In a world of deceit there is nothing as valuable as the truth.
Numbed down by a failed public school system, Dumbed down from the results of Big Pharma. (Natural News: 11 percent of all Americans are on an anti-depressants, Big Pharma's ambition to have every man, woman,and child to be taking at least two prescription pills each day.)
Discouraged, despondent, easily manipulated, American men losing testosterone from the effects of the chemicals chloride and fluoride in the water system, chemicals leaching from plastic which now totally wrap American life. (plastics covering meats with their hormones, hot drinks and food from every restaurant.)
Because of the size of the birth canal, brains are small and must develop after birth yet, very early years of life, a child's immune system compromised by vaccines, a child's early learning attributes poisoned by subliminal vision disparity on television sets. Hearing muted by excessive noise from technology.
When will it occur to us that the secular, state-controlled news media (print, electronic) is feeding you a daily diet of prescribed socialism-humanism concocted by a panel of liberals to be read from a teleprompter from someone attractive enough (male or female) to gain attention? When will it occur to us that the wold, the flesh, the devil, via, professors, politicians, pastors, and even some parents, are making palatable lying, cheating, stealing... the sorcery of deceit destroying western civilization and having its affects throughout the civilized world?
Darkness has always attempted to overcome light. Men love darkness rather than light. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. (John 1:5)
Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. (John 8:12)
In this life, we transition from darkness into light, when Jesus Christ is our light. Otherwise, we walk in darkness and finally into eternal darkness.
This writer has never been able to comprehend those who do not gladly accept the gift of God's redemption. Nothing proves God more than creation, the unexplainable, incomprehensible, magnificence of the human body... the clotting of blood, DNA, even the nervous or immune systems. Those of us reared on the farm were chosen to witness the magnificence of the egg shell, stability of a seed. Just think, the Venus Flytrap... only found in eastern NC, nowhere else in the world, a carnivorous plant... from the time the insect touches a hair on this plant it is timed to enclose in exactly 20 seconds. The plant knows insects with nutritional value. Some other plants were rationed nectar or pollen.
Many human beings are so ready to give validation to fellow human beings but none to God, Creator of the universe with all it's magnificent marvels. Beyond comprehension, that a human being cannot find challenge in living the Christian life as found in Romans 12. I truly believe that 92 percent of our christian faith is just raw courage. The one verse of scripture that changed my life, a small mission, clapboard church on the island of Samoa. Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee (Psalm 84:5)
Eight around the world trips, every continent, I believe I have witnessed the best and the worst of humanity. Even then with just a shadow of vision, God wanted me to experience the world and yet, in our own backyard we can find the best and worst of humanity.
My maternal grandmother, eight sisters, only one brother and this brother, as a young boy, was dragged by a frightened horse in equipment to which he was entangled. He lived, but a mental cripple until his death, living his entire life in a mental hospital. He never had contact with his family after this terrible accident, a time when brain surgery was unknown, but his mother found that he had been immediately castrated by government officials.
The science of eugenics, in most of the world, pertains to selective breeding. Shortly after WWII, secretary of state John Foster Dulles accompanied John D. Rockefeller around the world, pointing out to him the need to limit populations. Following the work of Margaret Sanger, Adolph Hitler, and other eugenicists, planned parenthood was financed by the Rockefeller foundation but, in NC, it was not a matter of abortion. In NC and America, 65,000 human beings were sterilized. At Dix and Cherry hospitals, sterilization was and is almost routine. Is it possible to conceive man's inhumanity to man? Not just the sterilization of others, but the holocaust of abortion.
Atheists such as Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens feel that God is an illusion, that genocide and infanticide are a part of the world experience. The world is a morally confused, religious-regimented, Christian-stagnated,technology-hypnotized, reflux of ideas. But from the beauty of the sunrise to the glory of the sunset of every new day. “The LORD hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad.” (Psalm 126:3)
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