George Foreman, born in 1949, in Marshall, Texas, reared in the projects of Houston Texas, learned to box in a job corps program in Oregon and became two time world heavyweight boxing champion of the world. The father of ten children and each male child named George, Foreman has said that he has made more money from his grilling machine contracts than he made during his entire boxing career. The phrase I will remember most about George Foreman is that after he was converted, repented, and became a born again Christian, he said, “I feel that I have been raised from the dead.” This is certainly true because until he did repent and became a Christian he was truly dead.
The decisions of life, that we make daily, are very important but the most important decision any living human being will ever make is his decision about his eternal life.
I have heard, “tiny brained” people talk at length about things which were and are, in the general mode of everything, not important at all. Such dribble as the best kind of cereal when millions of children go to bed hungry at night. Such liberal dribble as the best restaurant in which to eat, when millions of hard working, tax-paying citizens, never eat in a restaurant. Recently, I heard a radio personality talk about a steakhouse at which you could eat for less then $200.
Recently, the entire city council of the city in which I live(Wilmington NC), returned from a political junket to Washington DC, where hundreds of dollars of tax-payer money was spent by these political crooks and their wives and husbands on meals which costs hundreds of dollars. I sent the attached email letter to the editor of the local newspaper about this decadent extravagance, while, at the same time, they were laying off police people and firefighters in this city because of the economy. Of course, the liberal newspaper (owned by New York Times) did not print the letter but copies were sent to opinion molders around the area, just as I am sending a copy to you. If nothing else, in the length and breath of the entire world, it explains to you why our country is in the condition it is in economically, this explains it to you, the unbelievably stupid decisions made by “so-called” leaders.
I am the first to admit as did the cartoonist J. R. Williams “I was born thirty years too soon.” I am a member of the old school, reared in the country, we did not buy anything until we could pay for it. We were glad to have a cook stove. We did not consider it elitist to cook outside with the flies and mosquitoes. When living in the country where everything was quiet, you could hear the frogs, you could actually see the sky and clouds, you could see the stars at night, you could smell the flowers on the wild vines on the roadside and in the woodlands, the most beautiful symphony in the world, was birds, chickens, the sound of the old fashion dinner bell at noon.
I thought it would be wonderful, to live in the city, where people did not have to get up so early to milk cows, to feed and water animals who do not know or care where they live, they just look forward to your attention. I am enthralled, by city people who want country living after they arrive in the city, cooking outside on a foreman grill, getting up early to exercise, complaining about noise, fumes from traffic and not being able to see the sky, day or night, from pollution even of parking lot lights. There is no abuse akin to the abuse to animals kept inside small apartments and houses, the annihilation of birds by heat and air conditioning. Even some city dwellers must have horses, ill kept in a rental stable. The restaurants, which have survived a depressed economy, festooned with “thousand dollar millionaires” who spend a large part of their income “eating out” because this is the big city thing to do. The very worst decision most country living reared citizens have made was the move into city life where they are enslaved by every form of taxation, license, permit, extraneous charges known to men.
The urbanization of America, the decision of intelligent, responsible citizens to desert the fresh air and sunshine of the countryside with its smaller, more capable schools, its holistic, still reputable churches, neighbors of concern rather then “stay on” tourist who you do not know and who are just passing through on their way to somewhere else, is the reason so many young, ambitious, still relevant parents, are making their way back to the countryside. They want their children to have some of the values that made this country great, that not only made this country great but made this country good. “ By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches, and honour, and life.” (Proverbs 22:4)
FDR, in his famous address at the beginning of the Great Depression, I remember the speech as well as the Great Depression. “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Believe me, your greatest fear is the survival of you and your children in a country which has its values totally confused. The people who had the most to fear during the Great Depression, were those in the city, where the unemployment rate from the beginning of FDR's reign until the beginning WWII was 18%.
You will never be able to retreat from your decision to stay in an urban madhouse, send your children to a government school where forty years ago police patrols in the hallways replaced prayer in the school room, where on January 23, 1973, all the liberal news commentators in the news headline that night said, “The supreme court has settled the matter of abortion.” Thirty-four years later, we find the slaughter of the most innocent of life as repugnant as then even though the largest evangelical denomination, the southern Baptist, supported abortion then and now. Thank God, the Catholic church has continued its fight for life in spite of the Democrat party, Obama, Sebelius, Napolitano, Pelosi. Biden, Brownback (republican senator from Kansas), and all the other pretenders in the Christian church.
It is in the city life, particularly the inner city life, that we find the crime that fills our jails, the drug pushers, the abortion clinics, the strongholds of political corruption. Satan is a much better psychologist then our founders ever theorized. When our cities were established along the rivers, on natural harbors and bays, in places of commercial importance and convenience, the builders of the great churches, cathedrals, schools, commercial enterprises in these remarkable cities, did not have any idea that city life would become one large snake pit.
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