Dr. Karl Menninger, founder of the Menninger Clinic in Topeka, Kansas, died in 1990 (July 22, 1893 – July 18, 1990) at the age of 97. Menninger was probably one of the moving forces in psychiatric education in the United States. In the opening of Pandora's Box, with all the human debris which escaped and causes trouble, the last thing left in the box was hope. Menninger said, “Hope is a necessity for normal life and the major weapon against the suicide impulse.” In the famous love chapter of the Bible, (1 Corinthians 13) we are told about faith, hope, and charity. As important as it is for the human psyche to employ faith and love in our daily living I do not see how anyone can live without hope.
The launching pad for almost every human endeavor is hope. No matter how poor you are, you have hope for wealth. No matter how sick you are, you have hope for getting well. No matter how many times you attempt something, you have hope for success. Thomas Edison, with only a 6th grade education, gave to the world about 1000 inventions. Someone asked him, why he kept trying something which had failed so many times. He said, “At least I know those attempts will not succeed.”
The most fascinating study in the world is the development of children. At Purdue University as well as other educational facilities around the world, we find that a child is born a 23000 genome organism ready to soak up knowledge. The DNA molecule in the cell of every child (There are 14 billion cells in the human brain alone.) have thousands of pages of information involving the genetics of this one individual person.
In 1953, when I was a young student studying Cytology and the other subjects of the medical areas and Watson and Crick published their findings which I still think is the greatest discovery of the 20th century. I believed that many of the mysteries of learning skills, and certainly the myth of evolution, had been solved. It is only by learning through study and observation that we know what Aristotle knew hundreds of years before Christ, “The mind is a vast cosmos”
The mind that can imagine and put on paper a bestseller, the mind that can imagine and develop nuclear energy, the mind that can imagine and draw the plans for the Taj Mahal or the Eiffel Tower, the mind that can imagine and draw the blueprints for a 747 plane or space vehicle, such a mind lives with the warps and woof of daily family, financial, entertainment, or simple or complicated entanglements.
Most learning comes through vision. A child's eyes are not fully developed until the age of five, not ready for the complex activity of reading, but it is truly amazing how much a child learns by sight before the reading skills. When the Holy Spirit of God controls the mind, when Christ lives within this temple called the human body, our mind is different from that of a non-believer. We do what we do because we believe what we believe.
I hope the time will come, in my life, when the pretenders are weeded out and when if one professes Christianity he possesses Christ. One who possesses Christ, in mind and spirit, does the things that Christ would do. Christ would not vote for a Muslim, socialist, liberal extremist, the greatest promoter of child slaughter in the world today. Christ would not have in His cabinet a Sebelius, or a Napolitano, nor would he support a system of government headed by such atheists as a Pelosi or Kennedy. Christ would not have in His church a Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton or Adam Clayton Powell.
Many think this old blind doctor is extreme, but please prove to me that we do not have an epidemic of illegal drugs, pornography, the homosexual agenda of same-sex marriage, and pursuit of pleasure which has brought the very demons of hell into every living room of America where the idols of Hollywood are bowed down to by you and your children, not for just a little while but for hours at a time.
The financial world has been turned upside down, bankers, Wall street, economist in government actually believe that when you are completely broke “you can spend your way into prosperity.” The tried and true system of economics which made this country great, wealth which has eased the poverty all over the world as well as preserve liberty for most of the worlds citizens has been debunked.
Those of us, who worked for a living (in spite of disability, limited education, the shame of bigotry) believed in paying our way. When we wanted something we worked until we had the money to pay for it, whether a pair of shoes or an automobile. I did not see my first credit card until 1960. Last year, I received 59 credit card applications. Satan, and these satanic powers of government has enslaved us all and in our stupor of ignorance to the knowledge of God's word and the sanity purchased by our freedom on battlefields around the world we have totally lost our minds.
Thank God, I was raised at a time and in a home where we knew the honor of hard work, where we only bought things we could afford, where we knew the dignity of doing without. Where we had the ambition for wealth and things, but had the integrity to acquire them righteously. For eight years, I worked honorable, honest jobs at night and went to classes at the university during the day. I did not have the clothing, go to the parties, have the popularity of the elitist students. But, I graduated with my honorable degrees, commissioned as a medical officer for YOUR military service and gave my eyes for YOUR country. (My eyeballs are empty, there is no retina, nerves or anything) I returned home, decorated, and went to work doing what I could do in my condition. At 79, I have never stopped.
In these days of multi-million dollar homes which people cannot afford, my first house, a simple duplex, cost 9,000 dollars. I lived on the one side and let the rent from the other side pay for it. Then, I bought another, then another, etc. You can get a copy of my biographical information, it has been published in several magazines, written by the university, in which I described how I have saved 50 cents of every dollar I have ever made investing this money in the stock market and real estate. Saving, investing, living frugally, is a mindset. Most of you would not do it. Just as most of you went to the polls and voted for a Holocaust, a national financial dilemma, politicians who do not have the morals of an alley cat, politicians who vote to end the most precious creation of God's imagination the marriage of a man and woman and their production of a family. Those of you who would vote for people who put out a manual stating that the terrorist of this country (associating us with members from the KKK, black Panthers) are veterans who have fought for this country, preachers of the gospel, (those who are anti-abortion and those who are opposed to same-sex marriage).
I have friends and relatives who will probably never speak to me again because I have told them, in no uncertain words, that it is not for me to judge them but God has already judged them and will hold them accountable for supporting and voting for such decadence. “Before the LORD; for he cometh to judge the earth: with righteousness shall he judge the world, and the people with equity.” (Psalm 98:9)
On this day of national prayer, which since 1952, has been observed by every president except this Muslim president for which many of you voted. The only hope I can offer you is the hope found in the redemption of Jesus Christ. It is all a mindset, the mindset of the politician, to get re-elected and squeeze every advantage, monetary and otherwise, out of his election. The mindset of the liberal pastor, TV evangelist, so-called Christian educator to compromise and rationalize every Christian principle to ensure him a good life, the mindset of the pagan, eat drink be merry, lie cheat and steal, there are more of us than them, and our only fear is getting caught here on earth.
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