There are physical blind spots as well as mental blind spots. The blind spots to which most of us are acquainted, are the normal blind spots in every human eye. We do not know about animal eyes because we do not have the ability to objectively or subjectively test them. You can test the blind spot in your own eye, the normal eye, by bringing your hand out to the horizontal and bringing your finger in towards your nose and at an exact point, your finger will disappear within the blind spot of your eye. The physical reason for your blind spot, the optic nerve, enters the eyeball itself, and the optic nerve head entering the eyeball, is void of retina. The neurological light-sensitive tissue where light impulses, are received and transmitted through the optic nerve.
In driving a vehicle, the blind spot of the human eye is just large enough for a bicycle or motorcycle or even a pedestrian to be lost from sight. This is the reason so many automobiles will drive out in front of a motorcycle or bicycle. Just recently, in the rural community where I was reared, a family leaving church, drove into the path of a motorcycle which probably fit exactly into the driver's blind spot. He did not see the approaching motorcycle. The motorcycle hit his car, killing both people on the cycle. This is the danger of blind spots. We all have them; unless you are blind like this writer. Only by the constant motion of your eyes and always moving your head when you're driving, can you compensate for this normal ocular action.
Sunspots, unlike blind spots are the result of the polar action of light. Radio static and even the drowning out of radio stations are the result of this radiation.
Any deterioration of the retina from disease or injury, will result in blind spots which can be easily diagnosed and traced with the use of a tangent screen. The deterioration of retina, the enlargement of a blind spot can be plotted and used in diagnosis and treatment (as is the case with diabetes). With the seriousness of the blind spots in driving, equal seriousness are the blind spots in our activity. I am convinced that most people reach a certain “comfort zone” in their daily life activities, the routine of occupation, family, hobbies, and leisure. Most people just simply do not want to be bothered by anything outside the scope of their usual lifestyle.
God's people were lost in a blind spot when God was expelled from the classroom. In 1963, when an innocuous 21 word prayer, caused the Supreme Court to take prayer out of schools, only to be replaced by police patrolling the halls in the school, it should have been a signal to the public that their schools were being taken over by secular humanism.
When the President of the US came out recently with his enemies list, when the President signed legislation HB 1388, bringing Hamas refugees from Gaza into this country at great taxpayer expense, when hate-speech legislation passed the Congress, when insidious and asinine bailouts using billions of dollars were inflicted on the future taxpayers in the form of trillions of dollar debt as far as the eyes can see, when a one-man government took over not only our superpower military but the corporate industries that supply it, when one-man government took over the financial bull work of the nation, surely, citizens should have come out of the blind spots.
When citizens observed the nation at the edge of the cliff about to fall into the abyss of authoritarianism and totalitarianism, they should have come out of their blind spot.
Likewise from their blind spot, parameters of academic intelligencia, should have recognized that like livestock, bred, born and raised for production, American citizens are now enslaved to a national debt that can never be repaid. Marx told us long ago that the only reason for citizens is their ability to produce. From YOUR blind spot, surely you have learned that the farmer does not care what the livestock thinks of him. The livestock is there for his benefit, for sale, for slaughter, etc. The politicians do not care what we think of them. They only care that we are supposed to produce, to send our tax dollars to them to spend or waste as they see fit. They do not care what we, the livestock, think of them.
On Mr. Obama's enemies list, Glenn Beck is #1. We would all like to get behind Mr. Beck. But, as a Mormon, he holds onto the book of Mormon with one hand, and grabs at the cross of Christ with the other. Many so called Christians and patriots have the same blind spot. They stumble close to the cross. They have the blind spot of thinking they can hold onto the world with one hand, God with the other. Hold on, to right with one hand, wrong with the other. Wrong will never be right, and right will never be wrong. From behind the blind spots in our existence, our comfort zone, we must realize the absolutes, the absolutes of consistent morality.
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