I was a friend of both Senator Jessie Helms and Senator John East, US senators from North Carolina. Both squeezed a win for the Republican Party, a win for the US Senate and a win for the United States of America by representing the Tar Heel State in the US Senate. Like the famous Representative Broyhill who represented North Carolina in the Congress for so many years, a win in North Carolina by a Republican is always a tight squeeze and a miracle.
The “looney-tunes” always played by the state Republican Party, and indeed the National Republican Party, leads one to believe that the only political intelligence left in the country is solely in the hands of Democrats. Republicans would rather sit in the bleachers and watch the game than get out in the 'rough & tumble' of the contest. Eventually, Republicans are afraid of getting their hands dirty in the disgustingly dirty contact morass of twenty-first century politics.
According to the “paper trail” which I have in my possession, my folks came over from England in the early 1600s living first in Morristown, New Jersey. After the poorer, hardworking wedge, from which I descend, moved to Wayne County and they were some of the few Republicans around. In fact, as a child, my mother and her first cousin were the only two Republicans who were the “poll watchers” at another cousin's small country store, where the voting took place.
Back then, the Democrat primary determined total “rulership” in the state. There was not one Republican, one black, one woman, in the state legislature or state electorate anywhere. Only male, white Democrats controlled everything, and to a great extent. In the year 2009, nothing has changed from 80 years ago, when I was a child. My hardworking, tax-paying, God-fearing relatives would weep in absolute disbelief at the tyranny practiced by the Democrat Party. Not only just against the few Republicans but the hypocrisy of going out into the hinterlands or pocossin and hauling in - on Model A Fords - blacks, who were given candy bars to vote a certain way and to whom these white, bigoted poll registrars and political “land hogs” would have no contact any other time of the year. It was simply a matter of paying for votes in order to get selected-and-protected politicians elected: the US form of absolute slavery, called pragmatism.
The white, male, Democrat elitists controlled every area of government and everyone who worked in government. In order to get a job as a school teacher, highway department worker, etc. first approval was from the local Democrat hierarchy. In a country, bursting out with liberty and seeking sanctum from royal control, the underlings – whether black, poor tenant farmers, poor cotton mill workers – were the subjects of white Democrat supremacy. Every school board, (even the trustees of black colleges) all colleges and universities (whether state supported or Christian denomination supported), were appointed and subjected to the white pharaohs of dominance and compliance. Commerce, academia, even the newspapers (Josephus Daniels, etc.) danced to the tune of the Democrat Party. After 80 years, I can say with all sincerity and with little fear of being wrong, “Little has changed in the old North State.”
At the university, I found that the Democrat Party was entirely in charge since UNC-CH was mostly a male repository at that time (few females, no minorities). My first encounter with the totalitarianism and control of the Democrat slave master was when Dr. Wallace Caldwell, head of the History Department and leading Mason in North Carolina, asked me to take an application for professorship to South Building for an entering professor. I remember that the professor was to get a salary of $4,500 a year and the great Egyptian scholar, Dr. Caldwell, said, “He has jumped all the hoops of the Democrat Party.” It was disgusting in a land of the free, home of the brave country - supposedly built on the idea of equality - that the sons of legislators, Democrat office holders, judges, law enforcement, and even large Democrat contributors got special attention by those paid by the university to give them special attention.
I remember asking one student, who actually was stupid enough to represent himself in a political science class as a Republican, why there were no minority political groups on campus. He said, “For the same reason there are no blacks or no centaurs on campus. This is a Democrat university; this is where future monarchs of the Democrat Party in North Carolina get their marching orders - those who will control the golf courses, the country clubs, every area of life in which the privileged live.” From that day to this day, nothing has changed except there are some black students at the state-supported university, as well as the expanded university system.
After coming back from the war, I knew that in order to get anywhere involving anything in this state, one had to be a registered Democrat. I became very active in the all white, all male, all powerful Democrat Party – even to becoming president of the Young Democrats and an officer in the all white, all male, all powerful Junior Chamber of Commerce (Jaycees). In 1968, I was “Young Man of the Year”. Sitting with Governor Terry Sanford and US Representative L.C. Fountain, at the temple of Democrat politics, the Sir Walter Hotel in Raleigh, I was told that the Democrats would always “run” the state of North Carolina because the party controls the votes of everyone who gets a government check of every type. The black vote, the labor vote, the NEA vote, the votes of other minorities – gays, etc. - and the votes of all liberals in all colleges...nothing has changed.
