And He walks with me, and He talks with me,
And He tells me I am His own;
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other has ever known.
In the Garden, 1912 - C. A. Miles
In Christiandom, next to the trinity, or the miracle of salvation, the most difficult theology to explain, “Many are called, few are chosen.” (Matthew 22:14)
This writer knows without the shadow of a doubt, that he was chosen... “Called, foreknew, predestinate, justified, glorified. (Romans 28) This joy unspeakable is the assurance of every “born again”, spirit-filled Christian in whom we live, breathe, and have our very being. (Acts 17:28)
So real, yet so difficult to explain, the small, gentle inner-voice with which we have a relationship and fellowship. (Romans 8:14)
It is like moving through a gauntlet of harassment, dictums of guile, to speak of an inner-voice to these psychologists or most pastors. How can they know, their wisdom is foolishness to God. (1 Corinthians 1:25) In every summary of a psychotic, the clinician states the patient was hearing voices. Like your lost friends, your lost family members, the lost professionals, you are considered a fanatic or just nuts. After all, in spite of the fact that God's word is replete with saints directed by that inner-voice, modern Christians comforted by that inner-voice, lost humanity considers you just nutty.
In this life, from the time of inception, every person conceived is known by God and, God loves you whether you like it or not. You have a physical self and a spiritual self. Burdened with the daily activity of survival, pride of life, troubles and trials in the world. Physical self often outweighs spiritual self. The Christian is indued with a special grace, new creation in Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit-filled, directed, “Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.” (Luke 10:27)
Chosen very young, God's guiding hand on my life, (there is no other explanation, poverty, weak academic preparation, guidance through eight years of professional schooling, military career, totally blind, 100% disabled, medical officer veteran) God wanted me to experience the world. My greatest disappointment, even embarrassment that family, friends, the public has cared so little. Accomplishments of a blind person in travel, business, and even philanthropy... everything, every day, directed and blessed by that steady, patient, small voice. Now, elderly, still living alone, still working every day, caring for myself, my many interests (even my own cooking and cleaning) caressed and comforted, that small voice continues to say, you can handle it, blindness, despair, disappointment (these should be the last of your worries). So, those of you who are saved by grace through faith in the marvelous mercies of God, should rejoice that God chose you.
We live in a time of unprecedented grace. Perhaps this is a time of a new Pentecost, electronics everywhere, total life involvement. We are strangled with communication. Sightless, for most of my life, I am told that people are constantly talking on cell phones, constantly bombarded with satanic messages on radio, television, the computer. There has never been an easier time to disclose the “good news” of sin's ruin and Christ's redemption, the voice of salvation, man's only hope. (1 Kings 19:12, Acts 17:17)
We live in a profane world, war, strife, poverty. Just yesterday, a telephone call from Yale University concerning it's takeover by the gay, lesbian, transgender agenda. Satanic forces of immorality, world, flesh, devil have taken over academia, media... the commercial and financial life of the world. The shepherds have been captured... the sheep left for exploitation. Rejoice, if you are one of us elected, transformed, knowing that rejuvenating, encouraging voice of redemption.
Thou my everlasting portion, More than friend or life to me
All along life’s pilgrim journey, Saviour let me walk with Thee
Close to Thee, Close to Thee, Close to Thee, Close to Thee
All along life’s pilgrim journey, Saviour let me walk with Thee
---Fanny Crosby
Blind, writer of 8,000 Hymns
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