Most of my life has been spent as an antiquarian book collector, thousands of 1st editions, which I sell online. Before I lost my eyesight, over 50 years ago, in the military, my time was spent reading. Many books have influenced my life. I cannot believe that any thinking person's mind is not captivated by God's Word, the Bible. I pity the person who does not read, study, commit the scriptures to memory.
Other books, my profession, Gray's Anatomy and books involving the study of the human body. The book which had such a profound influence on my life, Margaret Mitchel’s epic, Gone With The Wind. Perhaps, because I was all ears listening to old people describing their parent's memories of the civil war, Sherman marching through on his way to the sea, billowing smoke from burning homes and towns, young children taking the milk cow and mules way down into the swamps to keep the Yankee troops from getting them.
The greatest scene in the movie, Charlotte recklessly driving a mule and wagon through the streets of Atlanta, as it burned, trying to escape. Th entire world, particularly America, is much like Atlanta and the South burning. Those with money are about to lose everything, homes, businesses, etc. The poor and the animals, scared and needful, just trying to survive.
The world is in a major, full-blown crisis. Those who do not think so, do not have anything to think with. The world must prepare for the worst depression it has ever seen... The new world order has taken over, there is no way to turn things around. In Europe and America, austerity is replacing growth, Europe will not last another 30 years, it is in crisis. The 15 year experiment with the euro dollar is a total failure, Germany now very much like pre-WWII Germany, Italy like pre-Mussolini Italy.
Accept the fact that Americans are lied to about everything, been sold a Bill of Goods. Government, academia, news media, science and technology has become our God.
My lifetime, elitists frantically working for a solution. It started with Dale Carnegie's , How to Win Friends and Influence People. Psychology replaced Theology. Father Groeschel, doctorate in psychology, James Dobson, Rick Warren, ministers and pastors, all doctorates in psychology. Evangelical blacks became victims to liberation theology, a political church. The state-controlled news media bought politicians, even military brass taken over by the world, the flesh, the devil, under an umbrella of political correctness.
You lived in a house worth $1 million, now could not be sold for $150,000.00... underwater. In a time when the savings rate is 4.8%, the unemployment rate is 22.5%, you lose your job. The average brain cannot comprehend what is happening because we have been Dumbed Down by communists, (the end justifies the means), public schools, Numbed down by chemicals, flouride-chloride in the public water systems. Diseased by GMOs, (genetically-modified organisms) MSGs (monosodium glutamates)... remember Merck owns Monsanto and there are more drug lobbyists in Washington than representatives of the people.
The road to Hell is paved with religion. Loving the world and the things of the world, pastors and pew warmers have forgotten their relationship with God.
There are over 40 Muslim countries, I have traveled through most of them. The people are poor, can live on almost nothing. I saw it in their eyes, their hatred of infidels. (Jews and particularly Christians who do not believe in Allah)
I have a radio which reads the newspaper to me. Yesterday, reading the grocery store specials. I was amazed at the rate of inflation, what food costs. I lived through the Great Depression when, in America, 9 million people died of starvation... at a time when almost 90% of the population lived on farms. The airwaves, radio-television, and satin is the prince of the power of the air. (Job 2:2) Keeps something going constantly about sex... Herman Cain, Penn State, Occupiers, Tiger Woods, etc. We have become a profane society, politically, morally, spiritually. We are like Atlanta, we are on fire, people refuse to smell the smoke or feel the heat... cowards in the church house, courthouse, school house.
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