Southern politicians have always been a source of contempt as historians have tried to explain the incomprehensible stupidity of their support and their supporters. The first governor I remember as a small child, was Governor Clyde Hoey, a crooked lawyer who always wore a carnation in his lapel. Known mostly for quoting scripture, he had a following among the country club crowd for his graft and the church going crowd for his gourmet appetite for fried chicken and sweet potato pie. We all know about the paper bags full of money, in the Scott administrations, father and son, the partying abilities of Cherry and Moore, but NC politicians fade compares to those from Louisiana.
The most sensational Louisianan politician was “King fish” Huey Long, governor from 1928 to 1932, and senator from 1932 to 1935, like the “King fish” Obama, Long's chief exploit was to bring the people of America out of the Great Depression by the spending of money. He created a “share the wealth program” and declared every man a king. Before he was shot, he was accused of trying to control every phase of state government.
One of the more interesting stories of the Huey Long fiasco, like present day politicians, he liked to make promises. He told the people of one Louisiana town that he would make sure a four lane highway went right by the town. The highway did not happen. A delegation went to his office, inquiring about the highway. They always got a typical democrat answer, “Its on the way, change is coming.” The last time the delegation went to his office his assistant asked, “What should I tell them?” Perhaps the only honest thing “king fish” Huey Long ever said, “Tell them I lied.”
There is no doubt in my mind, thank God, that there are still real Christians in America concerned about the direction this country is going in these days of the Obama holocaust and his demons (Sebelius, Napolitano, Geitner, Pelosi, Kennedy, Clinton) and many others, all of whom are either Catholic or Jewish and, if informed at all should know that God has told us it is better for a rock to be tied around your neck and be thrown into the deepest waters then to murder innocent children. There are enough Catholics in the congress, particularly the senate, to deny Obama any support in his genocide, same-sex marriage, American terrorist lists (which includes my name as a veteran, a pro-life writer and anti-gay marriage Christian).
What is wrong with these cowards in the congress, but more importantly, why did the Catholic population, (Catholics call themselves Christian and are the largest religious denomination in the country) always with a vote in plurality in the northern states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, etc. What is wrong with the Catholic bishops, the Catholic Pope, that they will not speak out about a Muslim, socialist, US president wearing a doctoral robe with a Christian cross, giving the commencement address at Notre Dame University.
Dr. Alan Keyes, PhD Harvard, ambassador in the Reagan administration, political candidate, black Catholic, one of the most eloquent speakers in this nation has joined millions of alumni students, faculty members, in protesting this catholic recognition for this presidential disaster.
I do not expect better from most Protestants and certainly not Baptist, they have all sold their souls, as Demas, “Having loved this present world.” ( 2 Timothy 4:10) With the love God has professed for His church, the bride of His own precious Son, the incomprehensible belief that a marriage can consist of the union of two or more people of the same sex, when the entire creation science involves a male and female in marriage. How can God forgive the acceptance of same-sex marriage by Lutherans, Methodist, Episcopalians, etc. GOD DOES NOT NEED COWARDS TO CARRY HIS CROSS.
The inspired word of God is written in words that children can understand. The plan of salvation, the creation of the world and everything in it, the people, the prophets, the parables, are given to us for our blessing, not a diabolical buffet for unbelievers. Dr. B. B. Warfield last great professor of Presbyterian Princeton Seminary, once said, “God is still in control.”
On this national day of prayer (every president having observed this day from Harry Truman to George W. Bush, not observed by Obama), we have that perfect knowledge that the same God who was in charge of our yesterdays will be in charge of our tomorrows. He knew the beginning as well as the ending. God was around when king Herod the Great killed the babies, when Nero burned babies at the stake, when Tyndal was burned at the stake for giving us God's word in English. God was around when the Aztecs killed their children on the pyramids in the Yucatan. God was around when the children were killed at Columbine, we just need to trust Him.
We do not need to bring the cowardice in our homes, where 75% of our young people when they go off to college never go back to church. He knows the cowardice in our churches where 55% of church young people never go back to church. He knows the cowardice of the Christian college where you cannot tell the Christian student from the non-Christian student. He knows the cowardice of the Christian seminary where many of the graduates, supposed to be preachers of the gospel, do not believe in the inerrancy of God's word. He knows the cowardice of the American citizens, many of whom call themselves patriots when the last poll tells us that 49% prefer socialism. He know about the cowardice in our own lives when we do not stand up for Him in our every action. “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” (John 14:15)
I have never been fortunate enough to meet a perfect person but, I have never forgotten to tell any group to whom I was speaking, “I have failed him many times, but he has never failed me.”
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