In several commentaries, I have written about my memories of the Great Depression. I was born in 1930, at the beginning of the Great Depression, and that horror story controlled most of my life, through years of school and right until the end of WWII. There were two things my parents, grandparents, never stopped talking about as long as they were alive, the Great Depression and Hurricane Hazel.
I was away at the war, 1954, when Hurricane Hazel almost destroyed eastern NC, right on, twenty years after its onslaught, the woodlands of eastern NC lay devastated from the wind, so did many buildings. However, I believe it is easier to rebuild after a hurricane, than a depression. Hungry people, starving farm animals, church members weeping and praying in church will leave an indelible impression on your psyche. If you have normal intelligence, you will live the rest of your life a conservative, living poor whether you are poor or not, saving, so you can weather another storm, be it an act of God, or act of government.
I have weather several recessions during my lifetime, I lived so conservatively, all the time, that I hardly noticed these national government inflicted recession, this government tells us this week, that the 2007-2010 recession is over. Tell that to the probably 20% of Americans who are still unemployed, or underemployed, tell that to the millions of Americans, who lost their homes, cars, and most of their savings. The only Americans not affected by this last recession are those with government jobs, those with government pensions and retirements, those who receive government welfare checks, those who live in government subsidized housing, and whose healthcare, college supposed entitlements are paid for by government. News flash, CBO (Congressional Budget Office) tells us that the national debt is $202 trillion, most of this government largess is on the way out. Many of those at the trough will suffer along with we private citizens.
I know of no subject in the world, no power in the world deserving more attention from the human mind, than the study of the holy spirit of God. The spirit of God is mentioned in the second verse of the Bible: And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. (Genesis 1:2) From the very beginning, the Trinity, the Holy Spirit of God moves across every page of sacred scripture, and every second in the history of this universe.
One of the most interesting studies in the history of the world, the history of Judaism. One of the most fascinating characters in the Bible, a type of Christ, Joesph, son of Jacob, was sold into slavery by his brothers. It is a long story of the work of the Holy Spirit. Joesph became ruler of Egypt. The Holy spirit working through both Joesph and Pharaoh by way of dreams and plagues, miracles of God understood only through the power of the Holy Spirit. When Joesph took over, storing grain for the impending famine/depression, the people first came to Joesph, giving him their money, the next year, their herds, the next year, their lands, the next year, themselves and their children (enslavement). Here we see the nature of humanity, what human beings will do in order to have the security of food. This history, as an example, has been know for thousands of years, we have seen its reenactment over and over again. Now, again, with a Sunni Muslim, Marxist in the White House, rulers in government, national state, local, who have never wanted for anything. The masses are willing to yield everything they have, including themselves.
Why not send some parrots to Harvard University and teach them to talk economics, then have these birds who will work cheap, return to Washington and direct things. It makes about as much sense as the puppets and perverts, who are running things now. We have the greatest power in the world, the Holy Spirit of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, sovereign God available not only for our comfort, but for our guidance. The problem is, in an almost protracted, obvious, intended, dumbing-down of all intelligent life, dancing to the tune of political correctness, political power brokers, as well as the pretending pastors of churches, temporal as well as secular leaders have thrown their allegiance into the camp of the enemy, Satan...who is running things, leading the chorus of demons as they laugh themselves silly. Just think, an earth created by God, supplied by God with every needed nurture, deciding, from the wisdom of men, to yield to the temptation of satanic forces. From the garden, from the first human beings, in every moral gap in human history, to the present, choosing poverty over plenty.
In the depths of a new “Great Depression”, probably going into a “second dip”, many are unaffected, politicians, federal employees, government employees, those who are the leechers/recipients of welfare programs (college students receiving grants, civilian government contractors). This past weekend, two of my friend's wives had birthdays, they decided to go out for dinner on Saturday night. Most of the “smart” restaurants were full with people waiting (in a real recession or Great Depression, most restaurants are out of business), full of government workers, those living off the fat of the land, those dipping into the tax coffers and authorities (government authorities, airport, water, etc. entities ruled over by politician appointed boards), “cash cows”. Taxes, fees, permits, extracted from hard-working, God-fearing, tax-paying, beaten down citizens.
The one-time coolies of China, the serfs in Russia, untouchables in India, poor whites in the southern US...all victims of man's inhumanity to man, a stench in the nostrils of the holy spirit of almighty God. Another fact of history, from the beginning until now, (God works in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform) people and countries who thought they were so great, who worship the creature, not the creator, get a new perspective on life when they get knocked down, losing a war, losing an excessive lifestyle. Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. (1 Corinthians 10:12)
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