“‘We played the pipe for you,
and you did not dance;
we sang a dirge,
and you did not mourn.’ (Matthew 11:17)
Buried next to President Woodrow Wilson, in the floor of the National Cathedral, Washington, DC, blind, deaf, Helen Keller... an inspiration to everyone but particularly to us who are disabled. I have written at length about Helen Keller, finally a breakthrough to her marvelous brain, by her teacher using an old fashioned water pump, they learned to communicate. Helen went on the graduate from college, travel the world, friend of presidents, world leaders and celebrities.
Keller said, “Life is either an adventure or nothing at all.” So many, struggling, not living... losing their health trying to gain wealth and then spending their wealth trying to regain health.
Life is totally unpredictable. In a vehicle, on the highway, an approaching vehicle, mechanical or human failure, just a few feet from instant death.
If you had just one month to live, what changes would you make? What would you do differently? This writer can honestly say that if he had only one month, one week, one hour, nothing would change. I believe the committed Christian, chosen of God, is ready to go anytime. “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” (Phillipians 2:13)
In this day of the minimal believer walking the isle, perhaps even going into the baptismal pool, just sitting on an “Easy Boy” thinking they are covered. Not even the most dedicated believer knows the importance of being chosen of God... not that you chose God, but rather that God chose you.
Life is for living, the greatest freedom-liberty known to man is salvation provided by God. Most Christians do not realize that this, the greatest treasure on earth, better than any pleasure the world can provide. Health gives much freedom. Our body is the temple of God, not a dumpster.
Most people spend their lives going through the motions and, when you about ready to live, it is time to die. It is just upside down. When you have acquired the knowledge, acquired enough of this world’s wealth, actually know what living is all about, it is time to die. Many do not think it will happen, too much ego. (easing God out)
God has given us the answer book but we want to fly “solo”. Not only our food intake, but what goes in the mind. If a sewage pipe were to break at your house, with the smell, the sight, the decadence, you would get it repaired, out of mind but, the average adult sits and watches 4 hours of television each day, even though the set is on for 7 hours, and actually allows their child, most sensitive years, to watch such trash. One cannot get a vehicle repaired, doctor’s reception, waiting rooms of any type, without a television invading the space.
The power of satin cannot be overestimated or underestimated. We do hot have any record of God appearing to Moses after He left Egypt, at age 40, shepherding sheep in the desert of Midian. Any bush would have done but God appeared in a burning bush. He always knew Moses' location. He had a job for Moses, to lead the children of Egypt from bondage after 400 years. Moses, age 80, Aaron age 83 , went before Pharaoh, “let my people go”. The magicians of pharaoh had the palace crawling with snakes, but Moses' rod-snake devoured them all. Satin is not going to lie down and beg you not to bother him any more. He is on the job, but God can handle the problem.
The greatest tragedy of life now, the 2000 years after the cross, the 10,000 years before the cross, men do not realize the power of God... His magnificence in designing the world and everything in it. I have stood at both the Arctic and Antarctic, 450,000 square miles at both the top and bottom of the earth, of glaciers, snowfall-ice crystals. One man, Wilson Bentley, using an ingenious method, photographed tens of thousands of snowflakes, no two alike, each designed by God. The largest almost one foot wide. Look into space, 450 billion galaxies and after that, space beyond measure. Just think, the designer of the universe, every star, snowflake, grain of sand, interested in our happiness and wanting us to enjoy living.
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