Interesting that everyone who studies Biology, the “wiring” of the neurological system of all animals, including man. I have written at length about my trip to the Central African Republic (I was one of the first Americans there) after the reign of Bokassa . One can only imagine this terrorist, called a human being. I believe I was the first American to see the place. His home on the outskirts of Bangui, a mote went around the house in which crocodiles lived. Once a week, he fed his political enemies the crocodiles. I was told you never heard such screaming. In a refrigerated room, in cold storage, he would hang the bodies of his enemies who had died. Thinking himself the emperor of Africa, on a large chariot with horses, he would race up and down the streets of Bangui. Like Idi Amin of Uganda, Mugabe of Zimbabwe. Such men are wired as tyrants. Do we believe they were born without a conscience? One of the great reptiles of the world is the Burmese Python. I saw one caged in Rangoon, Burma. One of the six great snakes of the world, measuring 12-20 feet in length, this animal can go for one year without eating. Can eat a large animal such as a goat or deer. Like human athletes, has a very large heart. The Python’s heart as well as circulatory parts are now being used in human research.
All species of animal life, have their own natural characteristics for survival. Those of us who have traveled in the bush of Africa have seen the blending of animal coverings with natural terrain, have seen adults protecting their young. In the Antarctic, 13 species of Penguins, I saw the male emperor penguin feeding the young. King Solomon told us to look at the ants (Proverbs 6:6)
One of the more remarkable examples of intelligence-survival, the beaver. A large rodent. These animals, with teeth and tails so adaptable that they can build large, long, dams... can fell large trees. Their constructive abilities... an innate-survival knowledge of knowing how to physically construct with branches and limbs. On oor farm, a pond, with constant running water. The beavers would so construct their dams that in times of large rainfall, crops would drown from flooding.
In all species of fauna (animal life), Darwin was right, certain adaptation, non-timid characteristic for survival. (survival of the fittest).
In fauna, Genus: Homo Sapiens, human beings, we find timidity even though our blessed Lord preached meekness (Matthew 7), He was speaking of something else entirely. Always, without question, God has honored men of strength, the valiant man. In my lifetime, “winning friends and influencing people” popularity “political-correctness”, the world has been taken over by politicians, pastors, parents tainted by a spirit of timidity.
With apathy, so afraid of offending, no shame in cowardice, even fear of the Lord has been discounted... the great stalwarts of the faith, patriots of the republic, forsaken. Many refuse to sing God in God Bless America. Campus Crusade for Christ has taken Christ out of their doctrine. The church house has become a fellowship hall, the school house, a concentration camp for communist indoctrination, the courthouse, a place for compromise. Your house, just a filling station-large locker room for the changing of clothes.
Timid so-called Christians vote for liquor stores, lottery outlets. One not timid in conservative compassion, I asked a Methodist Bishop to assist in the fight against liquor stores. He said, “It is none of my business how Methodists spend their money” An Episcopal Bishop said, “there is no more harm in drinking a bottle of Bourbon than in eating a ice cream cone”. Baptist churches, especially rural Free Will Baptist churches were built and supported by tenant farmers, cotton mill workers. These same Baptist churches now turned into country clubs, with steeples. God does not need cotton candy pushers in the pulpit or anywhere else, but strong men of valor not intimidated by the world, the flesh, the devil.
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