One of the great visual delights of the world is to fly over a great city of the world at night and witness the lights such as Istanbul, Rio de Janeiro, Chicago and certainly New York City. When Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers and he was in the shackles of his slave masters (the very iron shackles which must have given him an immunity against sin) and the antigens which see him through a life, putting him near the top of God's heroes. He could probably see the lights of Hebron and his 17 year old heart must have been crushed. A City Upon a Hill was used by our blessed Lord in his Sermon on the Mount. The Sea of Galilee is perhaps the most famous body of water in the world. I have been around the sea several times, it is 39 miles long and about 17 miles wide. This mountain where the beatitudes was preached is near the sea. Christ was speaking to believers in this sermon: "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden." (Matthew 5:14).
The three great cultures in the history of the world. The Greek, in which we have so much literature. The Roman, in which we have so much history, and the American, in which have so much confusion. We are still a young culture, 230 years is a young country. In the past 70 years, the keyword has been “out”. Gays have come “out” of the closet. Religion has come “out” of the schools. Integrity has come “out” of government, servitude has come “out” of the Church. We bailout failure, give handouts to the lazy, shellout to our foreign enemies and generally speaking taxpayers are soldout.
The greatest spin-out in history is the attempt to convince everyone that we are physically sick. In this time of health care legislation, when 1/7th of the total revenues of this country will be spent on sick care, the government, the media, everyone, has convinced the public that we are all sick. There is no reason that anyone should be sick. God's word has given us a lifestyle, method of preventing illness, which if followed, would keep everyone well. Such diseases as diabetes and arthritis are unnecessary. We eat the wrong foods, enjoy bad habits, are prescribed exotic chemicals and expect “this greatest of God's creation” not to rebel at these toxins. The Jewish people, the Islamic people, Bible believers, know God's diet. It is beyond comprehension that one thinks he can eat the worst pork products (chitterlings, lungs, feet, etc.) and expect to stay well. More people die from overeating than die from starvation. With an increase in age, should be a decrease in the ingestion of food. Yet, I have known old people who just gorge themselves, can hardly wait for the next meal. On cruise and expedition ships, there are usually at least five big buffets a day. These elderly, overweight passengers were always in line gorging themselves as if it were “the Last Supper”. The eating of large portions of meat is the greatest stress a human being can put on the body's physiology. I hear of the size of steaks at steakhouses and can only surmise that the eater is a glutton. There is nothing more disgusting than a buffet.
Recently, a product of organic living told me she did not eat commercial apples because they had been sprayed with poisons. She evidently did not think the peelings, the most nutritious part of the apple, could be washed. Right after that, she lit up a cigarette. I told her, that I was reared on an eastern North Carolina tobacco farm. From the time the tobacco seed is put in the ground until the last leaves are harvested, the plant is poisoned every week. The sticky leaves (gum on the leaves) are put into the curing barn where the poison is baked into the leaves. It is in the tobacco leaves that you smoke in cigarettes, chew in chewing tobacco or smoke in smoking tobacco. 500,000 people die in America each year from the habit of smoking cigarettes. The FDA (Federal Drug Administration) is the greatest promoter of disease known to mankind, giving people the idea that we are all sick and they have approved the cure for our sickness. Those in white lab coats are always correct. This fraud President, Obama, made sure the “doctors” who are pushing his “sick” plan, all appeared with him in white clinic coats.
Vegetarians are the only human beings sensible in their eating habits. Next to vitamins B-12 and B-17 we get about all the vitamins and nourishment we need from vegetables. Cultures who eat fish are usually healthy. Every food entering the gullet should be well cooked.
The greatest evil to the diets of mankind has been the generic engineering and modification of plants and animals. Can you even imagine the foolishness of buying seedless grapes and then going to the health food store to get the benefits of grape seed? Potato peelings, as well as the outside of most vegetables and legumes, are a great source of health. Wild berries from the woods and ditch banks are healthy beyond words to describe.
The most dangerous substance known to man, as far as diet is concerned, is aspartame, synthetic sweeteners. We are stupid enough to pay employees in the public school who, supposedly, direct healthy eating for students. Can you even imagine the stupidity of having soft drink machines in the public schools, filled with aspartame and other synthetics, simply because the school officials would rather have the money put into the drink machines than healthy, vibrant students.
Politicians, like school board members, like school officials, like the pharmaceutical industry, like doctors, often even to my sorrow, like parents and preachers, will lead by deception. We are living in a world of deception. God is not mocked and you will not forever be fooled. You will reap what you sow, the light upon the hill still fights the darkness.
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