She had worked at Duke hospital handling medicare and medicaid forms. Attractive, 19, business school graduate, homesick for her parents. After working a while for me, she got a much better job at another doctor's office.
Two years later, I became involved when subpoenaed by her family's lawyer. The doctor-employer for whom she worked was 30 years her senior, but still a good looking, well built man. He and his wife were wealthy, she one of the city's best known realtors. Her doctor-employer seduced her and she became pregnant (my former employee). The doctor and his wife were childless and she, stupid as most young girls believed him when he told her he would divorce his wife for her. About 3 months pregnant, not yet showing, she came and talked to me about the situation. There are several non-negotiables in my faith - abortion, same-sex marriage, homosexuality, lesbian preachers. I told her she had NO CHOICE but to have the baby. I would help her find a place to stay, in Durham during gestation, then she could put the baby up for adoption. Her doctor-employer insisted she have an abortion, so afraid his wife might someday discover the truth. This should have told her how much he cared for her. She had the abortion in a nearby city, and that very week, her doctor-employer was killed in an automobile crash. From all appearance, it was suicide but, insurance paid off... tremendously.
The rest of the story, she became a total mental cripple, dependent on her parents. She just sat around all day in a rocking chair as if she were rocking a baby. The parents, knowing the full story, needed financial help... so a trial. The wife handled the trial well but the doctor's mother was a disaster... she so wanted a grandchild, from her only child, now dead. On the stand, I told everything, amazed that the judge allowed some of my words, I decided to see just how far the judge would let me go. His mother was looking straight at me, bewildered that her doctor, son would seduce a young girl. I said, “The grandchild you so wanted was killed by an abortionist.” Ads in the newspaper said, I created chaos in the courtroom, the judge banging with his gavel, the dead doctor's mother screaming. In a desert of Godlessness, the rot of sin destroys many lives.
And, speaking of doctors, healing, the medical caduceus which I wore on my uniform as an Army medical officer, the emblem of healing in the healthcare world started with people who did not obey.
Moses, leading two and 1/2 million Jews, 400 years slaves in Egypt, miracle after miracle (red sea on dry land not a sick one among them (Psalm 105) Shoes and clothing that did not wear out. Pillar of fire above them) started complaining about the food that God was providing for them. IF YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT WHAT YOU BITE, GOD MAY SEND SOMETHING TO BITE YOU. God sent fiery serpents, biting them, many died. At least they had sense enough to go to Moses and admit their sin. God told Moses to put a brass serpent on a pole, all they had to do was look at it for healing. (a shadow of things to come, Christ on a tree, atonement not only for sin but for healing – Isaiah 53)
The “rot”, the reason the music has stopped, (guidance and blessings of God) slothfulness and envy. Christians cannot criticize occupiers, the 50% of the population living on welfare, the 54% of the population living on entitlements... most moochers envious of others, when the producers are becoming more and more lazy... grown men in the best years of their lives, messing around on golf courses-playing video games.
God has pulled back the curtain, revealing just how rotten civilization has become. Do we really believe it was more rotten before 5000 BC and the flood of Noah?
Recently, in a “gay pride” parade, political Icons were marching behind members of the NAMBLA (man boy/love association) Perhaps this is the answer at Penn State. Can one imagine a 28 year old academic, Mike Mcqueery, not interfering with a disgusting site in a locker room shower? Can one imagine university officials not coming down hard on Jerry Sandusky... just letting, according to grand jury testimony, this matter fester for 15 years as the cheerleaders-and the band music played on? The anti-Christian, anti-God, state-contolled, secular, humanist, news media, would have you believe that the entire world has gone SEX CRAZY and everyone should just accept perversion as a way of life. Clare Boothe Luce, congresswomen, writer, wife of Life magazine's Henry Luce said, “there are two groups of people in the world, the optimists and the pessimists, the pessimists are much better informed”. This writer has been accused of negativity, perhaps, because, I am better informed.
America's problems are beyond politics. Today's unbelievers did not invent despising God. Hell is full of God's enemies awaiting final judgment. It is too late for them, but before YOUR music stops, from the rot of sin and rejection, and, since judgment begins at the house of God (1Peter 4:17), protesters, pretenders, provocateurs should look around and take note.
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