My interest in politics started as a very young child, born during the depths of the Great Depression, witnessing relatives struggling to hold onto their farmland. Seeing my father do any kind of work to make a dollar, such as cutting hair at ten cents a head, making building repairs for very few dollars which now would cost thousands. Seeing my mother churn tons of butter to sell in town along with eggs and anything else one could sell. Only burning an old lamp when it was so dark it would be impossible to live otherwise and hearing my republican parents, grandparents, cousins, talk about the corruption in democrat politics in the solid democrat south. When they knew the lies of FDR and his communist vice President Henry Wallace, were a stench in the nostrils of Almighty God.
As millions of pigs were killed and buried, crops were cut down and destroyed, all in an effort at agricultural stabilization and parity. Unemployment, 18% from 1931 to 1940, nothing ever improving in spite of the lies of the democrat politicians who were elected just from the primary. Old white men in charge of the registration books, who would never speak to a black person any other time, would actually haul them from the hinterlands to the voting precinct and give them a candy bar to vote for their candidate. There were no republican candidates locally and few statewide, but law required a republican poll watcher at each election. My mother and her cousin took turns as poll watchers for 1 dollar a day and they never ceased to be amazed at the corruption going on at the polls when ballots were illegally marked by men who would sing the loudest at the church.
As poor as we were, my parents mission in life was to educate their children, and so the school and church were the highlights of our existence. To this day, I don’t know how he did it, but we always had a newspaper delivered and at least 2 magazines. (News and Observer, Look, Progressive Farmer) I learned to read everything in these magazines, and certainly the newspapers. I read “Under the Dome: The politics of Raleigh” and “ Drew Pearson: The Politics of Washington DC”.
Fast forward, I am a doctor, blind from the war, successful enough to own a co-op apartment in NYC as well as my beach home in NC, traveling the world, meeting important people who gave me a glimpse under the tent of sophisticated corrupt political leaders with the entanglement of capitalist compensation and conspiracy. Always a committed Christian, I loved the Fifth Ave Presbyterian church in Manhattan, within walking distance from my home, because of music and social activity. Unlike most southern churches, they did not shun disabled persons unless I am very misinformed, God is going to make the coals of hell very hot for supposed “Christians and preachers” who have ignored the disabled citizens of their community. A few architects in a few cities have started designing church facilities which accommodate the disabled. (Blind, wheelchairs, walkers, etc) Since the disabled have so many problems, perhaps it makes the congregation and the preacher uncomfortable to have them in the congregation, so they do everything possible to keep them out. Christ was very concerned about the disabled, seven times, He healed the blind. He and His disciples healed all types of sickness. He even broke up every funeral precession He ever met.
Another reason I attended the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian church, I understood that Norman Thomas was the assistant pastor there when Rev. Henry Van Dyke was pastor. Thomas, who ran for president 6 times on the socialist ticket, was a graduate of Princeton University. It is significant that this fifth avenue church presented each graduating minister of Princeton with a new suit of clothes upon graduating from this Presbyterian college. How things have changed. Dr. Peter Singer , Princeton professor, one of the countries greatest proponents of abortion and euthanasia, was asked "Would you kill a disabled baby?", Singer responded, "Yes, if that was in the best interests of the baby and of the family as a whole." Singer advances his abortion stance that between fetus and newborn there is no sharp distinction.
Norman Thomas, himself, was never an orthodox Marxist, instead favoring a Christian socialist orientation. Perhaps Thomas, like the modernist Presbyterians, Methodist, Lutheran, etc, like to walk down the middle of the road with one hand stretched out to God, the other to Satan. Thomas, from a family of a Presbyterian pastor himself a Union Theological Seminary graduate, like Demus, and so many “church-goers” who “love this present world”, with all his theology training and pastoral knowledge, did not realize that “God is a jealous God.”
James Madison in 1788, said “Encroachment and enslavement of people come slowly.” Khrushchev, Gorbachev, Roger Baldwin, Gus Hall, Saul Alinsky, have all forecast the demise of our republic and when we have learned recently that 53% of all school children believe socialism is better then democracy, we realize the atheistic indoctrination of our children in the government schools is becoming complete. In 1949, George Orwell wrote the book “Nineteen Eighty-Four” perhaps more then any other famous writer, he had the modern concept of a socialist America in place with the words “Big Brother will take care of you.”
Plato stated long before Orwell that there are two important rules governing a country, the first is “who teaches the children?,” and the second “what do they teach them?” Judge Brandeis told his daughter that the first rule of life to learn is, “Life is tough.” In Bill Gate's “Ten Rules for Success in Business“, said the first rule to learn is that “life is not fair.” Everyone wants fairness, yet a very small number of Americans pay all the taxes. 50% of the American population pay no income tax at all.
Since the Korean War, I have been partially blind, but for the past 40 years, totally blind, expected to pay taxes on every dollar I have been fortunate enough to make, even though I never received one dollar of financial help for my education. ( At the time I went to college there were no grants or scholarships). I do not have a child who has been to a public school, I have not used your prisons, your parks, your libraries, your concert halls, your rehabilitation or other agencies. The State Commission for the Blind has been to my house one time all these years. The VA has done nothing for my sightless condition except furnished me a “talking watch.” Knowing the blessings of God, as very few people have known the blessings of God, I have told several young people I would teach them what I know about real estate and securities, but they would have to study and read some books on the subject as I have done. Each one, without exception, said, “I had rather just get a check every month.” So, here comes Mr. Obama’s socialism. Margaret Thatcher, one of England’s greatest, raised in poverty in an apartment above her father’s butcher shop in Grantham England, said, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually, run out of other people’s money.”
The problem with socialism in this country is that most of our young people have never known what it is to work or to want for anything. They have not traveled the world like this writer (8 around the world trips in 157 countries) and seen the economic depravity, starving children, adult despair, police state turmoil, that I have witnessed. In Haiti, you are rich if you get one meal a day. 92% of the world's population have no possessions at all. Most of the populations of the poorest countries of the world are under 30 years of age. They have risked life and limb trying to escape their poverty by illegally crossing borders and even large bodies of water seeking a better life. The world Muslim population grows at the rate of 36,400 a day.
Next to the killing of the unborn, (3,500 each day) the most horrible death is the death by a machete proving everyday they do not mind killing one another. The wealth of the western world is anticipated by revolt if nothing else. But, the wealth of the western world, as has already gained a strangle hold in Europe, is the objective of the socialist. As was stated in Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals“, the target of the socialist, now very much in control, will be attempted with the isolation of everything else. In academia, more so then anywhere else, stinking thinking leads to our certain demise. Our people are using emotions instead of rational thinking. The best predictor of failure is our depreciation of success.
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