of your country probably started in Siam or certainly some Asian country. I noticed, on a trip to Bhutan, that white flags fly over a place of death. Among the early Roman legions, “standards”, cloth or otherwise, were displayed. It was said that Alexander the Great who conquered all the known world, would keep his flag, his colors, covered until the time of battle. The scripture tells us that the Ark of the Covenant went before the Jewish army, this must have been a spectacular site to the pagans standing on the walls of the fortress cities, such as Jericho. When these millions of Jews started their trek around the city with this great gold Ark, like a great “Panzer” tank, in front. That should have unnerved anyone.
Pre-WWII movies showed the German swastika flag flying in front of every Nazi business, a sign of power. Mark Twain said, “there is nothing as wonderful to the eye as the sight of an American flag on a ship in any foreign port.” I can attest to this, a flag on an American ship, a flag before an American embassy in a foreign country. There was a time when the American flag was the most important symbol of Americanism, even in America. A flag at the post office, a flag at every schoolhouse, an American flag along with a Christian flag in the front of every Christian church. Even in the smallest rural school, an American flag along with, usually, a picture of George Washington in every school room.
We need to get back to patriotic symbolism, with the overrunning of America by illegal invaders, our seemingly inability to fight wars. Globalists, after the pocketbooks of the world, the taking over of the banking system by international financial banks, we should either fly our banner high, or at half-staff ...particularly on federal holidays, because America is in trouble, and should be sad. After 9/11 there was much playing of the song “God Bless America”. Why should God bless America? A nation up to its elbows, threatening other countries, the 20th century was the most evil century in the history of the world, and because of anti-Christian forces in American government, America will pay a great price.
When did our adoration for winners cease, whether millionaires playing ball, playing golf, or driving race cars. We had guard dogs on the farm, some farm animals, such as boar hogs, could get very frightful when a young puppy, so cute when small, came running back to the house frightened, when it was his duty to get a hog or cow back in the pasture. We got rid of that dog. A dog might come back injured, but he came back a hero, he had done his job. My mother knew how to cull laying-hens, to see if they were regular layers. The hen may be cute, but she is not being fed that expensive chicken feed not to produce. The hens that did not lay eggs found their way on the table as “chicken stew”. My father knew how to look over the belly of his “gilt pigs” (female hogs). To see which would make a good “brood sow”.
The world has become so politically correct about everything, anything and everything is tolerated. Roger Baldwin, founder of the ACLU, its executive from 1920 to 1950, objected to any national borders, any license of any type, any restraints on anything.
As a student at UNC-Chapel Hill, at the medical school, the librarian, Ms. Pickard, asked me to keep the library open one night, late, because of a meeting in the room. The large room with its tables and chairs was seldom used for anything but library work. It so happened, on that night, Dr. Alfred Kinsey (Kinsey reports, University of Indiana) was there to speak to school personnel and other interested atheists about human sexuality. Evidently, at that time, certainly not today, the university was careful not to have such controversial gatherings at regular academic settings, and certainly they did not want the media to know about the controversial topic. Each person attending presented a card of invitation.
I sat there astounded as I heard this pervert (Dr. Kinsey is well known as a sexual pervert), talk about the laxity which would come to America involving sex. He talked about the oncoming promiscuous behavior of heterosexuals and the oncoming agenda of the homosexuals. He talked casually about pedophilia, how natural and good it was for children to adapt to sex at an early age. Now this was 60 years ago, but we have seen everything he discussed that night, which at that time was as foreign as “moon-walking”, come into total acceptance, without an inkling of non-belief. Slowly but surely, like a leaking faucet destroying a mansion, decadent sexual behavior is destroying America.
The only thing that has kept the sinful acts of debauchery, thievery, lying, deception from full popularity in the world, happened for the very foundation of the world. The threat of judgment by the Creator of the universe, Who despises sin...Who sent His Son (God putting on a tent of human flesh) into the world, to give us a perfect example of love and redemption. Surely, any thinking person can see what is happening, Satan wants the church destroyed, the Christian is in the forefront of survival. From the mosque controversy in Manhattan has evolved one thing, synthesis. From every direction, no one cares if the mosque is built, everyone thinks a mosque should be built. But, a shade-tree preacher from Florida, antithesis, starts an international disturbance concerning the burning of the Koran. Another Jones (you remember Jim Jones of the Kool-Aid deaths), Satan does anything he can to create a problem involving the embarrassment of Christians. We are told about rioting in Pakistan between those who have not drowned in the floods. In every Muslim country, where were these non-violent Islamists concerning the threatened cartoon drawer, or the nine American missionaries killed in Afghanistan after working there among needful people for forty years?
If you were to look up the word “paganism” in the dictionary, you would probably find a photograph of New York City. I understand there are already 50 mosques in New York City, so another one will not do much harm, or evidently, much good. In the city in which I live, and indeed, in the towns and cities across America, there are churches on almost every corner. Evidently, they are not doing much good...there is more poverty in America now than in 1964 when the war on poverty started. More illegal drugs are used in America now, than before the “war on drugs” started, more people are smoking now, tobacco or something else, than before the war against smoking started. There are more terrorists in the world now, than before the “war on terrorism” started. It is estimated that there are thousands (probably 10,000+) terrorist cells are already installed in America, just waiting for the signal, to create havoc: bombings, perhaps chemical or biological warfare, or even fires, such as we hear about everyday.
I wrote long ago about meeting Gus Hall, chairman of the American Communist Party, the communists, like the terrorists who despise this country already have the plan for the burning down of America. It can happen almost overnight. Have you heard any concern? During WWII, there were bomb shelters, and churches open day and night for prayer, in desperation, at a time of conquest, the flag is flown upside down.
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