“Sabotage” was a riveting and almost romantic word in the years following WWII. One of Hitchcock's great movies was called “Sabotage.” Saboteurs, those who executed sabotage, were colorful, often benign, characters. I knew one man who disarmed bombs. A bomb would be found and he was called upon to disarm it. I said to him, “you must have nerves of steal.” He said, “No. As long as there are colored wires and I keep my sense about me, it is worth the money. If I were intelligent, I would be doing something else.” You would never have suspected this man to be an arms expert. Now, the Islamic fanatics have made sabotage, its romantic aspects, a cheapened thing of the past. Having studied the suicide bomber, I know that those who volunteer and are trained to carry out these missions are not required to know anything about their explosives, just be in a drugged stupor... a process of neural intoxication with drugs and a psychosis of brainwashing, so that as a zombie, with the prepared bombs strapped to them, they have no hesitancy about the accomplishment of their mission, just enough sense to pull a trigger. The finesse of a saboteur, the courage of the saboteur, is unneeded in today's warfare. Both were and are a terrible methods of killing, but shows the difference fifty years can make. The tragedy, in this time in history, sabotage everywhere.
Food scientists, through genetic manipulation, are sabotaging the world's food supply. This week, scientific saboteurs talked of the genetic modification of salmon. It was learned many years ago that incubation can hasten the hatching of eggs. With the rapid hatching and rapid growth of salmon, the supply of this fish will be increased. This will be the same with the production of trout and other fish. This will give the world more seafood, but the question, as is the question with genetically modified corn and other grains, will the food be healthier for human consumption? We know that genetically modified corn makes people sick. Fructose, coming from corn, is now used in an increasing amount of processed food. Since 50% of the American population is diabetic and 80% are overweight, there is a need, as never before, if government has any function at all, to warn the population about nutrition. The fact of the matter, for energy, for life, the body requires nutrition, which it is not getting from today's depleted food sources. We stay hungry because the body needs nutrition, but the foods we eat are not healthy and we just put on weight. It costs to eat healthy. Through the sabotage of fast food, junk foods, and eating on the go, “garbage in and garbage out.” With essential nutrition leading to healthy internal organs, the object of remedial toxicity from expensive, exotic, chemical big pharma. When food is plentiful, we do not think about famine.
As one with degrees in science, I am embarrassed by the saboteurs in science. I was a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and read their publications for many years from cover to cover. There was intrigue in scientific development, experiments, new discoveries and procedures. Today's scientists are concerned with one thing, and one thing only, the next government research grant, largess from government or corporation largess leading to higher salaries, bigger buildings, and better political recognition. The best example of this is the carbon malarky, cap and trade, and the selling of carbon footprints.
With the Obama healthcare fiasco, homeland security fiasco, saboteurs are now seeking to destroy the family farm and small business. Tremendous fines will be imposed on the resale of tomatoes in your backyard to a neighbors house or the bartering of some chickens or some eggs from a farm to your house for something of value that you have. A projected fine of $5,000 will be imposed on any small farmer who does not have a government imposed number for each animal. Large commercial farms like Monsanto and Tyson will pay for a large commercial license. The small farm, the roadside market, the organic farm, was and is, the essence of American ingenuity. The small entrepreneur, business or agriculture, built American free enterprise. It is the control, collectivist, totalitarian state which has equalized everything in failed communist society, the saboteurs of freewill, free enterprise, and enjoyment from one's own work.
It is the saboteurs of what was once the greatest education system in the world, the American public school system, that has driven parents who love their children to keep them at home and educate them there. Politically correct educators are so intent on pleasing everyone that they educate no one. It is more a matter of entertainment and indoctrination than education. If a mother who never went to college can educate her children at home and prepare them with excellence in every endeavor, prepare them for college entrance, it is a shame that with the money involved in the education of teachers involved, the dancing of education officials to every tune played by unions (NEA et cetera), that one-third of all children who enter school do not graduate, and those who need it most, black males, 50% do not graduate. Could this account for the fact the 75% of all prison inmates are black males? Could this account for the fact that almost 50% of all black males leaving prison leave as Muslims. The most rewarding thing about black male followers of Islam, or any follower of Islam, they do not abort children, do not use alcohol, other abusive drugs or smoke anything. As minister Louis Farrakan said, “We are trained to eat and to prepare the best of foods for the longevity of life, without the use of alcohol, smoking and substance abuse which endangers the ethics of healthy living.”
The God of the womb is the same as the God of the cross. The greatest sabotage of the world has been those who have been the saboteurs of the cross. Even though God has used damaged, whited cisterns, such as Saul, Christian allegiance is not cheap. The government gets the “first fruits” of our paycheck, FICA taxes, internal revenue gets the rewards of our labor, but we are content to let God wait if he gets anything at all, time, talent or treasure. The saboteurs of the church house, like the saboteurs of the court house, and the white house, are content to just play games with our emotions. Even the greatest event in the history of the world, the birth of Christ, with a wink of the church, we spend more on useless ornaments, senseless trees, pathetic greetings, than we give for God's eternal work. In my community, one home, so covered with outdoor Christmas lights, that neighbors objected to the brilliance. There was a boat parked in the yard, it too was covered in Christmas lights. I asked one of the neighbors, “these people spent all this money on lights, how much do they give to their church.” She replied, “they do not belong to a church. They do not know Christ, only how to decorate for his birthday, paying thousands of dollars in light bulbs, thousands of dollars in increased electricity.”
Someone said, recently, “One slice of bologna at a time, until the bologna is gone.” One slice of our American heritage at a time, through homeland security (body scanning at airports, politicizing illegals, controls of everything), Obama's abomination healthcare controls (reporting every expenditure of $600 or more, microchips in every American containing all healthcare information), panels to control healthcare and even life and death situations. Yesterday, my assistant, took his dog to the veterinarian. The vet said, “your dog is old and has cancer. Spending much money and much effort, she still will not live long. I recommend euthanasia.” He and his wife returned home without their dog, now dead. I said to him, “This is exactly what will happen, in your lifetime, with human beings, perhaps you parents, in your country.” In 1963, an innocuous twenty-two word prayer and the saboteurs took prayer out of the school and replaced with police in the halls. In 1973, Roe v. Wade, abortion legalized and 53 million babies have been killed on demand. In 1993, before a joint session of Congress, President George H.W. Bush, recommended globalism and a “new world order.” Look it up, read his words. We had heard of such from the Bilderbergers, the President said such before the Congress. Through sabotage, American industry has moved overseas (China now produces more cars than any other country). Through sabotage, the bailout of housing, insurance, banking, and joblessness, America is rapidly becoming a third world nation
At a feast at his palace in Babylon, King Bellshauzzer, son of King Nebuchadnezzar, having befouled the golden vessels of Solomon's temple, having 650,000 Jews in captivity, in his stunned amazement, saw the writing on the banquet hall walls “mina, mina, shekel, half-mina.” This is the interpretation of the matter: mina, God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end; shekel, you have been weighed on the scales and found wanting; half-mina, your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.
Surely you recognize the sabotage of your country, not done with bombs or poisons, rather, saboteurs of industry, education, healthcare, finance, churches, and even family life. This very day in Afghanistan and Pakistan, innocent babies, small children, scared women and old people, are being killed by bombs from American drones (unmanned aircraft). Without our enemies, and we have many of them, dropping one bomb, saboteurs have conquered this democratic republic. President Abraham Lincoln, governing at a time of great decision, said, “I do not worry about America being conquered from the outside, but American being conquered from within.”
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