Just one of God's great gifts to the world, the inquiring minds of children. All children like stories, pity the child who does not have an adult in his life who takes the time to sharpen that child's ability to learn, to soak up knowledge, by telling the child stories. Some of the first stories most children learn, dating back to Greece (~600 B.C.) are Aesop's Fables, stories about characters and things, such as The Tortoise and the Hare.
I well remember my first grade schoolteacher's ability to make these fables come alive, I well remember my first Sunday school teacher, those small Sunday school cards with Bible story pictures. This is the way the education of children should begin, they will have plenty of time later on to establish their Christian ideals, their ideals gleaned from stories or fables. The great newspaper writer/editor Horace Greeley said, “you cannot enslave a Bible reading people.” The enslavement of people, entire nations, has come about where the Bible is not read...communist countries such as Russia, China, North Korea.
When you visit the 48 Islamic countries of the world, countries where the predominant religion is Islam, you soon find out what a philosophy of hatred and terrorism can do to a people. It's like going back several centuries: living standards from tribal traditions, satanic rules in the culture, women and children little more than slaves. Often, when I talk about the conditions in these countries, people who are uninformed think I am telling fables. It is no fable that these Islamic religionists, victims of the Koran, even when on a form of public conveyance (bus, taxi, etc), the driver will take his prayer rug out, put it on the ground outside the vehicle and pray. It is no fable for me to tell you that women on the street, are totally covered, peeking through veils, much like lace curtains, as they try to walk on the streets. It is no fable that there are never women working in stores, restaurants, that children, regardless of weather, are usually barefoot.
Now, Minister. Farrakhan's followers adapt to their surroundings. Because of the conflict in India between Hindus and Muslims, the Muslims fled to Pakistan...an inability of these two religions, as well as the Buddhist, to survive together when there are such a tremendous differences in worship, dress, diet and other lifestyles. There cannot be a reconciliation between many things, constant conflicts involving children, and particularly young people. America will learn, it is no fable that there are some things that cannot be compromised, reconciled, such as the amalgamation of races, racial traditions. The sexual perversion involved in the homosexual agenda cannot be reconciled with that of the Christian church, one will change. The homosexuals will become Christians or the church will become indolent, anti-Christ. No more than you can reconcile and compromise disease and health, you must be able to distinguish evil from good.
When the church, in the name of political correctness, in the absurd testimony of blending, loving evil, trying to get to the evil-doer, the church became powerless. Most churches today are a poor replica of a civic club. The lost modernist infiltrated minister/theologian, has assumed the role of potentate instead of pastor. To itching ears, it is easier and more popular to talk about actual and assumed fables, than the agony, an august word of God, sin's ruin and Christ's redemption.
From the very pits of hell itself, Satan has convinced the world to believe in certain fables, the fable of evolution, the fable of population control, the fable of climate control, the fable of acceptable human behavior. Satan would have all females tattooed, pierced, acting talking, smelling more like common prostitutes than feminine emblems of God's glory. When I was young, women wore gloves, women had delicate voices, not the rasping, narcotic type you hear today. When I was young, women were delicately modest...not loud, not addicted to smoking materials, unhealthy foods. You never heard of a woman who would take a drink; today, there are more women alcoholics than alcoholic men, more suicides among young females. When a man looks for a wife, if he is smart, and most men are at least that smart, he is not looking for a woman who looks, acts, and smells like trash from the street.
Much can be said for arranged marriages, as practiced in many parts of the world, as still practiced by many members of the Jewish race. One hundred years ago, a boy asked a father for the hand of his daughter in marriage. He was a man, he was asking for a father's most precious possession. A father, if he has any sense at all, should be concerned with whom his daughter leaves home, with whom his daughter leaves a college dormitory. I do not know of a father, one on either side of the tracks, a father in a rental house, or a father in a mansion overlooking the city, who should not be concerned about his daughter's welfare. Do not feel strange if you do not fit in the category of the basic male, don't feel strange if you do not have exceptional athletic ability, if you practice good hygiene, like good music, appreciate good books, have ambition to “set the world on fire”, because, you are an exceptional male.
Even if Africa's dark Congo, at a university where I was speaking, I met some young men who do not fit into the pattern of the “subhuman” African male. The male who does not care about how he looks, what he says, how he asks. Years ago, in the Congo, a new society was started of exceptional males, called Dandies, males who although poor, like to dress in an elegant way. They had to work hard, deny themselves many things in order to buy elegant clothes, but you could always spot them: elegantly dressed, elegantly dressed for success. Recently, a young man was on the porch of my beach house, having arrived to talk business with me, he said, “you are always dressed so well, always a jacket and tie.” I said, “this is me, you always see the real me. From the time I was a young person, I dressed for success.” It is no fable that you will get no higher than your aspirations. It is true that you can put lipstick on a hog, and it will still be a hog. But, God's chief creation, the men and women of this world are not hogs, the male and female gender of this world have the duty, the responsibility to dress elegantly and to act decently, honoring those around them in respect to their parents and ancestors, and in obedience to a sovereign God who wants them as a favorite not a fable. You are what you think you are, you are not a fable.
You who have dreams, if you act they will come true.
To turn your dreams to a fact, it's up to you.
If you have the soul and the spirit,
Never fear it, you'll see it thru,
Hearts can inspire, other hearts with their fire,
For the strong obey when a strong man shows them the way.
Give me some men who are stout-hearted men,
Who will fight, for the right they adore,
Stout Hearted Men - Romberg
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