Aristotle writes about the Ancient city state of Agrigentum, where, as in Sicily and Rome, perjurers and other corrupts government officials were thrown off cliffs, as well as suffering other tortures. If in 21st century America, corrupt political perjurers were thrown from cliffs, there would be piles of bodies at Washington (District of Criminals), most state capitals, and certainly local courthouses.
In 1815, French emperor Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo by a coalition of forces led by England's Duke of Wellington. Napoleon, a tyrant of the worst sort was only 5 foot, 7 inches tall, 2 inches taller than Joesph Stalin. Hitler was also a small man, 25 inch waist line. History amazes history with the accounts of the slaughter of people by such small people.
From then until now, every defeat is known as a “Waterloo”, America's Waterloo started in 1920 with the formation of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Until then, American free enterprise, work ethic, Judeo-Christian religious foundation was making this country the world's ideal, a true democratic republic. Roger Baldwin, who headed the ACLU until 1950, made the following statement at its founding, “I am for socialism, disarmament and ultimately for abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control by those who produce wealth. Communism is, of course, the goal.”
Since the founding of ACLU, until this very day, like cutting slices off a roll of bologna, our freedoms have been lost, our libertarian way of life has been taken over one slice at time, without one enemy soldier landing on our shores, one bullet being fired.
Firstly, the Waterloo of loss of liberty and control started with public education. Even sixty years ago, when I was a university student, academia was not entirely communist, the public schools had not been taken over by sociology. The school, college or elementary, was a place of education, not entertainment and indoctrination. Today, 44% of our students never graduate. Nikolai Lenin, founder of modern Communism, told us long ago, “give me your children for four years, and the seed I plant will never be uprooted.” Propped up and sustained by a liberal media, our schools have been dumbed down, students have bought the communist line “hook, line, and sinker”. 50% of all students now prefer the communist system to free enterprise. 50% of the American population pay no income tax, content to just ride in the wagon pulled by the other 50%. Children have a desire to learn, they just soak up knowledge, the tragedy of this country, we have thrown money and educators at the schools, and the public schools are a total failure. The children who are being educated, go to private schools, or are schooled at home. 90% of all academic professors, in colleges of every type, including Christian, are liberal. It only takes one generation of liberal, atheist, pagan parents, teachers and preachers to turn out future generations of enslaved people, slaves to totalitarianism, collectivism, controlled by the state.
Secondly, the Waterloo of the loss of a spiritual relationship between individuals and their God, the church, started with the ACLU and its chief target, people of religion. Until permeated by liberals of the world, the church, standing on the absolutes of God's laws, had nothing to fear from the communist ideology, liberal enticements of the ACLU. Using the well-worn hypocrisy, “separation of church and state”, not mixing the secular with the temporal, not involving the church and politics, not “judging” one another, giving unto “Caesar what is Caesar's”, the ACLU, along with such lawyers as Madeline Mary O'Hare, Dr. Michael Newdow, the unbelievers found in such modernist denominations as Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, has made the spiritual climate of the country a cauldron of doubts and deception. Mr. Obama, standing in front of a Muslim symbol, making sure that every Christian symbol is covered, refers to America as a country of Christians, Muslims and unbelievers. He brings out “unbelievers” every time he speaks, perhaps this is because he and everyone he knows are unbelievers or are pretenders, impostors of some sort.
From 1799 until 1892, even the Supreme Court of the United States declared this a Christian nation. It was our Christian ancestors, who fought the world, the flesh, the devil to establish the religious holiness of this nation, with all its flaws, Indian wars, civil wars, slavery, greed of a few, the deception of many by politically correct politicians and media. There has been no culture, no society in history that has contributed as much to the welfare of mankind...a lifestyle which is the envy of the world. What has happened in this country is almost the same as building a beautiful home, full of every technical convenience, then taking a blow torch to it and burning it to the ground.
Thirdly, the Waterloo of the loss of our national financial structure, industry and the small farm, willingness to transfer offshore the very commerce which made America great (automobile manufacturing, technology manufacturing, food supplies). There is not one cell phone manufactured in America. Through NAFTA and CAFTA, many American jobs are now the job opportunities of foreigners in their own countries. One of the largest producers of computers, Dell, plans to spend $100 billion producing computers in China, their North Carolina operation closed, employees out of work joining the almost 20% unemployment rate in the nation. US taxpayers, funds paid the government by hard-working, god-fearing citizens, used in the Obama bailout for General Motors and Chrysler, plants being built in other countries, other nationalities getting those jobs. The very essence of American entrepreneurship, provider of most private jobs, the small business man, slowly eradicated by big business, at the behest of big government. New jobs are all government jobs, government jobs, best pay of all jobs, depending on the taxes of private employers, it takes all the taxes provided by working Americans, and only 50% pay taxes, to pay medicare, medicaid and social security. All other expenses of government: entitlements, war, grants, etc, borrowed, mostly from China and other enemies. If you dance, you must pay the fiddler, Americans are enslaved to their enemies.
Fourthly, our Waterloo of undisciplined lives, school, streets. Last year, there were 134 suicides in the military, the suicide rate in the military has gone up over 200% since 2004, simply because of our senseless military excursions. Our young people recognizing our senseless political and justice hypocrisy. Pledging allegiance to the flag, even waving the flag, was one time considered a great event in America. Young people, and this is the real tragedy, no longer have allegiance to America because of the hypocrisy of the judiciary, the greed of business, the deception in every area of American life, one time considered non-negotiable.
Are we serious? Can we raise a phoenix from the ash heap of our Waterloo? Do we really believe, are we confident, that the following promise of the creator of the universe applies to us? If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
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