Almost as remarkable as icicles frozen from water dripping down, is the formation of stalactites in many of the world's caves. There are caves in this country that have such formations (Mammoth KY), but the one I saw in Elephanta, India, were truly remarkable. The caves can only be reached by boat on the island of Elephanta. The huge caves have been transformed into Hindu temples and the entrances have been sculptured to represent a temple. Like the constant drip of water to make an icicle which will sometimes extends down many feet before being broken, the stalactites are formed from the top of the cave with a constant drip of moisture, and very much like coral in the ocean, it develops into a thing of natural beauty, which no artist could duplicate.
I have beautiful pieces of coral and shelves from the island of Mauritius and the Seychelles (Indian Ocean). When we consider that it probably takes hundreds or thousands of years for the formation of the coral. Each shell, coral, or stalactite starts with the granulation of one small animal which over hundreds of thousands of years increasing modulation of moisture and temperature leads to a spectacular result. The Great Barrier Reef in Australia, 1250 miles long, including many islands of the coast of Queensland bordering the Coral Sea, started with small animals called coral, much like a jellyfish,,that died and over a very long period of time led to this natural barrier, large enough to be seen from outer space.
Can one even imagine or attempt to compute the microscopic organisms involved in the formation of this great reef. The formation of coral and many other estuaries or the formations of stalactites, formed in much of the same way in caves, not only in India and Indonesia, but around the world. All these sculptures of nature become tourist attractions and phenomena of artists, as well as atheists.
From the beginning of the 20th century, and certainly in my lifetime, we have seen this country become a stalactite, slowly but surely, layer upon layer often almost microscopic and unnoticeable, certainly unreported, we have seen stalactite formation of the socialist agenda with a certain communist result. The truth is the truth whether anyone believes it or not. But to the skeptic, study your history and look around you at what has happened to your country. If you do not see this slow layering of socialistic ideas, you are more blind then this writer. (I am a totally blind 100% disabled service-connected veteran). THINK ON THIS.
Secular security has replaced sacred sanity.
Political correctness has replaced patriotic principles.
Addiction has replaced accomplishment.
Corrupt voyeurs has replaced patriotic competence.
Purulent art has replaced antiquarian masters.
Compulsive disorders have replaced Christian doctrine.
Drums and drama have replaced quiet worship.
Subsidized wants have replaced necessary needs.
Government checks have replaced God’s omnipotence.
At a time when government controls manipulate every area of your life, you must have a permit or license to do anything, when failures are honored with “bailouts” and “payouts”. When an ROTC student gets a larger government check each month than a 100% disabled veteran. When hospitals, schools, jails, are overrun by illegals who have entered the country, a country supported by hard working tax paying citizens, whose previous family generations had paid the taxes and built the inner structure which the illegals now compromise. When the dirty book stores, once located in back alleys, now have their wares for view in every living room. When the trash on television attracts more watchers than political nominees seeking votes. When, instead of the church changing the world, the world has absolutely changed the church. When TV preachers are more entertaining, with their laughter and clapping, than night club comedians...we can know that God-less collectivism, control, and communism has taken over.
We have seen political tyrants seize countries and exploit citizens by taking their property and their sexuality as in Africa, Latin America, etc. But, for a country, built on the principles of freedom, rights, even though it has been hard coming to many people, no one could have foreseen that we would vote for enslavement. Slavery is much easier to the slave master if no resistance is offered. The slave master is very happy for the slave to show obedience, hard work and willingly turn over the results of his labors to the owner. In the Roman Empire, slaveholders furnished a circus or some other entertainment to keep the enslaved happy. Willing accomplices in the entertainment industry keep the slaves occupied, when not at work, in front of their most valuable idol, the TV set. Dependence on the blessings of God is not important when you can depend on government subsidized housing, health care, education, food stamps, and meager living expenses.
In world travel, (8 around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries) I was in each communist country (crossed Russia on the Tran-Siberian railroads, one of the first Americans into China after the Nixon reopening), I can say with all sincerity and honesty, even though it was a matter of using my other senses rather then my eyes, this country now has a perfect communist system, without a revolution. In China, Russia, Korea, Cuba, etc, the people fought for their liberty.
We hear politicians talk much about freedom and liberty just as they always say at the end of a speech “God bless you”. What God are they talking about? Most know nothing of almighty God, if they, did their lives would be different. Like the Christian church, we just talk and plan, if the Christian would live the Christian life before his fellow man, the entire world would, by now, been converted to Christ, and the stalactites of communist takeover would not be so completely obvious.
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