Football season, High School, College, Professional. For one who enjoyed watching football when I had sight, I now must imagine. It all happens at the line of scrimmage, but the real zeal-plan took place in the huddle. Nothing happens unless the inner man is convinced.
In 1953 Rupert Murdoch inherited News Limited from his father, then became publisher of papers in Australia and New Zealand, then England, then America. Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and others. He virtually Controls publishing around the world, along with his Chinese wife and his son. Now, he controls the Christian publishing businesses from both Zondervan and Thomas Nelson, the largest in the world. The King James Bible is 400 years old this year. There is no copyright on this translation. Satanic forces are forever trying to make changes and the tragedy, atheism now in charge.
In the inside scrimmage of Christian broadcasters-publications-radio stations, there is a conspiracy of silence. So called “committed Christians”, afraid of being called bigots, racists, anti-intellectual, are afraid to hit the line of scrimmage knowing full well the importance of the purity of the Gospel. We can describe these fakers in three categories. First, are the theologians wanting to appear so intellectual, so fair, so non-discriminating, so afraid that someone might interpret their doctors degrees as being from a Cracker Jack box. Then comes the Fundamentalists, enjoying their pastoral packets, not thoroughly convinced of their profundity... so afraid of political intrigue... their tax status. Before an audience hemmed in by four walls, people there to stare and listen at their own will, it is easy to dance and sing in the pulpit, where professing is much easier than possessing. But, on the scrimmage line that really matters, the public square-golf course-civic club. Getting battered by the other side is a great challenge.
So many professors-card signers are not ready for offense or defense... have little knowledge of the game plan. Peter tells us to always be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in us. (1 Peter 3:15) Paul tells us to put away childish things and act like men, men ready to stand for the truth. (1 Corinthians 13:11)
In recent years, many times, men and women have asked me, why young men have become so effeminate? We find this even in the military, remember, we have not won a war since WWII. It is not just a matter of chlorides and fluorides in our drinking water, chemicals leaching from plastics to destroy testosterone. Over fifty percent of young males are raised by a single mother... little male influence. Everything from sagging trousers, dropping down showing buttocks. (trousers in a prison, pulled down is a sign that a person is available for male sex.) Tattoos, piercings, effeminate hairstyles, but indifference shown in books and other media toward the sanctity of maleness and femininity. Those of us who have employed males in recent years can tell the difference. One foreman of a construction company told me “Today's boys are afraid to get on a housetop. If it were not for Mexicans, I could not put a roof on a building.
In a world of political-correctness, liberals are exciting, conservatives dull. The struggle in the inner man is real. We know what God expects of us, Christians, but we want to cut corners. This is the blight on the Christian college, Christian ministries. We rather have the acceptance of the world than correctness through the blessings of God. We “bask” in our image, not His. It is not a matter of what we think, but what He said and knows.
Every day in this time of political strangle-holds, compromise with bio-ethics, Mormonism, polytheism, absolutes.
The third world war has already started, middle east. There is a great possibility that Israel will use nuclear weapons against her enemies such as Iran, Syria, and Egypt, if they gang up on her, but we know ahead of time who will win the conflict. God has told us that the stars will fall from the sky before he will allow his chosen people to lose and he will bless those who bless Israel. (Genesis 12)
It is essential that in our inner-scrimmage we are on the right side, God's side, whether here or there. Gideon only had 300 valiant men, armed only with a pitcher, lamp and trumpet against a middle east army of thousands but, at the right time, so much confusion in the camp of the enemy, they killed one another and Israel had many years of peace. It is more than hope that we are right, it is the inner conviction that we know we are right. King Solomon, speaking as to his son, sprinkle the word “fool” very liberally in the Proverbs. It is not the letters for degrees after our name, but the inner-convictions of the soul of the man that will stand up and make the difference on the line of scrimmage.
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