Last Monday, (November 21, 2011) the population of the world reached seven billion. Very few people actually understand the majesty and magnificence of God. Sovereign, omnipotent, omniscient, God had the ability, before Noah's flood (5000BC) and since, and even today, to create every human being completely different from anyone else, voice, facial features, fingerprints, even the flex in the iris of the eye, even identical twins, no two exactly alike.
God has the ability, if He so chooses or if He had chose, to give everyone a Damascus Road experience. Seven billion flashes of light, knocking you off a horse, blinding you, is not serious work for him. HE IS BOSS! It bothers some of our intellectual friends but He does what He wants to do and does not care whether you like it or not.
I am as convinced as alive, that when children were exposed to rural, country life, they and the world were far different. Tragic that all children cannot experience the fundamentals of nature, such as the weaning of animals. It was so naturally expected, that the young calf was weaned from the milk cow, pigs were weaned from the sow, the mother dog knows that her babies must be weaned. I sat outside on a balcony in Africa, a large nest of strange birds, and saw the mother knock them out of the nest. The mother eagle changes the nest until the young eaglets “leave home”. There are 13 species of penguins... all have the same characteristics, they know when the young should leave. I watched this in the Antarctic. The emperor penguins, tallest, both mother and father feed them for just a certain time. The nesting mother hen, chicken yard, with a brain about the size of a pin head, can be seen turning the eggs of which she is hatching every day. One of the greatest miracles known to man, the eggshell, the hatching chick pecks through it but, early, you see the mother hen teaching the chick to scratch the earth, search for food, and then they are on their own.
I will never forget the day, my father showed me about the satanic ability of weeds... tares. The roots of a weed will encircle and choke a good plant. Growing crops, you must smother, with earth, or otherwise destroy weeds, or weeds-tares will take over and destroy the crop. Seminaries, Bible Colleges, have forgotten to teach young preachers, that God, who knows all, has taught us about tares and growing things. Young preachers, minimal believers, (those who just show up at the church house for an hour on Sunday, live like the world the rest of the week) have not recognized that the church has been destroyed since the tares have taken over. Don't they know that Judas, disciple, observer of every miracle, was a tare, destroyed at the very last? They have wrapped their groups of immorality, indifference, around the worship service and every other ministry of the church to the place that the church has lost it's effectiveness. The real believers, committed followers, born again Christians, do not have the courage and faithfulness to our Savior and the saints who have preserved belief, to wean off the tares. So, the church, in most places, has become either a morgue or country club with steeple. Go to the average night club, country club, civic club... same people, same language, same apparel, and in many cases, almost the same music. What has happened to the Romans 12 Christian? What has happened to the covenant between God and man (Hebrews 8:12)
Be careful and do not attribute human frailty to exploitation trending from right and left brain dominance. Man was adapting to environment before any knowledge of genetics. Remember, the largest cause of death in America, the malpractice of physicians and hospitals. (overdose from prescriptions, surgery mistakes, erroneous diagnoses) The secular media, who controls most thinking, who elects most politicians, would have everyone totally dependent on government... unweaned at any age. Joseph Stalin, who killed 63 million of his fellow Russians to enforce Godless communism, would be astounded to see how quickly America has fallen to socialism. From 1799 til 1892, America was declared a Christian nation... biblically-inspired - God-fearing, hard-working , capitalists, tax-paying citizens. Now, after 235 years, “trough huggers, entitlements, one half the population wanting to live off the other half”.
Like MRSA, no treatment, bacteria-eating flesh, the time has come that America, if going to survive, must wean it's citizens from dependence on government... government supplying all needs and citizens lying, cheating, stealing for their wants.
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