We live in a world of smoke and mirrors, deception and despair. Keep your mind free from the cares of the world, the deceitfulness of riches. (Mark 4:19) Believe nothing you hear on the news media, whether advertising or news of the world, most, just words used for a purpose.
I never cease to be amazed at the money spent on pets, in a world in which so many people, particularly children, are starving. I know that dogs and cats do not sweat, cannot remove toxicity from their system as can other animals. I hear holistic veterinarians and other pet lovers talk about the expense involved with adequate pet feeding. (organically grown meat and vegetables mixed with spices and herbs) Whatever it takes to give pets nutrition. With adequate nutrition dog s should live to age 30 or 40 years and cats 60. In the meantime, fast food outlets and other places, 60% of American children obese and, all over the world, particularly in poor countries (distended belies, begging bowls), I have seen children starving. Supposedly, 18,000 children starve every day from malnutrition. (AP United Nations 2/17/2007) Even in America, where adults forage for coupons in dumpsters, children forage for food in garbage cans. Animals in the woods, wild, on the farm, knew how to forage for food, instinctively knew what kept them healthy. Dogs and cats always ate the internal organs of their prey first. Our big barn-farm cat always played with a mouse for a while before eating it, because it made the mouse much tastier. Diabetes, cancer, Alzheimers, and other neurological diseases were rare when I was in school. Health is a matter of food intake and exercise.
Lines are not drawn anymore. In another world, entertainment was banned in some cities. Profanity was banned in polite society, media. Today, anything goes, church house, courthouse, schoolhouse, and even your house. ACLU is the only group that draws lines . (the end justifies the means), Roger Baldwin, head of the ACLU at its founding in 1920 until 1950, said, “I was not an innocent liberal. I wanted what the Communists wanted" “I don’t regret being a part of the Communist tactic.” IF the church, patriotic groups, civic groups, would have been as intent on keeping America a spiritual bastion of morality, decency, we would not be in the political mire-hog pen of decadence in which we find ourselves with the mantra of political correctness. Anything goes, “if it feels good, do it, if it tastes good it must be good for you, and we find America fat, lazy, diseased.”
Paper, fiat money, started in China. None have lasted over 900 years, it must be backed by something. The Great Depression, FDR, with his communist Vice President, Henry Wallace, Chief of Staff Harry Hopkins, and other communists almost established communism in America, through communist programs such as social security, farm controls, alphabet agencies. The Supreme court, using the Constitution and enough patriotic congressmen prohibited the establishment of other communist programs. Other liberals, Rhinos, such as Nixon, closing the gold window in 1971, selling most of our gold reserves for $42 per ounce (today it is $1800 per ounce), Russia, China, India have bought up most of the world's mined gold, a cube measuring 75 feet. (Gaddafi had 143 tons in his bank) From thin air, paper money without backing, worldwide debt that can never be repaid.
Greece, now Germany, four other nations (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Spain) all encouraging banks to lend, always leading to inflation and now the onset of a worldwide Great Depression... Swindlers in boardrooms, leading to foraging in the hinterlands.
In 1913, rich bankers enslaved Americans with the Federal Reserve, US Treasury using this private system for public business. This banking system was based on the wealth of the founders, every city, banking boardrooms where, today, portraits of rich blue blood families hang, using their wealth to back and carry on business. This was the time of “cash and carry” and “lay away” on Main Street. Today, private business has public-political governments, everything based on debt and credit cards. The ACLU, Wall Street bankers (Goldman-Sachs), academia with it's business schools, religious institutions, preaching packets instead of self-denial, poachers on every level of advertising, should join hands-celebrating in successfully destroying the world's greatest capitalist society.
From the beginning, God said, I am the God of Peace. You never have a nervous breakdown because of today's troubles, only tomorrows. I am the God who healeth thee. At the Lord's table, past, present , future, two elements, wine, forgiveness of all sin, bread, healing of all disease, whether Job's boils or Timothy’s stomach. I am the God of righteousness. (Psalm 37:23) I am the God who provides. Nowhere in God's Word does He promise His believers that they will get rich. There is no such thing as a prosperity gospel. In fact, new believers may get poorer. God has a way of testing. If you think things are bad now, just wait, testing you about your new creation, things may get worse but, for every believer in God, one redeemed by Jesus Christ, for whom everything needed is provided. He told us He takes scare of the birds of the air, knows every sparrow that falls. I am the God of forgiveness. Paul knew that he was forgiven, but he never allowed himself to forgive himself for holding the coats of those who stoned Steven. I am the Good Shepherd. There are 66 books, nearly 800,000 words in the Bible. His Word is forever settled in heaven. (Psalm 119:89) Perhaps no scripture is quoted more than the 23rd Psalm. It is time for the “I am” believers of the Bible to start believing it. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. (Psalm 23)
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