When you look in the mirror, don't hate the mirror because you are ugly. The mirror is not going to change, nor will the world. The only one who can change anything, yourself or the world, is looking back at you.
Today's born again real Christian patriot has many reasons for discouragement, especially one Army war veteran, totally blind, 100% disabled.
This week, I learned that one Christian college campus where I have given so much of my funds, as unto God, (endowment loan fund in six figures, endowment heritage fund in six figures, awards to students, staff, faculty, pastors, and other workers, much more money than I ever spend on myself.) Two rapes on the campus in residence halls. (girls “hanging out”, according to the newspaper, in boys rooms) What a bitter pill for me to swallow, what a bitter pill for those poor country church people who have supported this school with church suppers, etc.
In India, and I have traveled through India many times, always, without fail, a large bird sits on the back of a Water Buffalo, feasting on the insects which pester the Buffalo. This is called a symbiotic relationship. We have such evidence throughout nature, even in microbiology.
Modern day America, preachers ride on the backs of politicians. Jezebel, priest of Baal, praying, cutting themselves, were sincere... sincerely wrong, with tax exemption. (each preacher has a number, each building codified) There is an unholy alliance such as the Catholic Pope crowning Kings. Always, without fail, the ecumenical-evangelical priest-preacher associates Hitler's favorite chapter, Romans 10. The Oral Roberts, Jimmy Bakers, Joel Osteen's and probably your preacher, gets the religion he wants and the world wants.
With any Pharaoh, you must gain more by overthrowing a regime than you gain by staying under bondage in the same regime.
A perfect example of world conditions, present day occupiers. They represent everything wrong in today's world - pride, anger, slothfulness, lack of hygiene and healthcare, lust and, most of all, envy. These people show the same decadence-morality of the world, no shame or embarrassment about anything... physical indecency, spiritually profaneness but, of these, mostly young people is there any difference from the hyenas of banking. Children, putting there parents on welfare roles, such as medicaid in order to preserve their wealth for their own use (parents net worth of millions placed on medicaid so their children can inherit their wealth.)
Jon Corzine, billionaire, former governor of New Jersey, manager of hedge fund Capital Management, has probably stolen $600 million from depositors but, you can be sure, he will not serve one day in jail, and his friend, President Obama, will bail out the fund. Why do these occupiers not protest decadence in congress and their democrat party? (last year, congressional democrats increased their stock portfolio value 750%... just from insider trading (It is not unlawful for congress people to use insider trading practices))
Perhaps the occupiers are following the example of the Christian church, failing to resist the adversary-satin, regardless of the cost, in spite of the world, the flesh, the devil. With Christians, if the salt has lost it's savour, what good is it except to be trodden under foot. (Matthew 5:13) The congressional political whores give long speeches about their hatred of taxes, what would happen if they loved taxes?
Nimrod, great grandson of Noah, attempted to rule the world with the great tower of Babel. (equivalent of today's bilderbergers) His heirs, Semiramis (wife) , supposedly had an immaculate conception of a male child referred to as a “sun god”. There have been other self-proclaimed sun gods... Louis XIV. At Louis XIV funeral at Nortre Dame, the Cardinal, looking at the gold casket, the large burning candle lighting up the splendor of the cathedral and those in attendance, snuffed out the candle. “He thought he was the sun god but now knows darkness like the rest of us” I fully believe Mr. Obama and other of today's world leaders, feel they are gods. But the God of the universe, who knew space before there was space, who measures the height of the Himalayas with His fingers “will not be mocked” (Galatians 6:7) Mr. Obama, his ilk, all those who hate God, pretenders and prostitutes, may not give answers to occupiers or others, but will answer to Him. (Ezekial 22:26)
A Pender county, NC Sheriff located a Mexican alien fitting the description who robbed a 7 eleven store. He put his revolver to his side and said, “You look like the robber of the grocery store”. The alien said, “No speak English” The sheriff called to a friend who understood Spanish, and said, “Interpret for me. Ask this man if he robbed the store”. The friend said yes, he said he robbed the store. “Tell him that if he does not tell me where the money is located, I will fill his guts with lead”. The interpreter reported to the sheriff that the robber said, “I hid the money”. The sheriff said, “I will shoot him if he does not tell me where it is hid”. The robber told the interpreter where the money was hid. But the interpreter told the sheriff, he said ,”go ahead and shoot”. So it is with occupiers, people who work for a living, real Christians who want a better world... business as usual.
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