This week, September 17th, I will reach my eightieth year, a hard, long, exceptional life. There is not one little doubt in my mind that I was chosen, But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9). In spite of my peculiarities, eccentricities, alpha personality, blindness for most of my life, God needed me just as I am. In my life time I have seen the world totally change, upside down, inside out. Matters that were considered evil in my childhood are now either good or tolerated. Sin is acceptable and Christianity is condemned.
I was on the board of deacons at a large Baptist church in North Carolina. The chairman of the board of deacons, a prominent realtor and insurance man, who had married into a wealthy and prominent family, told me one day, ”I learned to play the game. I know how to outshine these old, wealthy families in town. I know how to compete with the crooks in this town. I know how to influence the political power-brokers, I know how to enthrall the masqueraders at the country club. I know how to fool the pretenders at the church. I have learned to live in this world of make believe.” A few weeks later, the deacons filed into the church as honorary pall-bearers at his funeral, he had committed suicide. I knew the family, and until now until his secret died with him and with me, he was just one of many who preferred to live in a fairy-tale world. The malignancy that has taken over in business, politics, social circles, and particularly the church.
It is time for all of us to get honest with one another. In order for a book to a bestseller, it must be a worst-smeller. Contracts are made to be broken, and insurance policies can only be understood by lawyers. Most people just expect to be taken, no matter what type of business transaction. There was time when blood was thicker than water, your family would defend you in spite of everything (notice how fast preacher Terry Jones' daughter condemned him). The least reliable people in my life are my family. I believe that many people have dogs because truly, your dog is your only best friend. Malevolence is the opposite of benevolence, a malevolent or malignancy is just destructive. It is so much easier to tear something down than to build something up. It takes a long, carefully lived life to construct a healthy body that a malignancy can destroy very rapidly. Think of the time, talent, treasury involved to build this great nation and consider how quickly it has fallen.
There are 1,500,000,000 short wave radios in the world, our military forces drop these small short-wave radios into the villages of the enemies of our country all over the world. We hope, those who find them will tune them in to short-wave stations, where they will learn of the good qualities from America. Most of these poor people do not know how to lie, cheat and steal. Most have family values, anxious for whatever schooling they can get, have learned to depend on one another. Whatever religion they profess, it is real to them, they worship with all honesty and sincerity, not pretending as in more affluent, civilized cultures.
From the Jewish captivity in Babylon, the Jews remarkable ability to prosper there, Jewish moneychangers moved from Babylon to Rome, then to France and Germany. William the Conqueror came across from Europe and established a foothold in England, ending with the Battle of Hastings. It all started with a Magna Carta, I will not go into the various kings or territories involved, but it was from the establishment of early English law, the early taxation of the people, that these money-changers came across and put a “clamp” on the common people, their civil rights to have property and freedom of opportunity. Such led to the founding of colonies in the new world, as well as colonization of the rest of the world. But it is the same money-changers emanating from the Illuminati, the Bilderbergers, the international bankers, led by the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, and many others, including the committee on foreign relations to which such notables as Kissinger, Bush 41 and 43, belong, that are still the shadow government maintaining world control.
How can anyone, a man 80 years of age, or a child one year of age, have any future in this dark night of the soul with such people as Skull and Bones (Luciferians), members Bush 43 and John Kerry, as well as the world-wide masons in these secret endeavors. The only refuge for the common man, 80 or 1, in the year 2010, is Christian faith, the knowledge of sin's ruins and Christ's redemption. The year 33 AD when Christ was hung on the cross, the dedication of Solomon's Temple in 750 BC (1 Kings 7&8), (the greatest building in the history of the world, a building at which time 22,000 oxen were sacrificed, a building covering 13 acres), then as now, our only hope, faith in God. Faith has been describe as refuge in the cleft of a rock, or the safety of a small bird under the mother bird's wings.
I can tell you, at this place in my life, the only thing on which you can depend is your faith in Christ, by grace. When you have money, you have what money can do. When you have politics, you have what politics can do. When you have education, you have what education can do. But when you have the power of God, through Christ, you have what faith can do. The same power that threw the stars into space, that raised Lazarus from the dead, the same power that gave the breath of life to Adam.
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