In 1964, since one of my friends was running as a Republican for Congress (Herbert Howell), and mostly because I had read Goldwater's Book In Your Heart You Know He's Right, I attended, as an observer, the Republican Convention at the Cow Palace in San Francisco. I decided to go back to my roots - the conservative principles of my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents; the conservative principles to which I have pledged my life as found in the life of Christ and the Christian church.
I am a conservative. No Christian can support or vote for anyone or anything in the Democrat Party philosophy – big, expanded collectivist government; homosexual advancement such as same-sex marriage; abortion; euthanasia; regressive taxation. I have given about everything I have to give to my country, I am a totally blind, 100% disabled, service-connected veteran. At 80 I still work every day and still pay more taxes each year than I ever thought I would make in money. I have behaved myself; worked hard. I do not use your jails, your schools, your libraries, your parks, your athletic and other facilities. I never got one minute of rehabilitation from V.A. and have had little government reimbursement for anything involving my service as a medical officer. I worked my way through eight years of professional university training. From poverty, I believe I did everything right and to this very hour, I continue to live a life of obedience in a world of deception.
I resent the fact that the “Reproductcons – Utopianism” Party has become such a disgrace to those of us who want to support it. The majority of the people of this state and nation, like me, are conservative, God-fearing, productive, hard-working patriots. They need leadership. The “looney-tunes” NRC has promoted dysfunction and disaster. We tried to drag such old horses as Dole and McCain across the finish line, knowing full well, in our full intelligence of what the adversaries would elect with such horrible consequences. (Surely if you can see, or hear, or think, you have an understanding of what is happening to the psyche of the responsible citizens.)
The truth is the truth whether anyone believes it or not. We do what we do because we believe what we believe. I believe, before I became totally blind, God wanted me to see the world with its many failures and very few successes. I have traveled through every continent. Since I could not see, I took in everything through my other senses. And, foolish me, I thought that people would be interested in my understanding of the world's politics. It did not take me long to find out no one cares. But, I care and I am sickened that this great nation is hell-bent toward a chasm of destruction. If an invading army had done to this country what Republicans, Christians, conservatives, patriots have allowed to happen, we would say, as I was told in every conquered country, “why did not someone in leadership stand up and fight?”
The veterans who were willing to wear the uniform to fight for their county on foreign soil should be ready to fight for their country here, at their front door. The Christian church, which has sent out 90% of the world's missionaries to bring the message of hope and love to a destitute world, should be willing to limit the destruction here. The conservative mothers and fathers who are trying to rear children in this time of increasing decadence, should be willing to put up a fence and draw a line which says “enough is enough.” A dying Republican Party should recognize that our industries – life support, health care, education, family values – instead of getting better are continually getting worse.
When the Republicans were in charge – White House, Senate, House of Representatives – they were foolish enough, and suicidal enough (with the failures and embarrassment of the two Bush presidents) to think they could spend and spree like Democrats, fool their base of support and instead of saving this democratic republic have made it difficult for any Republican to get elected. I own an office plaza and next to it another large office building in which the Obama headquarters was located during the recent election. Night and day, the parking lot was full of cars. These Democrats are organized. They got the big prize: White House, Senate, House, State and County offices. It has become a 'now or never' in the future of the Republican Party and the future of this democratic republic.
The Democrat Party knows the well known Communist Party dictum “the end justifies the means”. A good example, this responsible Republican, a veteran writer and caller on national talk shows has lived in the same house for over 40 years. Not once, in all that time, has the Republican Party ever sought to organize me in any political activity. I hear the same thing over and over. There are sixteen hundred Christian radio stations, there are hundreds of Christians active on the internet. There are thousands of patriotic veterans in every community, homeschooling parents – real Christian parents who want the best in education for their children – many have not given up on this country. I still believe there is a plurality of decency in this nation. When will the Republican leaders decide to lead instead of just stumble around from one failure to another?
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