Not frequently used, but one of the oldest words in existence, wormwood. In Europe, it it is fashionable for young people, to recklessly mix toxic substances together into a drink called wormwood... not caring whether it kills them or not. From Deuteronomy 29:18 to Revelation 8:10 the word is used describing bitterness, gall, poison even to the extent of stars falling and making water bitter.
As recent as today’s newspaper yet probed by the ancients, the meaninglessness of life. If life has no meaning, why prolong life with it's trials and tribulations? There have been as many suicides as deaths among soldiers in combat during the recent middle east warfare. WHO (World Health Organization) reports that 3,000 people commit suicide every day, mostly young people. These are just the ones who can be certified. For insurances purposes and otherwise, I am convinced that many take there own lives using some form of disguise... vehicle crashes, overdosing with drugs, private plane crashes.
One of my cousins decided to take his own life. He was a pilot with his own plane. Heading over the ocean, just before the point that he could turn around and make it back, he said, “I heard my mother screaming at my funeral and I decided I would not put her through that.”
One of my friends, great financial losses, died in a private plane crash. His estate is still mired in the debts of his investments. So many deaths like this, never considered suicide... people who take the easy way out. For those who do not have the everlasting assurance and knowledge of the arms of Jesus Christ wrapped around them, suicide would be the logical answer.
The truth is the truth whether anyone believes it or not. 3,000 babies are aborted every day, 3,000 children die from malaria every day yet, through the miracles of science as in biblical times, (Sara, wife of Abraham, Elizabeth, wife of Zachariah) OLD women still give life to children. In England, a 67 year old woman, her husband 10 years younger, she having cared for her sick mother most of her life, still wanted to have a child. She did not get any help from authorities in England but did so in Russia , and she gave birth to a daughter at age 67.
In the main, the secular-humanist-communist state-controlled news media and academia attempts to destroy Christianity and the Christian meaning of life. This applies to clinical living as well as eternal life. Who can reconcile the murder of 53 million in the abortion holocaust with the tears shed in the recent expose of pedophilia by Penn State officials, the fact that there are 12 million children in foster homes?
My cousin was superintendent of a children's orphanage during the Great Depression. 80 children to care for with a budget of $10,000 per year. The FWB orphanage, Middlesex, NC, was the lifeline for many children. Churches and parents, such as mine, hauled food to this facility... canned goods, bags of grain so that they could feed their livestock and feed the children.
I well understand why orphan homes have disappeared... a mecca for workers who mistreated the children. Some boys at Oddfellows home, Goldsboro, NC, came to me and told me of the pedophile workers at that institution... they needed someone with whom they could report this matter. I went to the county sheriff and reported the sexual abuse, and, of course, since the sheriff and the superintendent of the home were in the same church-civic clubs the fat, politically-correct sheriff just slighted the entire matter. Life is tough, and old age is not for sissies. One recession after another, a nation and people bombarded with debt. Predatory lending, 12 million Americans, pay day lending, because they have no other choice. A $300.00 loan ends up costing $800.00. 76,000 homeless veterans.
My mother's only brother, and, unlike the rest of his family, he felt like he could talk to me. In combat, Pacific, WWII, the only thing which saved his life, kept him sane was knowing he had a mother and father on a farm in eastern North Carolina waiting and needing him.
Light travels at 186,000 miles per second. In space, 7 hours from earth, a particle of light has hardly started. There are 456 galaxies in space, and all the galaxies-stars take up only 1/10 of 1 Trillionth the size of space and, God and time was there before space. Who would dare say there is no meaning in life.
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