Thursday, October 1, 2009

Slamo Whamo

In 1949, Loretta Young won an Academy Award for her movie, “The Perfect Marriage.” In the movie she said, a perfect marriage was like a perfect crime. You never get away with it.

The Chicago mafia, the democrat party, the misfits, and the unfits in America thought they could get away with the nomination and election of Barack and Michelle. Michael Moore has termed Barack Obama as the common man.The only thing common about Obama was his education in a Muslim madrasa when he was young. His education in a Catholic facility in Hawaii and certainly the money required to matriculate at Harvard, was not that of a common man. The mansion in Chicago is not Section 8 property. Michelle's employment at a Chicago hospital where she was paid $315,000 a year did not materialize because of an Affirmative Action program. The hospital where she worked did not take welfare patients. His employment in the windy city as a community organizer, was simply a further affirmation of the influences of such groups as ACORN. Here in the south, we call these political organizers registering and hauling people to the polls, “walking around money.”

It is significant in this time of health care debate, when in the guise of socialized medicine, old people are advised to have Nembutal (a pain-killing / killer) in their medicine cabinet (just in case). There is a pressure for old people to die because in the programs those beyond age 65 will get decreased care, even though the most rapid growing age of our population are those over 85. There must be an unqualified commitment for the sanctity of human life. In the Hitler - Stalin socialistic system of medicine there was little empathy for old people. In the Chinese and even present day American system of medicine, there is little empathy for the unborn.

In the September 29th, 2009 news reports there are articles on the continued debate regarding abortion. The question looms as a test of President Obama’s campaign pledge to support abortion rights but seek middle ground with those who do not. Mr. Obama has promised for months that the health care overhaul would not provide federal money to pay for elective abortions, but White House officials have declined to spell out “what he means.” It is further reported that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, which has lobbied for decades to persuade the government to provide universal health insurance, says it opposes the bill unless it bans the use of subsidies for plans that cover abortion.

In his quest for money for Chicago, but in defiance of certain air pollution, by two large planes instead of one plane traveling through the atmosphere, both of the Chicagoans, the Obamas, are flying separate planes to Denmark, lobbying for future Olympics. It is amazing beyond all words of expression that these presidential candidates will sell their very souls to Satan lying, cheating and stealing to raise the millions necessary to get into the White House, and then spend most of their time after winning the White House, polluting the air with plane exhaust. It was bad enough with the Rich Bushes, both father and son, who spent more time on vacations than “Flipper” spent in the ocean. But the Obama's have hardly had enough time for Mrs. Robinson's voodoo rituals. (Michelle's mother, Mrs. Robinson, is a follower of voodoo; and her witches cleansed the White House before the Obamas occupied it).

The fictitious Red State – Blue State liberal conservative malarkey, in a time of national and international chaos, must be altered as we seek to advert the crumbling of the republic. In a race, whether patriotic or prophetic, there are barriers and hurdles which we must climb or jump over in order to reach our goal in spite of the diminution of the dollar, and in spite of the fatalities of the free, in spite of the galloping gluttony of liberalism. The Slamo of Obamo must be qualified or muted. Your life and certainly the very livelihood of your children and grandchildren, depends on your lustful love for your country.

One of the great thrills of my life, as a free man, free to travel the world, and free to enjoy the greatest recreation in the world, was enjoying the performing arts, I often attended plays in London. I was there for Agatha Christie's 25th Anniversary of “The Mousetrap”. At every British performance, anywhere, “God Save the Queen” is sung with much gusto, a tradition which I admire.

My country, 'tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing;
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrims' pride,
From every mountainside
Let freedom ring!

America” by Samuel Francis Smith

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